Using Miracle grow


Active Member
I just wanted to say that I can taste the MG when people use it. Maybe they did not flush or what ever, but I for sure can taste it.
Dude that could be because of any chemical used.
What you tasted was the result of salts
and chemicals built up in the plant that
were not properly flushed out.


Well-Known Member
I have used about every type of nutrient I have come across, with great results form every brand. If you have a problem with any nute company then you probably need to brush up on your skills. I am running cheap-ass Jungle Juice right now (which may very well be my favorite nutrients), but I have also used Miracle Grow (the general purpose powder) with results I certainly couldn't complain about. MG use chelated AND non-chelated nutrients/chemicals, meaning it contains time-released nutrients as well as chelated nutrients... chelated chemicals are instantly available for uptake by root systems.
Monitor your pH, don't feed every time you water, water only when the top of your soil becomes dry (or if growing hydro- change nutrient solutions on a schedule), don't skimp on lights/Sunlight and listen to your plants! Then you will be able to grow beautiful, lush, FAST-growing plants with ANY nutrients. I prefer cheap nutrients because I can do just as well on budget nutrients as most people do with very expensive nutrients... It's all about experience, research and being able to diagnose problems before they get out of hand.


Active Member
This is my first grow. I am using fox farm and my buddy running the mg potting soil. It seems to me the big difference is the mg has little pieces of bark that seem to make it extra dry after a few days of no water. We are both on the same nute feed and both same plant and size..