Using Radiator For Heat - Good or Bad?


I've got plants on a windowsill at the moment and had the radiator under the window running on medium for the day, trying to simulate a warm environment. Also attempted to germinate some seeds next to the plants in a wet paper towel, placed in an old butter tub about 10 hours ago. Just checked the tub and the wet paper towel was completely dry so it made me wonder if the radiator heat might be bad for the plants?


Plants like the same temperature as humans, so if you're are they!
But I wouldn't recommend putting them to close to a heat source,if you can't hold your hand near it then it's probably not good, and too much heat will stretch the plants.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Ambient room temps will be fine for germinating...I pop mine under a table lamp in the living room until they're going...


Well-Known Member
yep, and the paper towel should never dry out. Many put it in a zip lock bag to prevent that. Should be kept warm, like top of fridge, a wireless router, something that generates a bit of warmth.


Well-Known Member
The zip lock bag or a sandwich bag sealed is the way to go to hold the moisture in. As for temps it depends where you live but I don't imagine you sit in your living room in freezing conditions so ambient room temp should be fine. If you use a paper towel in a zip lock be sure to layer it and not soak it so much that the paper becomes one mush of paper, you want to be able to unfold it and take your seeds with tap root out easily without breaking them. If they root through all the paper you can just tear the paper and add it into what ever your potting them in. Keep them in a dark place when your popping seeds.

Good luck


Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated.

Also what about the plants themselves? Are they ok near the radiator or will it dry out the soil and plants?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated.

Also what about the plants themselves? Are they ok near the radiator or will it dry out the soil and plants?
Talking the plants now, what's room temp variance? Age, pot size, lighting, relative humidity all factors, one will question the need for a radiator otherwise