Vanilla Kush + Pineapple Chunk Grow


Active Member
This is my first small scale grow with 3 vanilla kush and 2 pineapple chunk plants being grown. i will update as frequent as possible to keep you guys up to date (hopefully every 2 days)

Equipment :
48x24x48 grow tent
2 Sunlight Vegging lights (T5's were out of stock at time)
600W Aerowing For Flowering
Canna Terra Nuts
15L pots
RVK 420m3 Fan
Prima klima carbon filter 480m3
Green LED :3
Other Essential thing

Vanilla Kush
Pineapple Chunk

4 Weeks Veg Time
9 Weeks Flowering Time

Here are the babies in water at the moment, I am having them in water for 2 days then putting them in a paper towl to germinate (left vanilla) (right pineappple)

* 25th aug Put my babies in paper towl now to finish off :)

*26th aug
Got pics of the tent setup here now , , That is the room setup, Here are the seeds i have to go away for a day or so and wouldnt be able to plant them till Tuesday afternoon if dont do the now, shall i do them now or wait another day and half which would make it 3 days there the seeds


Well-Known Member
Looks good! I wouldn't set a strict veg or flowering time. All plants grow at different rates, play day to day and let them hit a nice height for your space and then flower them. My first grow I was eager to get some buds on them and flowered way too early lol. It was an al right harvest but shit, a few more weeks and I could have a huge increase in yield. You're already in it for 14+ weeks, may as well go big and add a couple more.


Well-Known Member
This is my first small scale grow with 3 vanilla kush and 2 pineapple chunk plants being grown. i will update as frequent as possible to keep you guys up to date (hopefully every 2 days)

Equipment :
48x24x48 grow tent
2 Sunlight Vegging lights (T5's were out of stock at time)
600W Aerowing For Flowering
Canna Terra Nuts
15L pots
RVK 420m3 Fan
Prima klima carbon filter 480m3
Green LED :3
Other Essential thing

Vanilla Kush
Pineapple Chunk

4 Weeks Veg Time
9 Weeks Flowering Time

Here are the babies in water at the moment, I am having them in water for 2 days then putting them in a paper towl to germinate (left vanilla) (right pineappple)
Pray that you get the indica phenotype for the chunks or you will have a long bumpy ride. Also, even if you don't have the sativa type they both have stretch tendencies. Finishing up about 5 PC's in about 6 weeks best of luck with yours. I prolly wouldnt grow PC again a headache strain considering its genetics you would think it was a breeze.


Active Member
Looks good! I wouldn't set a strict veg or flowering time. All plants grow at different rates, play day to day and let them hit a nice height for your space and then flower them. My first grow I was eager to get some buds on them and flowered way too early lol. It was an al right harvest but shit, a few more weeks and I could have a huge increase in yield. You're already in it for 14+ weeks, may as well go big and add a couple more.
Yeah i dont have exact times they're just rough and also i dont want to veg too much because of the actual space in the tent its only 120cm high -pot height

Pray that you get the indica phenotype for the chunks or you will have a long bumpy ride. Also, even if you don't have the sativa type they both have stretch tendencies. Finishing up about 5 PC's in about 6 weeks best of luck with yours. I prolly wouldnt grow PC again a headache strain considering its genetics you would think it was a breeze.
I didnt think the pineapple would be THAT much of a problem could it go wrong if i grow the same length as the vanilla, they're both indica dom


Active Member
Updated main post with a question, i have to go away for a day or so and wouldnt be able to plant them till Tuesday afternoon if dont do the now, shall i do them now or wait another day and half which would make it 3 days sorry for the bad quality they've been in paper towl for juts over 24 hours now? enough or shall i wait till day 3?


Updated main post with a question, i have to go away for a day or so and wouldnt be able to plant them till Tuesday afternoon if dont do the now, shall i do them now or wait another day and half which would make it 3 days sorry for the bad quality they've been in paper towl for juts over 24 hours now? enough or shall i wait till day 3?
hi new on this site just a note please be carefull of vanilla kush mine grew very bushy and filled my tent good luck


Active Member
28th Aug - Removed babies from paper towl into small pots and gave them 400ml of water and 2.6 vega and 4 rhino nutes only one of the vanilla kush's stems wasn't so long the others looked perfect, am having 6am-11pm lighting (adjusted a little to make sure 18h :3) under sunmaster lamps just waiting to see if my babies spous out into a million oz's now Just planted and watered seeds Pots labled up and put into tent now being lighten (do the seeds need to be in sight of light? or is it ok if they're covered by soil?) Outside of my tent for last time with the carbon filter and fan

My temp is at 28-29oC which is 3 over the recommended, what would be the best way to lower this a bit because i know that the 600w's are gunna slice more heat in (but they're going to be aircooled systems) keep in mind my space and that i am on a limited budget please


New Member
im subbed ive grown barneys farms vanilla kush, and i have pineapple chunk seed just never grew it yet so ill watch yours and see hows it turns out


Active Member
*30Aug Update The pineapple chunk plants have popped out, the vanilla kush still waiting but its only been 2 days so hopefull they'll pop up soon, using Ph down to get to 6.8 ph of the water now and have sorted out the temp and humidity problem so everything should go to plan i hope


Active Member
Nice setup, I also grew pineapple chunk in a AEROPONIC system and stunted their growth by giving them too much nutes. They are very sensitive to nutes. Good luck on the rest of the grow!