Vanity Fair gets the chair for this video

btw i've decided i need to stop being so PC about people's sexuality.

it is still OK to be gay, but it is annoying as hell when it is obvious that someone is gay and they choose to pretend not to be, like choomer does.

example: mac in always sunny

you are gay, choomer. just accept it.
when are you going to admit that you are homosexual?
the rest of us know you are already
You should consider sharing this info with @ttystikk he appears to need some external motivation to get him out of his cage.
You've sullied yourself to come to politics? You know Buckold doesn't swing that way, so why?
Somewhere out there ...
there is a burly bro who will have his back - and subject him to the general torment he so craves.
Hark! The voice of experience!
That's understandable.
There's lots of other guys around here to choose from. Or Craigslist, Backpage or is there a bridge nearby? Check under it.
So you're another well seasoned traveler of the dirt road.
Me? I'm in the pink! ;)
btw i've decided i need to stop being so PC about people's sexuality.
it is still OK to be gay, but it is annoying as hell when it is obvious that someone is gay and they choose to pretend not to be, like choomer does.
example: mac in always sunny
you are gay, choomer. just accept it.
You hope. But I'm more than happy knowing I deny you what you crave from sheer lack of interest.
I wonder how many of the other posters here can say that?

@ttystikk used to be a compadre of yours, so did @Padawanbater2, and once they were shown what was going on behind the curtain they, since they seem to have morals, rejected a political affiliation that had once been something they championed and shared with you.
They didn't abandon all their other beliefs you seemed to have in common. Just one.

You and your companions, on the other hand, will take no pause in castigating, belittling, berating, etc. either of them at any chance you get, just because they are on the other side of a schism within a political party and the lawlessness that party had done in the name of "a better tomorrow" which stood against the very name and ideals of said party.
It doesn't matter what you try to build on a pile of shit, it always sinks to the lowest level, but you can't seem to see that.

People like that are no better than congresscritters, oligarchs, monarchy, or clergy,

They revel in the controlling others through violence while exempting themselves from the rules they impose and it gets proven over and over from the highest offices all the way down to here.

Now get out your TL;DR stamps and try to skew the topic towards your oh so demonstrative hate since if you take an outside view of what you have done and have an ounce of empathy or intelligence it might give you pause, though I doubt it.

All the quotes above are exactly why I still come here. :D

I just hate bullies and will do what I can to keep them from enjoying their favorite past time.

P.S. I'm screenshooting this one too.
It already worked getting this moved back from where it was "mysteriously" moved to and even if this "mysteriously" goes away, I'll know I posted it and at least one of you had to see it. ;)
You've sullied yourself to come to politics? You know Buckold doesn't swing that way, so why?

Hark! The voice of experience!

So you're another well seasoned traveler of the dirt road.
Me? I'm in the pink! ;)

You hope. But I'm more than happy knowing I deny you what you crave from sheer lack of interest.
I wonder how many of the other posters here can say that?

@ttystikk used to be a compadre of yours, so did @Padawanbater2, and once they were shown what was going on behind the curtain they, since they seem to have morals, rejected a political affiliation that had once been something they championed and shared with you.
They didn't abandon all their other beliefs you seemed to have in common. Just one.

You and your companions, on the other hand, will take no pause in castigating, belittling, berating, etc. either of them at any chance you get, just because they are on the other side of a schism within a political party and the lawlessness that party had done in the name of "a better tomorrow" which stood against the very name and ideals of said party.
It doesn't matter what you try to build on a pile of shit, it always sinks to the lowest level, but you can't seem to see that.

People like that are no better than congresscritters, oligarchs, monarchy, or clergy,

They revel in the controlling others through violence while exempting themselves from the rules they impose and it gets proven over and over from the highest offices all the way down to here.

Now get out your TL;DR stamps and try to skew the topic towards your oh so demonstrative hate since if you take an outside view of what you have done and have an ounce of empathy or intelligence it might give you pause, though I doubt it.

All the quotes above are exactly why I still come here. :D

I just hate bullies and will do what I can to keep them from enjoying their favorite past time.

P.S. I'm screenshooting this one too.
It already worked getting this moved back from where it was "mysteriously" moved to and even if this "mysteriously" goes away, I'll know I posted it and at least one of you had to see it. ;)
200w (9).gif
You've sullied yourself to come to politics? You know Buckold doesn't swing that way, so why?

Hark! The voice of experience!

So you're another well seasoned traveler of the dirt road.
Me? I'm in the pink! ;)

You hope. But I'm more than happy knowing I deny you what you crave from sheer lack of interest.
I wonder how many of the other posters here can say that?

@ttystikk used to be a compadre of yours, so did @Padawanbater2, and once they were shown what was going on behind the curtain they, since they seem to have morals, rejected a political affiliation that had once been something they championed and shared with you.
They didn't abandon all their other beliefs you seemed to have in common. Just one.

You and your companions, on the other hand, will take no pause in castigating, belittling, berating, etc. either of them at any chance you get, just because they are on the other side of a schism within a political party and the lawlessness that party had done in the name of "a better tomorrow" which stood against the very name and ideals of said party.
It doesn't matter what you try to build on a pile of shit, it always sinks to the lowest level, but you can't seem to see that.

People like that are no better than congresscritters, oligarchs, monarchy, or clergy,

They revel in the controlling others through violence while exempting themselves from the rules they impose and it gets proven over and over from the highest offices all the way down to here.

Now get out your TL;DR stamps and try to skew the topic towards your oh so demonstrative hate since if you take an outside view of what you have done and have an ounce of empathy or intelligence it might give you pause, though I doubt it.

All the quotes above are exactly why I still come here. :D

I just hate bullies and will do what I can to keep them from enjoying their favorite past time.

P.S. I'm screenshooting this one too.
It already worked getting this moved back from where it was "mysteriously" moved to and even if this "mysteriously" goes away, I'll know I posted it and at least one of you had to see it. ;)

You're back I see.

could you please fuck off back to politics?

We don't like you.
@ttystikk used to be a compadre of yours, so did @Padawanbater2, and once they were shown what was going on behind the curtain they, since they seem to have morals, rejected a political affiliation that had once been something they championed and shared with you.
They didn't abandon all their other beliefs you seemed to have in common. Just one.
What that showed me is that the people I actually previously believed to be progressive, weren't. They just pretended they were.. They're moderates. I'd actually classify many of them as pretty extreme moderates. They believe pushing a centrist political strategy will win when it comes to the votes despite nearly a decade of evidence showing the opposite. Somehow we bought into the propaganda even though we opposed Clinton strictly on a policy basis, and none of us as I remember were under any such illusion that the opposition was better; simply that "our candidate" sucked, too, and it was stupid of the party to promote her

What's funny is that when you ignore mainstream political labels and get down to the actual issues, someone like you and I can agree on many different things, even though we support opposing political views on nearly every issue. I think this basically comes down to the importance of being able to discuss opposing political beliefs in a civil way. This issue hits home with me on a personal level because politics is something I can't really talk about in a civil way with some of the people I have the closest relationships with in my personal life who happen to hold different political views. I wholeheartedly believe the way common people become so defensive about their personal politics is by design. Divide and conquer. So I believe it's really up to us to work to try to defeat that in order to reach the common ground each of us share (you and I being a good example of that) and educate society and actually pragmatically fight for the things we both know we need and each of our factions, along with the majority of Americans support.

Having said that, take the way the opposition argues; hate, bigotry, sexism, misogyny, condescension, dismissal, racism, etc. All the things they conveniently project, left or right, the common denominator being opposition against them

You and your companions, on the other hand, will take no pause in castigating, belittling, berating, etc. either of them at any chance you get, just because they are on the other side of a schism within a political party
They'll say it's also because we're racist/sexist/etc., that they collectively decided to agree with this strategy, when the reality is that many of them have repeatedly pleaded with progressives to "Get on the same page" with them and have assured us that "We can still be friends, you know.."..
and the lawlessness that party had done in the name of "a better tomorrow" which stood against the very name and ideals of said party.
Oh1 You posted a gif! (again)
What a perfect way to show you have nothing intelligent to say.
You're back I see.
could you please fuck off back to politics?
We don't like you.
I'm not your biggest fan either Blobby.
Did you ever wonder how a lowly member such as myself could toss this topic back and forth between completely different forums? I thought not.
Why not apply your vitriol towards a person with that ability and then maybe you and curious2glansscape can have your TnT fiefdom back. ;)
Oh1 You posted a gif! (again)
What a perfect way to show you have nothing intelligent to say.

I'm not your biggest fan either Blobby.
Did you ever wonder how a lowly member such as myself could toss this topic back and forth between completely different forums? I thought not.
Why not apply your vitriol towards a person with that ability and then maybe you and curious2glansscape can have your TnT fiefdom back. ;)

No, sorry.

The gif indicates YOU have nothing to say. You just jump around and bark a lot.

Be a good boy and we'll give you a treat.
Oh1 You posted a gif! (again)
What a perfect way to show you have nothing intelligent to say.

I'm not your biggest fan either Blobby.
Did you ever wonder how a lowly member such as myself could toss this topic back and forth between completely different forums? I thought not.
Why not apply your vitriol towards a person with that ability and then maybe you and curious2glansscape can have your TnT fiefdom back. ;)