Ursus marijanus
~snip~You know Buckold doesn't swing that way, so why?
Hark! The voice of experience!
So you're another well seasoned traveler of the dirt road.
Me? I'm in the pink!
It speaks volumes about you that you are simultaneously repelled and fascinated by homosexuality. It is equally illuminating that you think slyly calling someone gay constitutes an insult. It is that only to the profoundly repressed. I have declared my homosexuality on the forum, so why you imagine this would discomfit me is beyond reason.
The second tell is your overt misogyny. curious2glansscape? What does that mean, except that you hate females? Yet you defend Buck's alleged homosexuality against the incursions of those filthy women.
When you see a video of two men passionately kissing with open mouths, consider that uneasy quiver in your abdomen. Follow that feeling, because the truth shall set you free.
~edit~ ceterum censeo How did this hammered turd of a thread end up in T&T? It is plainly a Politics thread. Mods, please move it back.
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