Vaporizer - good / bad ??

When was 14, I used to shovel the driveway of a 90 year old woman that chain smoked Cost Cutter non filtered cigarettes. I think she lived like another 3 or 4 years after that. 93 is longer than the average life expectancy, why don't you start smoking Cost Cutters with no filter?
when you show me a smoker that lived to 120 that didn't have any serious ailments then I might take you seriously.

but the only thing this women had wrong with her was bad eyesight, she could still walk un-attended until what they seem to imply was the last few weeks of her life.
Show me proof that your lady lived that long because she smoke joints.

maybe you can derive such proof from the obvious evidence of cannabis and it's endless medicinal effects... such as anti-cancer, regulation of bone growth, regulation of many of our regular body functions, as well as brain cell protection and growth, antioxidant effects on all cells as THC, many other cannabinoids, as far as I know many terpenoids and flavanoids have been found to have an antioxidant effect.

they say we all have a cannabinoid deficiency from bad diet or whatever, and by smoking/ingesting cannabis daily we cure this deficiency... so yeah, I'm not gonna pull up hundreds of articles because they are pretty obviously there, has a nice summary of some of the more obvious medicinal effects... if you dig deeper you can find the shit I already talked about.

but honestly I'm not one to cite my sources 100%, I may do it 25% of the time, but the rest of the time I really don't care to prove myself to people who are far too doubtful for their own good. if you took what I said with a somewhat open mind and did a little bit of research yourself instead of attacking my knowledge, you might actually LEARN something.

but it's all good, I'm just gonna ignore you all now. I've said all I can.
Yo poplars I think its good you come in the vape threads and put your two bits in about your experience. But you can't argue people into believing that smoking is overall better for your health than vaping.

And why the smoke vs vape hate anyway. Why not use all methods. I like to vape as my main and throw joints and bowls in there to spice it up. Id eat it if I could cook

..and the michigan jab was low. the hell?
I dont understand how anybody could think smoking out of a bong is not bad for you... hahah. I guess, you have never taken a health class in college.
Michigan jab? Did I miss something?

yeah dude, i have a digi volcano, and i can tell you if i used that instead of my bong for a month, my smokers cough goes away. I only smoke ganja, and I do not smoke cigarettes. yeah, smoking anything is bad for you. smoking weed is not good for your lungs, I dont care what anyone would say, inhaling anything besides air is the exact opposite of what our lungs have been genetically made to do.
k ignore the effects smoked cannabis has on asthma...

I say your smokers cough is probably because you live in michigan and have no access to good quality organic cured chronic... and you likely have unhealthy smoking practices... YES there are safe ways to smoke... especially with cannabis as it does not damage the lungs, if anything if used with respect and properly, it has a protective effect on the lungs, keeping the bronchial tubes dilated, protecting from cancer...

but hey keep spouting your obvious pop-culture based nonsense. I'm good on listening and I will continue to try to sway the rest of the people who will potentially view this thread.

what I took as a jab..^

Maybe pops just had a bad vape. Im sure they are out there. Thats why I just went volcano, I never vaped before and didnt want to have a bad experience and swear off vaping altogether just because of a shitty vaporizer.

Or maybe it just didn't jive with him. 6 billion people in the world weve got some weird stuff. But to argue that vaporizing is like this new guy on the block only here as a scam artist with no benefits at all.... is fucking nuts.
Dude I know, i took it as a michigan JAB as well.. which is funny to say, I was born there, and lived in cali most my life, and my uncle grows tons of sticky in MI. It is there in bulk, trust me. They're a bunch of farmers...Also, it is legal in canada, which is just across the border from MI, you don't think they smoke good trees? that guy is a total newb to vaporizing and for some reason some idiot put the wrong idea in his head... it happens all the time..
Just got a Volcano (Analog) Still learning how to use it and how much to put in.
I thought the flavor was, well like sniffing a very fragrant flower.

And my bong? Hard to take a good hit, im tired of sucking butain into my lungs and unless 100% clean the flavor is that of resin hits.

Best of both worlds is to use the volcano and then roll a joint for the flavor if you wish, two out of three in the room took pipe hits after the vapor session so we could kind of compare.

Bongs it appears you have to suck so hard and the dirty flavor! Glass pipes get hot and burn your eye lids.

Tomorrow Im going to Kiester an 1/8th of pot up my ass. But im told you need to decarbolize it first and I cant figure out how because the lighter keeps burning my ass hairs.
Perhaps I should stick a joint back there and have a friend light it,

Then I realized this must be how the term "Blowing smoke up your ass" has come along??
well either way you're doing something wrong if you get a smokers cough from cannabis... I smoke every day atleast 4 -6 times daily with my zong bong.. ash catcher with a glass on glass diffuser... organic hemp wick, organic bud.

Blanket statement of the day right there.

"Just because I don't cough should mean that no one should cough, hu hu hu."
Tomorrow Im going to Kiester an 1/8th of pot up my ass. But im told you need to decarbolize it first and I cant figure out how because the lighter keeps burning my ass hairs.
Perhaps I should stick a joint back there and have a friend light it,

Then I realized this must be how the term "Blowing smoke up your ass" has come along??

Ha ha ha, best laugh of the day :)
I have recently purchased a vapo, from and went with the cheap one but now regret it. I see the volcano vap. but have never witnessed one in life. Does anybody here have any experiance on a volcano?, and if so is it really worth shooting out the extra clams?
I have recently purchased a vapo, from and went with the cheap one but now regret it. I see the volcano vap. but have never witnessed one in life. Does anybody here have any experiance on a volcano?, and if so is it really worth shooting out the extra clams?

the difference between a quality vape and a cheap one is the difference in heat between a bonfire and a match.

you Cannot compare the 2 fairly lol
I got a used volcano for $350.
Im going to say the build quality is way up there. I got the analog so no digital melt down.

Last night I was so high watching the blues brothers and we sould share a new fresh load of herb and two bags between two people.
Um, super fucking high, and super had munchies.

Just kept thinking crazy important shit then 10 seconds later I would forget.

Id go with a real proven volcano and get super medicated.

I am UNABLE to get high on a bong, makes me cough and the flavor is bad and I usually quit.

Hay im not 14 any more, bongs dont work! The labor involved in bong smoking, unless its a $300 bong it just stinks like an ash tray and if its not 100% clean its ashtray.

Im not impressed with the volcano FLAVOR. Mine is like a very fresh flower, kind of sweet.

But I really really am impressed about the effectiveness of the volcano in action, you have a filled bag and your going to get retarded before you even get back to your chair.
I can imagine this making lung issues because now Im effectively able to actually smoke 2 grams a day where before I could tolerate perhaps half a gram before I had to soak the stem in alcohol because it had clogged or grossed out or water spilling or broken.

Plus im eating way more and sleeping like a little kid!

Bongs are great but when you get a bit older the extra work blows.
When you say he cant smoke is it because he doesnt have the skill? Sounds funny I know, but a friend of mine had recently picked up toking and being that he has never smoked anything in his life its damn near impossible to get him to smoke anything properly. He cant do joints, pipes or bongs for that matter. I know it sounds silly but he just doesnt have what it takes to get a proper hit, inhale etc. So we picked him up a $70 easy vape that just seemed like way more hassle than it was worth. Granted it might just be that model, but I was less than impressed with it. At any rate, I ended up making him a gravity bong from a 2 liter bottle and he hasnt looked back! Its easy to use, he lights it and pulls his finger to drain the water and sucks at will once its fill of smoke. Its one bong you really cant fuck up lol. Good luck with your friend though.
6 pages and nobody mentioned the Iolite???? I love this little thing. No batteries and runs on butane. In fact, I had a nice smoke session inside Round Table last week. SSSSSHHHHHHH Nobody knew.
