Variety Grow - Perpetual, "Mini" ScrOG's, DWC in a Cabinet (First Timer)


Well-Known Member
Girls are bouncing back nicely bro!! Good catch, they are thanking you right now!
did you pull the screen out, or are those different girls?


Active Member
As you can see the Christmas spirit remains strong in my household! :D

It's been sitting here since the day after new years. No roots but it's still drinking, not dropping needles and alive while all the other trees are compost! Until I need to steal back my air pump, this tree is gonna keep going!



As you can see the Christmas spirit remains strong in my household! :D

It's been sitting here since the day after new years. No roots but it's still drinking, not dropping needles and alive while all the other trees are compost! Until I need to steal back my air pump, this tree is gonna keep going!

hahahaha keep that going!
sorry to tell you your not very good at this i do better with a clone and a peat pellet you are trying to do to much for a little ass clipping.


Active Member
It's been a couple of days since the last update and I've been busy! The girls continue to grow, slowly. The day after my water change my pH levels started spiking up to 6.4 and I'd bring it back down to 6.0. On the second day, I noticed mild odor coming from the water and it was a bit cloudy. My thinking is that I didn't clean things up as well as I should have. I wasn't prepared to do another water change so I gave them a shot of H2O2 and adjusted the pH. Two days later, the smell is gone, the water is clearer and pH is 5.9. Whew.

OK. I've been running around shopping for parts for my plenum design and it's now underway.

Here's some before shots of the back before the big tear down.

I've taken down all the PVC in the back because I'll need very little of it once the redesign is done.

I've also reconfigured the exhaust fans and they are now mounted directly to the cabinet as I move to a KISS concept.

And here's the back of the cab waiting for something new.

$15 worth of PVC and I now have a frame for my plenum. There will be two separate chambers inside the plenum with the larger one being the intake and the smaller for exhaust.

A couple of 3/4" pipe clamps and it's mounted to the back of the cabinet. This is really light!!

Here we dry fitting the foam panels. I got to this point last night and crapped out. Time to get back to work.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit you have some skill building shit
Yeah he does, and did you see that shit with him bringing 4 plants back to life from the brink of death!! Very few growers would have tried that, but it makes him a "BETTER GROWER" than most in the end.

I hope you can leave your abrupt rudeness at the login page and enjoy this thread with the rest of us :D


Active Member
Moving on. :peace:

I ran out of foam so I need to get one more sheet. In the mean time I've re-run the exhausts. This shot is from the inflow side showing ducting all exhausts to the far side.

All 3 exhausts are grouped together in the exhaust side. I'll install a foam partition along inside vertical PVC column.

A shot of the intake side showing the two intakes one for the cab and one for the cool tube (passive).

Now back to get more foam board. Once this is all together I'll experiment with different methods for trapping light between the three cabinets. I'm thinking the most effective will be to create Panda Film drapes. This should keep airflow moving while keeping light away! See how much cleaner this set up is and it will be tons easier to maintain. And the final benefit is there is only one way for air to go in and I'll have a standard HVAC filter in front to keep bugs out because this completely seals the cabinet!