Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Yes! B.B.B. I have heard this before. I love music! I was born in '82, but I was a Break-Beat/Drum n Bass/Hip-Hop DJ from 2001-2009. So i know alot of music from all around the world. To me music is a universal language! Funny story:The first time I ever heard MC Hammer I was either 8 or 9 years old. I was on a vacation/holiday to London England to stay with family friends for two weeks. The neighbor kids were about my age, maybe a year or two older, but they put a cassette tape in the "boom box", and it was like nothing i had heard before! I was hooked! I had always loved music, but "what is this high energy, rhythmic music I am hearing?". That really started my love of Hip-Hop style music. The funny part is MC Hammer is a U.S. artist that I heard first in England. After that I was hooked. My mom had tried to shelter me from what she called "gang music". Lol little did she know after I discovered MC Hammer, I was introduced to "N.W.A." and "Public Enemy", 2 Live Crew ect...Then came the most influential album to me as far as hip-hop goes "The Chronic". The original. That is my favorite '90s hip hop album. I miss DJing. Trying to update equipment and teach my music loving daughter how to mix records and scratch ect. So expensive for club quality equipment. One console at a time. (My ex-wife destroyed my old equipment worth $12,000.00 US dollars. So I must start over. They don't even make Technics Decks anymore! Have to buy used, or remanufactured. Anyway I love music. Thanks for sharing. Love to hear what is popular now in the club's and discotec's music currently popular with youth. Love to hear more!

Bro is a common story, my wife hates rap too, and would probably also break a computer if she could. You have a very temperamental ex-wife. Very desperate act. My wife also calls it “dirty music,” but I had difficulty, but still managed to convince her for 20 years, that this has a deep meaning. She began to listen sometimes .. She had some favorite songs even.)))
Yes, Bro, it was MC Hummer "I can not touch this." I also began my acquaintance with Hip-Hop culture with such artists as Ice MC, Vanilla Ice, Snap, Midi Maxi .. I immediately have touching memories of my childhood .. first Love))), unlimited happiness ... These groups were very popular in the school at the disco in the early 90s. It was not a serious and funny pop rap, as I recall, but everyone liked it and we danced.)))

Won't play. Says blocked in USA because of copyright laws.
copyright in your us is much more serious.

Don got a bad deal from the Eagles, that sucked!

Bro, I don't know who Don is, unfortunately.

This team was also very popular in the СССР. Recently my classmate came from the USA who eminated with her parents in the USA in the early 90s. We were in a team sitting at a table, drinking, on the radio or TV, the song "Hotel California." And she said that the Hotel California is a prison-type clinic for drug addicts. I did not believe her then. I thought that she drank a lot and fantasized.))) There is no hint of prison in the song. Then I read later on the internet .. maybe she was right .. Bro, you don't know what the "Hotel California is." what is so kindly inviting to visit?
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Don Felder, he is the one in the pic with the twin neck guitar. He was booted from the band, but when they did the Hell Freezes Over tour, they ask him back but did not split the proceeds from the tour, they only paid him as a contract player. That sucked.

I spent my 64th birthday at Hotel California in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur.
Had booked the room months in advance but when I arrived they said that someone had called an told them it was my Bday, so the gave me an upgrade. Beautiful room with large patio on second floor with a view of the Pacific and overlooked the courtyard of the hotels restaurant.
It was a great Bday!

And no it is not a prison clinic!
I thought it was about a rehab centre to. " But they just cant just kill the beast... You can checkout anytime you like but you can never leave"

Interesting read

Despite popular belief, the Eagles turned down all the theories. They have confirmed that “Hotel California” actually has nothing to do with Satanism, psychiatric hospitals, or cocaine addictions. The hit song is actually an interesting examination. It focuses on the pitfalls of living within Southern California in the tumultuous 1970s.


The Eagles in 2008

The song is written by Don Felder, Glenn Frey, and Don Henley of the Eagles. The “Hotel California” lyrics meaning focuses on the excessive materialism of California. However, it also hints at the same situation across the nation in the 1970s. Back in 2007, in an interview with the London Daily Mail, Don Henley approached the issue. He disproved the wilder interpretations as mere figments of the overactive public imagination. Instead, it’s all about the “uneasy balance between art and commerce.” The song was actually the Grammy winner for Record of the Year in 1977. “Hotel California” was merely the band’s interpretation of the high life in California."
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Don Felder, he is the one in the pic with the twin neck guitar. He was booted from the band, but when they did the Hell Freezes Over tour, they ask him back but did not split the proceeds from the tour, they only paid him as a contract player. That sucked.
This is a common thing. I do not know of a single musical group that has been on stage for a long time, in which quarrels and scandals would not occur. They fall apart. Then, over the years, old songs again gather and sing, as if nothing had happened. Also, as in life and human relationships, everything is not so smooth.
I spent my 64th birthday at Hotel California in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur.
Had booked the room months in advance but when I arrived they said that someone had called an told them it was my Bday, so the gave me an upgrade. Beautiful room with large patio on second floor with a view of the Pacific and overlooked the courtyard of the hotels restaurant.
It was a great Bday!
Ocean. I have never seen the ocean .. only the sea. At sea, the waves are not for surfing, small waves.)) And the sharks will not attack.)) They are also small at sea.))
I think that hotels in California are among the best in the world. California is currently the center of world culture.

I thought it was about a rehab centre to. " But they just cant just kill the beast... You can checkout anytime you like but you can never leave"
Yes, something like that she said then.

It is very hard for me to judge this. Because if this is a philosophy, then I need to know the language in detail and the subtleties of mentality. I tried to understand this song in my own way now, it seemed to me that it’s about a place that accepts you, you have fun, and when you want to leave, this place does not let you go.

This metaphor can mean both addiction to drugs, and sweet embrace of vice. It all depends on what the author himself wanted to invest in it. What prompted him to write this song, what specific reason.
Real art or philosophy is good, which gives not specific information, but information for consideration. It pushes certain thoughts, makes you think about the main thing.
Now I will tell you about the lamps that we collect from high-quality OSRAM diodes.


Pay attention to how much the spectrum in our lamps and fixtures from cheap Chinese diodes. Light more lively, more natural


And most importantly: in those two Carlson 800 watts. And one unit consisting of three strips on the left, less than 300 watts of power consumption. Almost three times the power savings.

The work of my friend and colleagues from Moscow
Now I will tell you about the lamps that we collect from high-quality OSRAM diodes.

View attachment 4245561

Pay attention to how much the spectrum in our lamps and fixtures from cheap Chinese diodes. Light more lively, more natural

View attachment 4245562

And most importantly: in those two Carlson 800 watts. And one unit consisting of three strips on the left, less than 300 watts of power consumption. Almost three times the power savings.

View attachment 4245564
The work of my friend and colleagues from Moscow
What is your overall impression of the performance of the LED in your flowering silo vs your traditional lamps this far into the grow cycle?
Fabric bags there Mr S. Nice looking plants.


I am not a huge "metal-head" (somone who loves 200+beat per minute heavy metal), but i grew up on Metallica and will always love their misic. Great song too!

In the second half of the 80s, when the iron curtain began to fall, rock music, or rather heavy music, was very popular in the USSR. Groupings of the so-called "metal-head" began to appear. They were dressed in leather jackets, jackets all in rivets and metal pieces of different, large chains around their necks. On the fingers- the rings with the image of the skull. They grew long hair, they wanted to be like those Western musicians who were jumping around on stage on TV. These groups were aggressive, the police were very difficult to deal with them. It was at that time that the policemen were allowed to wear pistols first, a little later, they were allowed to carry clubs. Before that, an ordinary cop wore only a whistle and a walkie-talkie on duty. Just imagine, in the country "democracy", "freedom from the red plague", and for some reason, the police are arming, people become aggressive and uncontrollable.


As for the "Metallica" group, it was so popular in the USSR that it became a household name. The townsfolk, when they heard any heavy music, said: Wow is Metallica.))

Heavy Metal Rock is Metallica.))

What is your overall impression of the performance of the LED in your flowering silo vs your traditional lamps this far into the grow cycle?

As for me, I can only say for sure about this lamp during the vegetative period. If we compare this lamp with a sodium lamp on a vega, then, as the Russians say, this is earth and sky. You will not believe, but for Vega, for my installation 150 Watts is enough (the power of my lamp in "Vega" mode) of a quality LED .. It's hard to believe, but it's true!

What will happen on the bloom, you will see with your own eyes, here, in real time.

As for my opinion now, I was very impressed by the lamp, especially in the spectrum. It seems natural, but if I look at it for a while, it cuts my eyes, as if from a welding machine. When I turn on both 150 watts LED and 105 watts luminescent at the same time, the lighting of the luminiscent is almost negligible !!!
Death takes the most beloved , as a sect
Leaving us and avenues of the city .
Motivates you that you do not drown ,
This dull ache like a dope.
Deserted quiet night put everything in place
My restless crumpled syllable.
I will never forget the good people , no.
And let myself be closed on the lock.
I lived differently but Chemi we become?
People cling to money and fun.
Friendship breaks the cleanest drug
Remember Brother! It will spoil you ! Exactly!
Destiny break women you want.
Close your eyes and try it, for God's sake ,
It's not spoil it!

I look forward to when I wake up ...
I wake my ,
I was waiting for you .
Where have you been all these years?
Young and drunk - it's a bad movie.
Minutes are so expensive , but I can slow down , look!
Pauses , like in the movies .
I have to understand something, seeing as melting sunset over the world ,
Notice your sad look .
Weightless world of words , very stupid people .
They are blind exactly a lifetime
But before leaving they grab his lips as fish
Air melt winter.
Beside me, burn and fade
And these pure tears yes unless
I shore word for the last day ,
My God is inside of me !
[ I first opened this book ,
I was looking into it infinity
God is within me ,
But my god it does not cure . ]

Look into my eyes , Neva .
I love only your shoulders ,
I want to hug you first.
The first is always easier .
Talk about their world,
So I need my time
Under a myriad of stars
Stay ...

turn on the music and parallel video you will understand everything yourself

Russian bear attacks- Ukrainian guys are dying- this could be my son !!! who is guilty!!!!????

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