Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Yeha I keep busy growing weed.
Quit smoking cigarettes too, so feeling a bit healthier these days.
My grow is expanding, and growing costs money, but I remembered your drippers.
And it seems like a better compromise than having to mix a fresh reservoir every day to avoid the quality of the feed going down as the plants get watered over days. I will likely do coco, it is easier to clean up than soil, hydro is working out quite expensive, nutrient wise.
Yes, you are right, you should not keep the solution in the tank for a long time. Both PH and PPM change over time. If the tank is nonhermitic, then the water evaporates, some fertilizers precipitate, this concerns for the most part organic matter.

Bro, and what is your temperature outside?

I dream of warmth. We have a minus on the street, and the heating in the apartment was not turned on. This government hardens us so, cultivates immunity to diseases in this way. They take care of our health.))) But my wife was weak to withstand the cold and got sick with a cold.))))

That's how we live.)))

How are you doing in the city of Pingivins?))) Is spring already full?
IMG_20181027_092526s.jpg It is about 40C outside today. 42 Expected tomorrow.
We did our morning excursion nice and early... I took this fun pic earlier today.
A melancholy time! So charming to the eye!
Your beauty in its parting pleases me -
I love the lavish withering of nature,
The gold and scarlet raiment of the woods,
The crisp wind rustling o'er their threshold,
The sky engulfed by tides of rippled gloom,
The sun's scarce rays, approaching frosts,
And gray-haired winter threatening from afar.


working quarter on the outskirts of Kharkov. Simple people live here ...
we are living..
Yes, Братан, so we live. There is a president is king!

Russia is the richest country in the world, due to the deposits of huge natural resources. Whose property is this ?! King of course !! Fact!

There is his retinue, confidants and lackeys. All the assets of the country belong to a handful of these people. This is about 2-3% of the population. This is the highest class. We have no middle class!!!

The remaining 97–98% are their slaves. These people are in constant concern about how to feed themselves, dress, pay for utility services, pay doctors, pay for the education of children, in fact, base desires. These people turned into robots, because everyday need gradually reduces the mind. Salary is scanty. The only way to earn more wages is to steal it at work or to cheat if you are a seller, for example. Most people do it, otherwise you will not live. Therefore, you can not trust anyone, everyone can fool you with a smile on his face. Therefore: the quality of products on the shelves is low (re-grading, wrong weight, expired products). The quality of service is very low and of poor quality (if you repair the car in service, then you will be deceived and slipped the old part instead of the new one, or the Chinese part instead of the brand)Therefore: the quality of products on the shelves is low (re-grading, wrong weight, expired products). The quality of service is very low and of poor quality (if you repair the car in service, then you will be deceived and slipped the old part instead of the new one, or the Chinese part instead of the brand)

I am now talking about both Russia and Ukraine. Our systems are absolutely the same !! Now imagine who will let such a country into the European Union ?? !!! The only weighty argument for the people, during the "Maidan", was that they promised that Ukraine would join the European Union immediately !! It was apiori .. metaphysical, if you want, a lie !! Fact!

Another fact: during the USSR (70-80- what I remember), any person from the village could come to any city of the USSR .. any !!! If he possessed some kind of knowledge and intelligence, then he could enroll in any university of this city, or any other educational institution. If he successfully passed the exams, he was allocated a room in a student dormitory for free. He was awarded a scholarship. After graduation, listen carefully: the government, based on your abilities, found you a job !!! though it could not be in this city. My mother studied at the University of Economics in Kiev, and she was assigned to work in Zaporizhia. And again: the government allocated to my mother a room in a dormitory near the plant. After five years of work, my mother was promoted. She was given a more responsible position and transferred to the Kharkov Aviation Plant. Also, the government allocated a FREE one-room apartment to her, where I was born and spent my happy childhood. All my troubles began with the collapse of the USSR, and do not end until now ....

Bro, I am a discreet person in this regard, because I don’t want to let demons into my soul .... But I’ll say all the same: when you come to Kharkov and go out on a busy street at rush hour, then you will run up your eyes. When I visited France once a long time ago, I was stunned .. I will not continue, so as not to offend anyone.)))

I am not a breeder, I do not understand much about it, Bro))) My head will boil, if I’m still going to delve into it.))) Therefore, I’m afraid to pile up nonsense.))) My friends are doing it. All communicate exchange experience and material. I know that there is genetics from Uzbekistan, from India, and from your edges there is also something. These are all hybrids. A couple of years ago, they sent me Landlace from Greece ...

Glad to see you, My Friend!!!

Where had you been?

I remember you recently!!))

I get about 20 liters of water or fertilizer / 200 liters of soil at a time. Dripping around for 2 hours.
A couple things I wanted to ask you. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I am just curious what you think needs to happen to fix the economy's of our motherlands? You are in Kharkiv, so that is eastern, North eastern Ukraine. Do you feel Ukraine would be better off as part of Russia again? Or at least Crimea? Or should Ukraine stand alone and continue holding back Russian invasion to Crimea using Asov Battalion and Ukrainian military? I am not informed enough to fully understand. You can't trust news sources American or foreign. I would rather hear the facts from someone who is there. Is it safe for me to visit a big city like Kharkov or Odessa? What about at night at the clubs/discoteks? I would love to find a nice Ukrainian/Russian girl to share my adventures with. Also to undilute the Russian blood. I am only about half Ukrainian. The other half is Welsh and German. Anyway, i was going to say, i have access to almost any strain you would ever want to grow (Being it is legal). I could mail seeds to you. I could also send a extremely small culture alive in the mail. Lots of ways to share strains. I have Kali Mist, Blueberry Kush, two phenotypes of OG Kush, and a strain called "Green Ribbon" which is a cross between Green Crack × Afghan (heavy yields, making concentrates.) I have mothers of the strains I just listed. The rest I would have to buy from the store in seed form. I also have extra equipment. We can work together in many ways if you want to. Sorry if I ask a lot of questions about Ukraine. It is because I have a lot of pride where my roots lie. I want "facts" from a friend who currently lives in Ukraine. Thank you for your patience. My grandmother and aunts are very good at making Ukrainian Easter eggs. Amazing, the patience and talent that goes onto it. Most of my family from Ukraine lives in the state of North Dakota on the original homestead property they bought in early 1900s. I went on a family reunion there about 20 years ago. I got to learn much more about our culture. Traditional music, dancing, decor. Ect. I missed the last reunion 10 years ago. I was in the middle of a heroin addiction, I have since been sober. I just smoke cannabis now. I missed a lot because of drugs. I'm 36 now. Wasted time. My last name is Basaraba. Different people in my family pronounce it differently...i say like boss-a-rob-a. Some say like bass-a-rabb-a. Idk. Now I'm rambling. Sorry. I'm really stoned. No work today. Do you prefer an indica high or a sativa high? I have access to many strains. Sativas would do better in a vert garden of your design i think. Grow taller/bigger. What do you think....?
A melancholy time! So charming to the eye!
Your beauty in its parting pleases me -
I love the lavish withering of nature,
The gold and scarlet raiment of the woods,
The crisp wind rustling o'er their threshold,
The sky engulfed by tides of rippled gloom,
The sun's scarce rays, approaching frosts,
And gray-haired winter threatening from afar.


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working quarter on the outskirts of Kharkov. Simple people live here ...
View attachment 4222500
we are living..
View attachment 4222499
A melancholy time! So charming to the eye!
Your beauty in its parting pleases me -
I love the lavish withering of nature,
The gold and scarlet raiment of the woods,
The crisp wind rustling o'er their threshold,
The sky engulfed by tides of rippled gloom,
The sun's scarce rays, approaching frosts,
And gray-haired winter threatening from afar.


View attachment 4222493 View attachment 4222494 View attachment 4222495 View attachment 4222496 View attachment 4222497 View attachment 4222498
working quarter on the outskirts of Kharkov. Simple people live here ...
View attachment 4222500
we are living..
View attachment 4222499
Kharkiv looks like a beautiful city. By any standard. I live in Seattle WA. Pretend I am a Ukrainian citizen, and I grow 10 plants in my basement. Say I have an asshole neighbor that smells my crop, then they report me to Ukraine drug enforcement or whoever. Will they kick my door down and arrest me? Can I pay them off? How does that work in Ukraine? You don't have to answer. I'm curious by nature. I can't help it. Here it depends on which one of the 50 different states I live in. There are still many places in the USA that I can have 10 little plants in my basement, and have my door kicked in. Here in WA, people (mostly asians) are growing large amounts without any kind of license. The police wait, collect more and more information.....then BAM! The police/DEA are raiding their house, usually along with other houses they linked to these familys of (asian) growers. They grow large ammounts where the laws are more easy going. Then they drive it across country to states where it is still illegal and get 3 × as much per Kilo. Or more. These grows are getting taken down. I have a licence that says I can grow 15 plants, but that includes mothers, and basically anything with roots. I'm 36 w/3 kids, so I keep everything legal. That is why I like your 1 square meter (aprox.) footprint. I can keep my plant numbers low, electric bill low, and still grow enough for myself and my family to have medicine to still make my concentrates and have flower to smoke as well without a huge room and lots of lights and fans everywhere. Thank you for everything
A couple things I wanted to ask you. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I am just curious what you think needs to happen to fix the economy's of our motherlands?

Bro, do not need palace etiquette.))) I will answer you all the questions!

To save Ukraine you will need an ordinary miracle! )) As far as we know that miracles do not happen.)))

Nothing will help, it's too late! I can only dream up and tell you what to do if I were given such an opportunity: To fix the economy, we need a full reset-default. Impeach the government. Open trial in the Hague ... no, better in Nuremberg, where all the organizers and participants of the economic and political sabotage called "Maidan" will be brought to justice. I am talking about all the participants and organizers, not only representatives of the Ukrainian side. It does not matter who he is and what post he occupies in his country. Judging these people ... or rather, bad people according to all the rules of an international court for crimes against humanity. They did more harm to people a thousand times than Hussein, who simply defended his country!

The sentence must be unequivocal for everyone! To confiscate their property, from all the Swiss banks to pick up the tens of billions that they stole, more precisely, they washed through the pseudo-help of the European Bank their fee for the successful operation of some special services. After the country will be cleared of filth, namely, officials at all levels, it is necessary to sit down hard for a possible temptation for people who will come in their place. Impose the death penalty for a bribe, for the use of official position for personal gain, for financial fraud on a large scale, for non-payment of taxes. To deprive officials of privileges. And I am sure that those who are waiting for profits from the government will not go to these places, but those who will create and build will go. Further I will tell specifically about my city. Since Soviet times in Kharkov, a huge industrial potential has been concentrated. Take, for example, the Turbo Atom, Kharkov Tractor Plant, Kharkov Aviation Plant, Malyshev Plant. What can they produce? Take at least Mriya's plane, you will immediately understand the potential of these plants. Now at these plants chaos and devastation. Working for months do not receive a salary, there is no production !!! Investments and competent managers are needed. I would invite managers from abroad, as Peter the Great did. Immediately there are jobs with high wages. Unemployment and need disappears, people are happy! But this does not happen, because all the officials are busy plundering the country, they do not care about factories and unemployment. Police robbing people and selling drugs, judges judge only those who have no money, at universities, if you don’t bribe, you can’t pass the Lobachevsky exam !! In the hospital, if you don’t give the doctor money, you will die in torment in the same hospital, no one will help you !! We have no insurance medicine !!! What will help or who will help ... It will help a person who will live for the sake of an idea, and not for the sake of vested interests .. There are now in nature !! ?? No such in nature !! No one will help !!!

You are in Kharkiv, so that is eastern, North eastern Ukraine. Do you feel Ukraine would be better off as part of Russia again? Or at least Crimea?

We are completely dependent on Russia for gas. Now there is no heating in the apartments because there is no gas in the country. We are fully tied to Russia economically, we are completely tied to Russia mentally and socially. Yes, my Friend, this is the best option now that Ukraine will be able to stabilize is the accession of all Ukraine to Russia ..But Russians are very angry with us for treason !! They will not forgive us for this soon !!
At the moment, economic chaos is approaching Ukraine. I think this winter will be very dark and difficult for us !!! I have a bad feeling about something!

Or should Ukraine stand alone and continue holding back Russian invasion to Crimea using Asov Battalion and Ukrainian military?

)))) No one ever restrained anyone, Bro.))) I predicted this denouement a few years ago. Here, I also wrote about it .. Some special services organized a coup in one banana republic in order to destabilize the economic and political situation in the neighboring competing country.Also strengthen your influence in this region. Because that country is annoying that a competitor’s country is gaining momentum and is gradually pushing it out of the market.

Crimea, Putin chose to ensure that the NATO Bloc ships did not enter the Black Sea and did not begin to raid near the Russian flotilla! DNR is a buffer! In order to get close to Russia, you need to go through the DNR, and what will happen there, Russia is not to blame for this, the DNR is to blame. Russia is hiding behind the DNR like a shield. If it is necessary, Putin will drive all his army and nuclear missiles into the DNR and will say that he has nothing to do with it, there are no Russian troops there; this is a provocation.)))

All these clashes that are happening now at the borders are an artificial destabilization in the region. Putin wants Ukraine not to relax !! Everything is very simple here- I could see it and understand it already from the moment it began.

Is it safe for me to visit a big city like Kharkov or Odessa? What about at night at the clubs/discoteks?

Bro, don't make me laugh.))) What does it mean to be safe?))) Unless, if you gape, a polar bear can attack you on the street, you need to be alert. And another thing: if you are going on a trip to Ukraine, do not forget to take your Colt 38 with you, and preferably two, to participate in duels near Saloon (club / disco).

Odessa and Kharkov are a bit different. Odessa is a resort city. Kharkov is industrial. It is better to rest in Odessa, but after the Crimea was taken from Ukraine and almost deprived of the sea, Odessa is very crowded during the season. Odessa has a good architecture. When Catherine the Great conquered the Crimea from the Turks in the 18th century, she invited the French architect Duke Reschilier. He built Odessa on a wasteland practically. All the buildings in the center are old-style and the streets are strictly symmetrical.

Kharkiv is a more powerful and advanced city, a more scientific city. Clubs are expensive, there are not very good, there are elite ones, there are private ones. We have enough clubs, Bro.)) In the center there are shiny cars coming to the clubs, they are racing.))) There, if you know someone, you can buy ecstasy or powder if you do not know, then analgin and powdered sugar))) Everything is like everywhere.))) If you do not behave defiantly and run up, then no one will touch you, you can not worry about it. Just like in your club. There are a lot of foreigners and students from different countries in the city. There is no Nazism if you don’t touch politics between Ukraine and Russia.

But in order to see and be imbued with the spirit of Ukraine, I advise you to visit Kiev. This is a very ancient city. Once upon a time Moscow was not the capital for a long time, but Kiev. Very beautiful city with very cultural and welcoming inhabitants.

I would love to find a nice Ukrainian/Russian girl to share my adventures with.

You will find this simply.))) If you also have chorism, then there is a girl. who wants to go with you to the USA.
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I could mail seeds to you. I could also send a extremely small culture alive in the mail. Lots of ways to share strains. I have Kali Mist, Blueberry Kush, two phenotypes of OG Kush, and a strain called "Green Ribbon" which is a cross between Green Crack × Afghan (heavy yields, making concentrates.)

Bro, I will be very grateful, and I hope that I can also please you with something!

Come on in a personal letter just OK?

Sativas would do better in a vert garden of your design i think. Grow taller/bigger. What do you think....?

Yes, the last time I had a huge sativa in the installation, but she died, unfortunately.)) Sativa is better, because more-faster fill the space!

I was in the middle of a heroin addiction

It's terrible, Bro, I knew such people and wonder how you did it !!! It is so difficult .. very difficult !! You are a strong-willed person !! Keep it up!!

My last name is Basaraba.

My son had a classmate with the last name Basaraba. Do you know what I mean?)))

The truth has nothing to do with the boss))), from Bessarabia, the historical region in southeastern Europe between the Black Sea and the Danube, Prut and Dniester rivers. Besarab / Basarab resident of Bessarabia.

Pretend I am a Ukrainian citizen, and I grow 10 plants in my basement. Say I have an asshole neighbor that smells my crop, then they report me to Ukraine drug enforcement or whoever. Will they kick my door down and arrest me? Can I pay them off? How does that work in Ukraine?

In fact, the plants, until they are released, are not a drug. up to 12 plants, if not mistaken, administrative punishment. If not dried !!! But this is theoretically.)) Yes, it is possible that neighbors will smell the smell and call the cops. No, they will not break the door; the FBI is breaking it.))) They act smarter. Take you to the development. Set for you outdoor surveillance. Make sure that you grow. Waiting for you near the door when you come home. Tumble into the house with you. In 99 cases out of a hundred, they come without a judge's sanction to search, but it doesn’t matter already, they caught you red-handed and came specifically to demand a bribe from you. If you are polite to them, they are also polite; this is their business !! If you have $ 2000 in your pocket (Kharkiv tax, more expensive in Kiev),then you can be absolutely calm, they will shake hands with you and those who bow out retire, even leaving the plants for you, but they need to be destroyed, because others may come tomorrow. If you have no money and you provide resistance, then you will be beaten and you will find anything, even heroin! Then the court and the prison for 2 years for use and storage, 5. if you trade.
Bro, do not need palace etiquette.))) I will answer you all the questions!

To save Ukraine you will need an ordinary miracle! )) As far as we know that miracles do not happen.)))

Nothing will help, it's too late! I can only dream up and tell you what to do if I were given such an opportunity: To fix the economy, we need a full reset-default. Impeach the government. Open trial in the Hague ... no, better in Nuremberg, where all the organizers and participants of the economic and political sabotage called "Maidan" will be brought to justice. I am talking about all the participants and organizers, not only representatives of the Ukrainian side. It does not matter who he is and what post he occupies in his country. Judging these people ... or rather, bad people according to all the rules of an international court for crimes against humanity. They did more harm to people a thousand times than Hussein, who simply defended his country!

The sentence must be unequivocal for everyone! To confiscate their property, from all the Swiss banks to pick up the tens of billions that they stole, more precisely, they washed through the pseudo-help of the European Bank their fee for the successful operation of some special services. After the country will be cleared of filth, namely, officials at all levels, it is necessary to sit down hard for a possible temptation for people who will come in their place. Impose the death penalty for a bribe, for the use of official position for personal gain, for financial fraud on a large scale, for non-payment of taxes. To deprive officials of privileges. And I am sure that those who are waiting for profits from the government will not go to these places, but those who will create and build will go. Further I will tell specifically about my city. Since Soviet times in Kharkov, a huge industrial potential has been concentrated. Take, for example, the Turbo Atom, Kharkov Tractor Plant, Kharkov Aviation Plant, Malyshev Plant. What can they produce? Take at least Mriya's plane, you will immediately understand the potential of these plants. Now at these plants chaos and devastation. Working for months do not receive a salary, there is no production !!! Investments and competent managers are needed. I would invite managers from abroad, as Peter the Great did. Immediately there are jobs with high wages. Unemployment and need disappears, people are happy! But this does not happen, because all the officials are busy plundering the country, they do not care about factories and unemployment. Police robbing people and selling drugs, judges judge only those who have no money, at universities, if you don’t bribe, you can’t pass the Lobachevsky exam !! In the hospital, if you don’t give the doctor money, you will die in torment in the same hospital, no one will help you !! We have no insurance medicine !!! What will help or who will help ... It will help a person who will live for the sake of an idea, and not for the sake of vested interests .. There are now in nature !! ?? No such in nature !! No one will help !!!

We are completely dependent on Russia for gas. Now there is no heating in the apartments because there is no gas in the country. We are fully tied to Russia economically, we are completely tied to Russia mentally and socially. Yes, my Friend, this is the best option now that Ukraine will be able to stabilize is the accession of all Ukraine to Russia ..But Russians are very angry with us for treason !! They will not forgive us for this soon !!
At the moment, economic chaos is approaching Ukraine. I think this winter will be very dark and difficult for us !!! I have a bad feeling about something!

)))) No one ever restrained anyone, Bro.))) I predicted this denouement a few years ago. Here, I also wrote about it .. Some special services organized a coup in one banana republic in order to destabilize the economic and political situation in the neighboring competing country.Also strengthen your influence in this region. Because that country is annoying that a competitor’s country is gaining momentum and is gradually pushing it out of the market.

Crimea, Putin chose to ensure that the NATO Bloc ships did not enter the Black Sea and did not begin to raid near the Russian flotilla! DNR is a buffer! In order to get close to Russia, you need to go through the DNR, and what will happen there, Russia is not to blame for this, the DNR is to blame. Russia is hiding behind the DNR like a shield. If it is necessary, Putin will drive all his army and nuclear missiles into the DNR and will say that he has nothing to do with it, there are no Russian troops there; this is a provocation.)))

All these clashes that are happening now at the borders are an artificial destabilization in the region. Putin wants Ukraine not to relax !! Everything is very simple here- I could see it and understand it already from the moment it began.

Bro, don't make me laugh.))) What does it mean to be safe?))) Unless, if you gape, a polar bear can attack you on the street, you need to be alert. And another thing: if you are going on a trip to Ukraine, do not forget to take your Colt 38 with you, and preferably two, to participate in duels near Saloon (club / disco).

Odessa and Kharkov are a bit different. Odessa is a resort city. Kharkov is industrial. It is better to rest in Odessa, but after the Crimea was taken from Ukraine and almost deprived of the sea, Odessa is very crowded during the season. Odessa has a good architecture. When Catherine the Great conquered the Crimea from the Turks in the 18th century, she invited the French architect Duke Reschilier. He built Odessa on a wasteland practically. All the buildings in the center are old-style and the streets are strictly symmetrical.

Kharkiv is a more powerful and advanced city, a more scientific city. Clubs are expensive, there are not very good, there are elite ones, there are private ones. We have enough clubs, Bro.)) In the center there are shiny cars coming to the clubs, they are racing.))) There, if you know someone, you can buy ecstasy or powder if you do not know, then analgin and powdered sugar))) Everything is like everywhere.))) If you do not behave defiantly and run up, then no one will touch you, you can not worry about it. Just like in your club. There are a lot of foreigners and students from different countries in the city. There is no Nazism if you don’t touch politics between Ukraine and Russia.

But in order to see and be imbued with the spirit of Ukraine, I advise you to visit Kiev. This is a very ancient city. Once upon a time Moscow was not the capital for a long time, but Kiev. Very beautiful city with very cultural and welcoming inhabitants.

You will find this simply.))) If you also have chorism, then there is a girl. who wants to go with you to the USA.
Thank you so much for taking your time to help a brother out. You are a good person. That much I can tell. You have answered so many questions I have wondered about my homeland. You can read Wikipedia, and other articles, but until you actually talk with another person of similar age ect. You don't really know. I just want to thank you for your patience .
Bro, I will be very grateful, and I hope that I can also please you with something!

Come on in a personal letter just OK?

Yes, the last time I had a huge sativa in the installation, but she died, unfortunately.)) Sativa is better, because more-faster fill the space!

It's terrible, Bro, I knew such people and wonder how you did it !!! It is so difficult .. very difficult !! You are a strong-willed person !! Keep it up!!

My son had a classmate with the last name Basaraba. Do you know what I mean?)))

The truth has nothing to do with the boss))), from Bessarabia, the historical region in southeastern Europe between the Black Sea and the Danube, Prut and Dniester rivers. Besarab / Basarab resident of Bessarabia.

In fact, the plants, until they are released, are not a drug. up to 12 plants, if not mistaken, administrative punishment. If not dried !!! But this is theoretically.)) Yes, it is possible that neighbors will smell the smell and call the cops. No, they will not break the door; the FBI is breaking it.))) They act smarter. Take you to the development. Set for you outdoor surveillance. Make sure that you grow. Waiting for you near the door when you come home. Tumble into the house with you. In 99 cases out of a hundred, they come without a judge's sanction to search, but it doesn’t matter already, they caught you red-handed and came specifically to demand a bribe from you. If you are polite to them, they are also polite; this is their business !! If you have $ 2000 in your pocket (Kharkiv tax, more expensive in Kiev),then you can be absolutely calm, they will shake hands with you and those who bow out retire, even leaving the plants for you, but they need to be destroyed, because others may come tomorrow. If you have no money and you provide resistance, then you will be beaten and you will find anything, even heroin! Then the court and the prison for 2 years for use and storage, 5. if you trade.
20181016_080903.jpg I took my son to school the other day. Apparently elementary schools are teaching vertical growing in 3rd and 4th grade. Has come a long way since I was in school. They gave us half a paper cup of dirt and a seed. Maybe they got a cool teacher that somehow talked the school into putting 3 vert gardens in the school budget. Idk. Kinda cool though I thought.
Bro, do not need palace etiquette.))) I will answer you all the questions!

To save Ukraine you will need an ordinary miracle! )) As far as we know that miracles do not happen.)))

Nothing will help, it's too late! I can only dream up and tell you what to do if I were given such an opportunity: To fix the economy, we need a full reset-default. Impeach the government. Open trial in the Hague ... no, better in Nuremberg, where all the organizers and participants of the economic and political sabotage called "Maidan" will be brought to justice. I am talking about all the participants and organizers, not only representatives of the Ukrainian side. It does not matter who he is and what post he occupies in his country. Judging these people ... or rather, bad people according to all the rules of an international court for crimes against humanity. They did more harm to people a thousand times than Hussein, who simply defended his country!

The sentence must be unequivocal for everyone! To confiscate their property, from all the Swiss banks to pick up the tens of billions that they stole, more precisely, they washed through the pseudo-help of the European Bank their fee for the successful operation of some special services. After the country will be cleared of filth, namely, officials at all levels, it is necessary to sit down hard for a possible temptation for people who will come in their place. Impose the death penalty for a bribe, for the use of official position for personal gain, for financial fraud on a large scale, for non-payment of taxes. To deprive officials of privileges. And I am sure that those who are waiting for profits from the government will not go to these places, but those who will create and build will go. Further I will tell specifically about my city. Since Soviet times in Kharkov, a huge industrial potential has been concentrated. Take, for example, the Turbo Atom, Kharkov Tractor Plant, Kharkov Aviation Plant, Malyshev Plant. What can they produce? Take at least Mriya's plane, you will immediately understand the potential of these plants. Now at these plants chaos and devastation. Working for months do not receive a salary, there is no production !!! Investments and competent managers are needed. I would invite managers from abroad, as Peter the Great did. Immediately there are jobs with high wages. Unemployment and need disappears, people are happy! But this does not happen, because all the officials are busy plundering the country, they do not care about factories and unemployment. Police robbing people and selling drugs, judges judge only those who have no money, at universities, if you don’t bribe, you can’t pass the Lobachevsky exam !! In the hospital, if you don’t give the doctor money, you will die in torment in the same hospital, no one will help you !! We have no insurance medicine !!! What will help or who will help ... It will help a person who will live for the sake of an idea, and not for the sake of vested interests .. There are now in nature !! ?? No such in nature !! No one will help !!!

We are completely dependent on Russia for gas. Now there is no heating in the apartments because there is no gas in the country. We are fully tied to Russia economically, we are completely tied to Russia mentally and socially. Yes, my Friend, this is the best option now that Ukraine will be able to stabilize is the accession of all Ukraine to Russia ..But Russians are very angry with us for treason !! They will not forgive us for this soon !!
At the moment, economic chaos is approaching Ukraine. I think this winter will be very dark and difficult for us !!! I have a bad feeling about something!

)))) No one ever restrained anyone, Bro.))) I predicted this denouement a few years ago. Here, I also wrote about it .. Some special services organized a coup in one banana republic in order to destabilize the economic and political situation in the neighboring competing country.Also strengthen your influence in this region. Because that country is annoying that a competitor’s country is gaining momentum and is gradually pushing it out of the market.

Crimea, Putin chose to ensure that the NATO Bloc ships did not enter the Black Sea and did not begin to raid near the Russian flotilla! DNR is a buffer! In order to get close to Russia, you need to go through the DNR, and what will happen there, Russia is not to blame for this, the DNR is to blame. Russia is hiding behind the DNR like a shield. If it is necessary, Putin will drive all his army and nuclear missiles into the DNR and will say that he has nothing to do with it, there are no Russian troops there; this is a provocation.)))

All these clashes that are happening now at the borders are an artificial destabilization in the region. Putin wants Ukraine not to relax !! Everything is very simple here- I could see it and understand it already from the moment it began.

Bro, don't make me laugh.))) What does it mean to be safe?))) Unless, if you gape, a polar bear can attack you on the street, you need to be alert. And another thing: if you are going on a trip to Ukraine, do not forget to take your Colt 38 with you, and preferably two, to participate in duels near Saloon (club / disco).

Odessa and Kharkov are a bit different. Odessa is a resort city. Kharkov is industrial. It is better to rest in Odessa, but after the Crimea was taken from Ukraine and almost deprived of the sea, Odessa is very crowded during the season. Odessa has a good architecture. When Catherine the Great conquered the Crimea from the Turks in the 18th century, she invited the French architect Duke Reschilier. He built Odessa on a wasteland practically. All the buildings in the center are old-style and the streets are strictly symmetrical.

Kharkiv is a more powerful and advanced city, a more scientific city. Clubs are expensive, there are not very good, there are elite ones, there are private ones. We have enough clubs, Bro.)) In the center there are shiny cars coming to the clubs, they are racing.))) There, if you know someone, you can buy ecstasy or powder if you do not know, then analgin and powdered sugar))) Everything is like everywhere.))) If you do not behave defiantly and run up, then no one will touch you, you can not worry about it. Just like in your club. There are a lot of foreigners and students from different countries in the city. There is no Nazism if you don’t touch politics between Ukraine and Russia.

But in order to see and be imbued with the spirit of Ukraine, I advise you to visit Kiev. This is a very ancient city. Once upon a time Moscow was not the capital for a long time, but Kiev. Very beautiful city with very cultural and welcoming inhabitants.

You will find this simply.))) If you also have chorism, then there is a girl. who wants to go with you to the USA.
My mother sent a couple photos. I am trying to figure out how to change format so I can show you. I'll get it.
The beauty of your grows brings tears to my eyes Зеленый брат.

I fly into Kharkiv regularly, but somewhere this summer, at the airport, a cute little dog rode up to me.. The officer started talking to me in Russian. And I greeted the dog. (My russian is not very good, I know a few hundred words at most.) But he was sure to mix in the word MARIJUANA!! I just replied in English: 'What? What do you mean? I do not speak Russian'. He told me to walk with him (in Russian) and proceeded to grill me with questions about where I'm from, why I'm there, and if I am carrying weed. My Russian was good enough to know what he was asking and I replied with my basic vocabulary. That just made him hyper and start rambling Russian way too fast for me to understand. He brought me to a few other officers of which one elder gentleman that spoke reasonable English. They pretty much ganged up around me, but I knew I didn't bring anything with me so it was a fun experience. They asked me to open my bag and investigated it thoroughly while asking me about weed. I told them yes I consume weed, it has been legal to do so in my country since before I was born, but I did not bring any with me. They asked when I smoked last (which is ofcourse right before the flight). After about 10-15 minutes of harassment they simply let me go. (It was probably leftover smell from a few bare buds in my jacket before). I fucking loved being able to say 'its just like Vodka for us, but I do not bring it into Ukraine'.

As for the political/historical side of this thread (I have only read 10% of the thread so far):

I believe that next to both a beautiful and sometimes sad but rich history, Ukraine has incredible future potential within the world, but the changes need to start at the very top and then trickle down... I'm afraid it is a battle of dozens of years, however 'The internet' seems to be quite powerful in accelerating the process. I have not been in Ukraine long and often enough to properly comment (at all!) but I am starting to understand Ukrainian life and mentality more and more. I love your country and your city (or to be more precise, the people and моя девушка). I would like to engage in deeper serious conversation sometime in the future :) (Be it about our countries, or the herbs)

And the legal side:

Can I legally bring seeds with me on my next flight? The chance I get caught with seeds is extremely small, and the chance they even realize it is MJ is infinitely smaller (especially if I make sure I don't carry any scent for the dog haha). But still I would like to know if it is punishable by Ukrainian law, and with my lack of Russian (and Ukrainian) it is very difficult to find out the truth behind things like these in Ukraine. All I need to bring is the seeds, I can buy most other supplies that I need at Budman (haha)

By the way, if there are any specific seeds you would like to get your hands on, I would be happy to help.
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View attachment 4223350 I took my son to school the other day. Apparently elementary schools are teaching vertical growing in 3rd and 4th grade. Has come a long way since I was in school. They gave us half a paper cup of dirt and a seed. Maybe they got a cool teacher that somehow talked the school into putting 3 vert gardens in the school budget. Idk. Kinda cool though I thought.
Do you know who makes those beauties?
The beauty of your grows brings tears to my eyes Зеленый брат.

I fly into Kharkiv regularly, but somewhere this summer, at the airport, a cute little dog rode up to me.. The officer started talking to me in Russian. And I greeted the dog. (My russian is not very good, I know a few hundred words at most.) But he was sure to mix in the word MARIJUANA!! I just replied in English: 'What? What do you mean? I do not speak Russian'. He told me to walk with him (in Russian) and proceeded to grill me with questions about where I'm from, why I'm there, and if I am carrying weed. My Russian was good enough to know what he was asking and I replied with my basic vocabulary. That just made him hyper and start rambling Russian way too fast for me to understand. He brought me to a few other officers of which one elder gentleman that spoke reasonable English. They pretty much ganged up around me, but I knew I didn't bring anything with me so it was a fun experience. They asked me to open my bag and investigated it thoroughly while asking me about weed. I told them yes I consume weed, it has been legal to do so in my country since before I was born, but I did not bring any with me. They asked when I smoked last (which is ofcourse right before the flight). After about 10-15 minutes of harassment they simply let me go. (It was probably leftover smell from a few bare buds in my jacket before). I fucking loved being able to say 'its just like Vodka for us, but I do not bring it into Ukraine'.

As for the political/historical side of this thread (I have only read 10% of the thread so far):

I believe that next to both a beautiful and sometimes sad but rich history, Ukraine has incredible future potential within the world, but the changes need to start at the very top and then trickle down... I'm afraid it is a battle of dozens of years, however 'The internet' seems to be quite powerful in accelerating the process. I have not been in Ukraine long and often enough to properly comment (at all!) but I am starting to understand Ukrainian life and mentality more and more. I love your country and your city (or to be more precise, the people and моя девушка). I would like to engage in deeper serious conversation sometime in the future :) (Be it about our countries, or the herbs)

And the legal side:

Can I legally bring seeds with me on my next flight? The chance I get caught with seeds is extremely small, and the chance they even realize it is MJ is infinitely smaller (especially if I make sure I don't carry any scent for the dog haha). But still I would like to know if it is punishable by Ukrainian law, and with my lack of Russian (and Ukrainian) it is very difficult to find out the truth behind things like these in Ukraine. All I need to bring is the seeds, I can buy most other supplies that I need at Budman (haha)

By the way, if there are any specific seeds you would like to get your hands on, I would be happy to help.
Why not send seeds to yourself in mail? Or have someone mail them for you...
Why not send seeds to yourself in mail? Or have someone mail them for you...

It's about the actual legality to me in this case, not about not getting caught with them to be honest. Plus mail is not as reliable as I'd like. I've lost even a few envelopes (with just a postcard) in both directions. Ukraine has 3 (2 major) postal companies that I'm still trying to figure out. From within Ukraine to Ukraine I've used 'new post' which always worked fine, but you have to go get the package from the office with your ID etc.

Ps. While police absolutely is corrupt in the broad sense, I'm pretty sure bribes and corruption are less common than even a relatively short period (10 years) ago. Do you agree with this Sedan? My only personal experience with the Kharkiv police force was a negative one though.
View attachment 4223350 I took my son to school the other day. Apparently elementary schools are teaching vertical growing in 3rd and 4th grade. Has come a long way since I was in school. They gave us half a paper cup of dirt and a seed. Maybe they got a cool teacher that somehow talked the school into putting 3 vert gardens in the school budget. Idk. Kinda cool though I thought.
I'm also very interested, Bro! Only with the advent of the Internet, I began to understand to the end what was really happening in the world. Many things I learned just turned my worldview upside down!

Yes, I heard that you teach the basics of culture in school .. To be honest, I was shocked when I found out. For a Russian person, this is equivalent to the fact that the school will teach how to cook heroin in a spoon! The attitude, especially of older generation, is extremely negative towards marijuana. Because knowledge of this began to spread only with the fall of the iron curtain. Prior to that, marijuana was equivalent to a hard drug.

My mother sent a couple photos. I am trying to figure out how to change format so I can show you. I'll get it.
what kind of photo is interesting to me!

The beauty of your grows brings tears to my eyes Зеленый брат.

I fly into Kharkiv regularly, but somewhere this summer, at the airport, a cute little dog rode up to me.. The officer started talking to me in Russian. And I greeted the dog. (My russian is not very good, I know a few hundred words at most.) But he was sure to mix in the word MARIJUANA!! I just replied in English: 'What? What do you mean? I do not speak Russian'. He told me to walk with him (in Russian) and proceeded to grill me with questions about where I'm from, why I'm there, and if I am carrying weed. My Russian was good enough to know what he was asking and I replied with my basic vocabulary. That just made him hyper and start rambling Russian way too fast for me to understand. He brought me to a few other officers of which one elder gentleman that spoke reasonable English. They pretty much ganged up around me, but I knew I didn't bring anything with me so it was a fun experience. They asked me to open my bag and investigated it thoroughly while asking me about weed. I told them yes I consume weed, it has been legal to do so in my country since before I was born, but I did not bring any with me. They asked when I smoked last (which is ofcourse right before the flight). After about 10-15 minutes of harassment they simply let me go. (It was probably leftover smell from a few bare buds in my jacket before). I fucking loved being able to say 'its just like Vodka for us, but I do not bring it into Ukraine'.

As for the political/historical side of this thread (I have only read 10% of the thread so far):

I believe that next to both a beautiful and sometimes sad but rich history, Ukraine has incredible future potential within the world, but the changes need to start at the very top and then trickle down... I'm afraid it is a battle of dozens of years, however 'The internet' seems to be quite powerful in accelerating the process. I have not been in Ukraine long and often enough to properly comment (at all!) but I am starting to understand Ukrainian life and mentality more and more. I love your country and your city (or to be more precise, the people and моя девушка). I would like to engage in deeper serious conversation sometime in the future :) (Be it about our countries, or the herbs)

And the legal side:

Can I legally bring seeds with me on my next flight? The chance I get caught with seeds is extremely small, and the chance they even realize it is MJ is infinitely smaller (especially if I make sure I don't carry any scent for the dog haha). But still I would like to know if it is punishable by Ukrainian law, and with my lack of Russian (and Ukrainian) it is very difficult to find out the truth behind things like these in Ukraine. All I need to bring is the seeds, I can buy most other supplies that I need at Budman (haha)

By the way, if there are any specific seeds you would like to get your hands on, I would be happy to help.

Hi bro!

For the first time I meet on the forums a foreigner who was in Kharkov. If it's not a secret, where are you from?
)))) Yes, I know about these dogs.))) That was a Cocker Spaniel apparently))) Not only at the airport, but also at the railway station such dogs run. One time my friends and I smoked, and after a while we went to the station (2 hours) we got a dog, then the cops came up ... Only if you're not American, then everything is much sadder. We were stripped to our underpants, we were interrogated, we almost missed the train. Although in our pockets we had nothing .. smell only!
Budman (haha)
"Budmen" - do you mean a network of building materials supermarkets in Kharkov?))) Is your business construction? I am also a builder, Bro!)))

Next time you come to Kharkov (preferably closer to spring, when I will have a harvest), I will be glad to treat you with my product, so that without police and dogs)))

Yes, hemp seeds in Ukraine are completely legal, as are poppy seeds. Only if they find these grains in you, then in no case tell them what you grow, say that it is food for parrots, then they won't touch you at all!

Why not send seeds to yourself in mail? Or have someone mail them for you...

Yes, this is the safest way!

Ukraine to Ukraine I've used 'new post' which always worked fine

Yes "Нова Почта" works well! We also sometimes pass through it prohibited substances. No one has ever been arrested. They do not search parcels - this is a private company. There is a state-owned "UkrPoshta" - there they can check. There are still old workers who were informers of the KGB. Those arrange the interrogation, that in the package and sniff out, as those dogs.)))

While police absolutely is corrupt in the broad sense, I'm pretty sure bribes and corruption are less common than even a relatively short period (10 years) ago. Do you agree with this Sedan? My only personal experience with the Kharkiv police force was a negative one though.

then you got to the point, Bro !! This is the only positive moment left from the Maidan !! After the revolution, the service of the police and traffic police dispersed. Combined into one, as in America. They dressed the policemen in uniforms for example the American cops. Put them in the hybrids of Tayot Prius (you probably saw them). These policemen do not take bribes, because they have an online camera on each breast. And you, upon request, can see it as evidence in court.

Bro, but it is the guards who catch drunkards and hooligans .. These are not officers .. privates. Those who are with star straps, those who were before the Maidan, remained so after .. bitches !!! NOTHING CHANGED!! only the slogans on the posters and the streets were renamed. Have you seen a monument to Lenin on Liberty Square? or rather what is left of it .. To destroy monuments is sacrilege!!

You are completely right, My Friend, you are not the only one with such an opinion. We all hate cops, since ancient times! They have such arrogant demeanor and arrogance that they hate it. And if you get them for wrongdoing, and they want to learn something from you.))) The CIA and the Gestapo would envy their methods of torture.

...they find marijuana from you, take all the money away from you by blackmail, and the marijuana they have withdrawn from you are given back to the dealer so that he can sell it to you again! Here is a movie)))

These are immoral people, .. these are animals without a soul and a saint in their hearts, others do not work there!
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It is no secret, I am 30 minutes from Amsterdam. Yes I meant budmen the builder store. I am more a technologist than a builder but I do love it. To make your own things is very satisfying, it is a great feeling to think of solutions to the problems and achieving what you try to create.

Your growing techniques are very interesting by the way, I will read all and surely learn some things, I have never done vertical but I am getting motivated to try.

My next time I fly over it is probably in a few weeks, but also in spring I will be there. I don't know how easy it is to get seeds in Ukraine but as I said, it would be my pleasure to bring you some if you would like to try a specific strain. We have several big seed banks here.

My negative experience with police my friend told them 'this is his first time in Ukraine he does not know'. It was painful to see that to my friend the normal and best option is to apologise to police when we did nothing wrong.
It is no secret, I am 30 minutes from Amsterdam. Yes I meant budmen the builder store. I am more a technologist than a builder but I do love it. To make your own things is very satisfying, it is a great feeling to think of solutions to the problems and achieving what you try to create.

Your growing techniques are very interesting by the way, I will read all and surely learn some things, I have never done vertical but I am getting motivated to try.

My next time I fly over it is probably in a few weeks, but also in spring I will be there. I don't know how easy it is to get seeds in Ukraine but as I said, it would be my pleasure to bring you some if you would like to try a specific strain. We have several big seed banks here.

My negative experience with police my friend told them 'this is his first time in Ukraine he does not know'. It was painful to see that to my friend the normal and best option is to apologise to police when we did nothing wrong.

Netherlands?))) Customs officers pay special attention to flights from the Netherlands! Drugs that sell in elite clubs are delivered mainly from the Netherlands! It is not surprising that you were treated so carefully at the airport! They perceived you as a competitor to their business! Only cops deal with large quantities of drugs in our country .. they do not like competitors!)))

If you had written a little earlier, You would have met my son and wife.))) They were in Amsterdam recently! Just do not be offended, Bro, but the resolution of drugs greatly spoiled your beautiful and legendary country morally! Sorry, but I used to say everything without hiding everything that I think in reality, without hypocrisy!!

If you don't, do you consult or audit? What supermarket Budyman you were .. on what street? I was engaged in finishing one of the Budman supermarkets built .. my company was subcontracted! Do you know Royal Motors LLC? This company was my customer ten years ago. It then owned a network Budman.

I want to get to know you more closely here, and then, at the beginning of spring, I am waiting for you to visit in Kharkov !! I will give you a decent welcome and show you Kharkov, which you have not seen yet and will not see! I'm seriously telling you now, Bro!
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I'm also very interested, Bro! Only with the advent of the Internet, I began to understand to the end what was really happening in the world. Many things I learned just turned my worldview upside down!

Yes, I heard that you teach the basics of culture in school .. To be honest, I was shocked when I found out. For a Russian person, this is equivalent to the fact that the school will teach how to cook heroin in a spoon! The attitude, especially of older generation, is extremely negative towards marijuana. Because knowledge of this began to spread only with the fall of the iron curtain. Prior to that, marijuana was equivalent to a hard drug.

what kind of photo is interesting to me!

Hi bro!

For the first time I meet on the forums a foreigner who was in Kharkov. If it's not a secret, where are you from?
)))) Yes, I know about these dogs.))) That was a Cocker Spaniel apparently))) Not only at the airport, but also at the railway station such dogs run. One time my friends and I smoked, and after a while we went to the station (2 hours) we got a dog, then the cops came up ... Only if you're not American, then everything is much sadder. We were stripped to our underpants, we were interrogated, we almost missed the train. Although in our pockets we had nothing .. smell only!

"Budmen" - do you mean a network of building materials supermarkets in Kharkov?))) Is your business construction? I am also a builder, Bro!)))

Next time you come to Kharkov (preferably closer to spring, when I will have a harvest), I will be glad to treat you with my product, so that without police and dogs)))

Yes, hemp seeds in Ukraine are completely legal, as are poppy seeds. Only if they find these grains in you, then in no case tell them what you grow, say that it is food for parrots, then they won't touch you at all!

Yes, this is the safest way!

Yes "Нова Почта" works well! We also sometimes pass through it prohibited substances. No one has ever been arrested. They do not search parcels - this is a private company. There is a state-owned "UkrPoshta" - there they can check. There are still old workers who were informers of the KGB. Those arrange the interrogation, that in the package and sniff out, as those dogs.)))

then you got to the point, Bro !! This is the only positive moment left from the Maidan !! After the revolution, the service of the police and traffic police dispersed. Combined into one, as in America. They dressed the policemen in uniforms for example the American cops. Put them in the hybrids of Tayot Prius (you probably saw them). These policemen do not take bribes, because they have an online camera on each breast. And you, upon request, can see it as evidence in court.

Bro, but it is the guards who catch drunkards and hooligans .. These are not officers .. privates. Those who are with star straps, those who were before the Maidan, remained so after .. bitches !!! NOTHING CHANGED!! only the slogans on the posters and the streets were renamed. Have you seen a monument to Lenin on Liberty Square? or rather what is left of it .. To destroy monuments is sacrilege!!

You are completely right, My Friend, you are not the only one with such an opinion. We all hate cops, since ancient times! They have such arrogant demeanor and arrogance that they hate it. And if you get them for wrongdoing, and they want to learn something from you.))) The CIA and the Gestapo would envy their methods of torture.

...they find marijuana from you, take all the money away from you by blackmail, and the marijuana they have withdrawn from you are given back to the dealer so that he can sell it to you again! Here is a movie)))

These are immoral people, .. these are animals without a soul and a saint in their hearts, others do not work there!
If you get all the green matter off the seeds and lightly wash and package, they have no smell. If the seeds are legal great. There are other ways to send live cultures through the mail. Like tissue samples that are basically clones of the mother plant they came from. I'll research it.
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