viability of seeds after washing??


Well-Known Member
Anyone tried to germ seeds after iso, etoh or butane washes?

I attempted to do a little home breeding and one of the plants I pollinated got a heavy helping and is basically all seed...I mangled a bug and got about 15 good seeds..the rest went to hash oil. So any thoughts on the viability of the washed seeds?

Figured y'all might know better than the growing section....
If not I'll let y'all know next week lol


Well-Known Member
i dont know how it would work after a butane blast, the extreme cold is bad for the seeds because they contain water and it freezes. i have never tried popping any of them but i do recall reading that freezring temps are bad for seeds.

there are some plants that require a winter frost before they will germinate, and another plant that actually requires smoke to germinate.


Well-Known Member
Well if anyone is interested... I ended up with 19 good seeds taken from bud prior to extracting. So I guess I'll take 19 of the best seeds from bud after washing to see if germ rates are decreased(I feel the seeds are dry enough to germ now)...I do a paper towel and tap water inside open Ziploc and keep it at 80 degrees. From experience I expect 15 seeds to pop within these seeds have only been in iso but if germ rates aren't changed I suppose I could run them in butane for y'all? I don't know.....well I'll let y'all know what happens in a few days


Well-Known Member
Well if anyone was wondering.....ive been so busy the past few days I haven't had time to plant them. I don't know how many days its been...I'm scared to open it and see but I saw leaves through the paper towel...oh well, hopefully they survive...but I'll still get a good germ count


Well-Known Member
Honestly I fucked em up and none sprouted....when I had decided to germinate they hadn't dried out enough.(my first time germing fresh seed)

I actually have another set going in paper towels right now..did em this morning

They molded.....I'm used to them nit molding lol and showing leaves and all after 2-3 days so kind of a surprise


Well-Known Member
Did 40 far none have popped.........again

I didn't have any unwashed seeds to compare to this time though.....can seeds be infertile? The first set with unwashed seeds also didn't sprout

Sooooooo.....guess in a few days if nothing happens....I shall have to try this little exoirement again with different (fresh) seed stock


Well-Known Member
I will be repeating this in a week or so..
Without my "control" its they also didn't sprout for whatever reason...I germ 20 seeds every 3 weeks or so, so its not really new to me....but I do have a time schedule to keep up with(I run a perpetual grow)....sooo

I am disappointed though as that was intentionally seeded and none are sprouting...idk


Active Member
qwiz, I think you've said you only smoke hash, is that right? I read on an older post that you personally go through 2 to 3 ounces of premo bud a week. Do you still consume that amount in hash, or has that risen? Sorry, don't want to sound like a cop, I'm curious. That's a shit load of mj.


Well-Known Member
I easily burn a qp of bud a week (including my wife in there)
I also smoke a lot of oil, on top of bud mostly..but I have a dome less thing now....

I do smoke alot...I like to stay high(and I don't really limit myself to mj) but yea I personally smoke the majority probly 3ozs or so a week and maybe a gram of oil a day for "dessert" after a sesh....

My perpetual grow only accounts for about 3ozs or so a week....I'm working on that this day I've never found someone that could keep up with my smoking...except my girl:) that's when you know you've got a keeper lol

(Edit-oh but no..if I said I mainly smoke hash it was probly just that point in time and I had a bunch, I smoke a qp a week consistently. I'll buy it if I don't have it...I make some of my plants into hash..predetermined plants..usually an extra 7-10 gs or so of oil a week off that plant)


Active Member
No my bad, I sometimes forget who said what.

Man that is a shitload. I'm a lightweight these days, no more than a quarter of bud & a gram of hash a week. If I met a women who smoked more than me she'd better well know how to grow:)

The human body has a way with dealing with excess.
I'd be concerned with that newly recognised illness where a person basically becomes allergic to mj. [Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome or Hyperemesis Syndrome] Not that much is known of this [I wonder if it has something to do with that synthetic shit? Idk] or is it a result of mj excess? Idk.

One old mate was as big a head as I ever was. Loved his bud, his Thai Buddha, hash, didn't matter as long as it got him high. Unfortunately, he fell in with the wrong crowd & got into the fast lane. It only took him 12-18 months, he really applied himself & ended up in the loony bin. The last bloke you'd expect to lose it. Poor bugger can't smoke any more, one toke sends him over the edge & straight into the mental hospital.

Not trying to 'hex' you qwiz or bring you down, just food for thought. I'd hate to think I couldn't smoke ever again.



Well-Known Member
Well I don't believe there to be any serious side effects other than photophobia, aphasia, and short term memory loss

Their is no pathology known of chs or any other accumulative toxicity.. I believe they simply have an undiagnosed gi disease or something..I don't like "diseases of exclusion" and avoid them at all costs.. looking at the studies done it seems that could be the case. But I won't delve into their inaccuracies on this page (there are some 4 other chs threads up)

Anyway I know people that can't smoke weed at all and it is unfortunate, not to them though lol....but I've been toking this amount of herb since the beginning of high school so I feel pretty confident nothing will come of it...
That synthetic shit is nasty though..I've smoked plenty of homemade(k3) as I felt that was safer..but that stuff is just evil..and can kill you(unlike weed)
As far as mental stability goes, they say I'm at risk simply for being so intelligent (lol sorry not attempting to brag or something, its true though) but I do take crazy amounts of dissociatives, a lot of dxm and homemade "acid" (Lsa converted to cdlsa)...plateau sigma is quite wonderful if you can handle it.....honestly I love feeling on the verge of insanity and welcome it......

Well shit this post probly just makes me sound crazy


Active Member
I certainly hope your right. Clearly your one of those people who've got an enormous capacity for consumption. I've never tried Lsa or the others you mentioned. I dropped my first acid at 15. I loved the stuff. We mainly got the British acid here in Aus. Black & brown microdots, purple pyramids, purple cones, if you were really blessed you got purple cones with a white spiral, etc etc. I tried American window panes, clear lights & purple haze [I think it was 'haze'.] I loved acid. Sadly there's been no LSD in Sydney [not marketable quantities at any rate. If there was, I'd know] for over 30 years. Fucking tragedy. The younguns call some rubbish that's like a sorta trippy like speed trip, "Acid". I don't know what the crap actually is. I dropped two a few years ago to shut my young mates up. [See? I took two of them! Their shit! Now I'm going to bed!" haha] You can't tell them it's not acid. LSD is acid & I believe you lucky Americans have ridgy-didge genuine LSD. Is that right?

I have a real dislike for amphetamines though & a hatred for meth & everything that both do to peoples brains, bodies & souls.

I think there's a lot of intentional misinformation regarding our medicine & much of it's coming from Big Pharma. There's been deaths apparently, due to the medical synthetic thc. Just wait for Big Pharma & Monsanto to come together officially with a new 'wonder plant'. With a patent & all.

Look at what this WW x Amnesia does to me, I'm rambling, haha. I'm off to bed. Night qwiz.


Well-Known Member
No sadly LSD is pretty hard to come by (though I live in the hippy capital of tx) most drugs these days are "fake" whether it be acid or ecstacy or whatever.. and yes amphetamines and variations of, are quite popular substitutes..lacking the magic imo...but yes amphetamines are also the devil in disguise
I have heard of marinol related deaths(4 I believe) not sure the cause though..somewhere I have a bunch of (actually accurate) accounts of traffic fatalities etc and the cause of the deaths though...but the synthetic shit isn't thc(marinol) and when you have a pure full agonist its never a good thing..especially with gaba, causing seizures etc.
I mean I would love to grow poppy one day outdoors, opium like marijuana and all the good drugs have counter acting compounds ie thc-agonist and cbd-antagonist, when you take a pure of any you won't like the effects/side effects....kinda brings me to the whole cbd craze going about..ugh if it was so much more medicinal we wouldn't be focusing on thc..I don't think people should be ashamed to desire to be high or just to plain be high much of the day..we've known about both compounds and properties of for pretty much the same amount of time..I personally believe Gupta or whatever was.....actually I'll just keep my ideas to myself....but anyway....yea weed does get you rambling

What is that strain, sativa? I love some sativa dabs
I've been toking on some green crack oil(supposedly)..tastes delicious like green apples.....but sativa hash is the best there is


Active Member
"Hippy capital of Texas" ? I can't imagine such a thing. Sounds like a contradiction of terms, Hippy AND Texas in the same sentence, haha.
The WW x Amnesia was a Sea of Seeds freebie. It self pollinated & I'm getting the occasional fully matured seed :) I couldn't find the breeder, I looked after SoS got a new system & erased all their old records. It's definitely sativa dominant effect wise. One cone is all I need for a really clear 'up' head high. Two cones & it's quite trippy & intense. Although I'm a bit of a lightweight, I do have to be careful who I offer it to. I posted a mate who lives in the bush, a 'care package'. He said he punched 3 [I reckon he's embarrassed to admit it was less :)] quick billys & gave himself a 'white-out'. Very potent.
All of my strains this year are more head high with not much of a body hit. That worked out fine since I now have hash for night-time :)

So I'm not the only one missing out? I was led to believe that California & Amsterdam were the only places left to acquire LSD but that was several years ago.
I'm not sure why it's not exported anymore. Your lack of supply in Texas would probably suggest there are not sufficient quantity made. Anybody in the know, knows I will pay $100 for a dose of LSD. I've had people looking for 25 years [the original offer was for $50]. I've been offered all sorts of bs. One clown offered me some 'black dots' [original 'dots' were known as 'micro dots', tiny little pills no bigger than a match head.] which was a black circle stamped on a bit of blotter. God-knows-what the hell it was.

Have you experienced LSD ever? I met an old psychiatrist [or psychologist, I forget which] while doing a w'end shift in a taxi many years ago. The medical profession used LSD as a therapy tool. This bloke told me that they achieved more from one single LSD session, than an entire lifetime of conventional counseling.
It's hard to express, but I know I wasted a huge part of the LSD experience because I was young. I now realise it's about where you focus your attention, as to what you'll experience. That's why there was no such thing as bad acid. If a group of young inexperienced trippers freaked each other out & had a 'bad trip', the rumour would do the rounds that there;s a bad batch of acid on the street. [The last batch of micro-dots I ever had, had this rep. Brown dots they were & they were delicious. One night I dropped 3 over a 3-4 hour period just to prove to the gullible that they were safe. The thing you'd like the most about LSD qwiz, is that multiple doses give a higher trip rather than a longer one. I have a theory that LSD opens ajar, the door to some of our 'unlocked' [or 'unrealised' as some like to call it] DNA.

The closest thing to an LSD trip are mushrooms but not as good. We have 'gold-tops & blue meanies.


bud bootlegger
Hey qwizo.. did you get these seeds from a plant that you intentionally seeded? I think I read that part right..
If so, I know that fresh seeds can often times be a real bitch to germ.. sometimes they might have to sit for a month or so before they'll crack for you .. I've no clue what the science is behind this, just know it's true from personal experience ..
As an alternative, you could also try and scuff up the shells of the seeds by lining a match book with some sand paper, put the beans inside and shake them for a few minutes.. this will scuff the shells some and hopefully allow the moisture to penetrate and help with germination rates..

Just thought I'd throw it out there.. g/l with the experiment .. :)