Vocabulary/Slang Terms (Updated With the Missing Terms)

I come here to learn vocabulary well yes friends - friends

Rabid Like Seeker; can be used as a noun/adjective interchangeably. A descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicative of a grower impostor who attempts to appear overly intellectual in an often obsessive, or socially impaired cadence. The RLS may spend inordinate amounts of time on "write ups," where they can usually be found bogarting the work of others and simply cutting and pasting grow article info to the boards under either the same, or various username handles. Studies are ongoing, but based on recent data, the RLS appears to value their self worth strictly on the maniacal acquisition of "Likes" on community grow boards.
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"Vocabulary/Slang Terms"

The word to describe language related to a field is "nomenclature". You are welcome ;>). BigSteve.
thats pretty handy mate nice one.
Nice. Okay, I looked up decarbonization is actually the word they used when talking about CBD oil. This guy was making CBD oil for his father who had mesotheleoma (sp) and wanted to know how to "decarbonize" the oil for safety reasons and I didn't understand.

Also, Perlite. I bought some the other day along with my bone meal and blood meal and potting soil. I was under the impression that perlite was just styrofoam balls that added ariation to the soil. Boy was I wrong. So, before I mess up my gro medium, can anyone tell me how much perlite to put in my soil for soil grow (versus hydroponics)? I see that you say it's used in hydroponics. I'm confused.
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Nice. Okay, I looked up decarbonization is actually the word they used when talking about CBD oil. This guy was making CBD oil for his father who had mesotheleoma (sp) and wanted to know how to "decarbonize" the oil for safety reasons and I didn't understand.

Also, Perlite. I bought some the other day along with my bone meal and blood meal and potting soil. I was under the impression that perlite was just styrofoam balls that added ariation to the soil. Boy was I wrong. So, before I mess up my gro medium, can anyone tell me how much perlite to put in my soil for soil grow (versus hydroponics)? I see that you say it's used in hydroponics. I'm confused.
I'm not getting anywhere with these questions. But since I don't need to decarbonize my oil since that's a long way off, I decided to mix half and half with my potting medium and perlite. Seems to be working fine. I am also using urine in small amounts in water which is naturally rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus – the same ingredients in conventional fertilizer. They seem to LOVE it. Hey, if it aint broke dont fix it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't what you defined as "bud leaves" usually called sugar leaves?
I've often wondered what the individual "fingers" on a leaf are called when you're asking the question, "how many leaves on a PPP plant, like how many fingers are ON the leaf is what I mean, but fingers aren't the correct term.
Thank you so much @dajosh42069 for your time and for being so helpful! All of your shared information was a really great and thorough vocabulary review as well as lesson because I've had my questions about many terms and hadn't even heard of some others. Happy medicating! Thanks again
Chlorophyll - The green pigment in leaves. Chlorophyll pigment is produced in the
chloroplasts of leaf, stem and flower cells. Chlorophyll pigment dominates all other
pigments present including the xanthophylls and carotenes. Chlorophyll captures the sun's energy which is used to manufacture sugar from carbon dioxide and water. Chlorophylls
are constantly being "used up" and thus are continually manufacture by the plant,
provided the environmental conditions are appropriate.

Cloning(s)/Cuttings -- Sometimes the easiest (and fastest) way to grow a new plant is
not from seed, but asexually from cuttings. Cuttings are taken from roots, stems, or
leaves and encouraged to regenerate by providing ideal growing conditions and
(oftentimes) applying rooting hormones. Unlike plants started from seed, a plant grown
from a cutting will have exactly the same characteristics of the parent plant.

Colas - "The female flowers develop tightly together to form dense clusters (racemes) or
buds, cones, or colas"- Mel Frank marijuana Grower's Guide. Cola's are the buds you see.

Composting - The process by which organic materials mixed together in specific
conditions create a nutrient-rich medium.

Curing - Process of placing the dried harvest in tightly sealed, sterile, jar, which should be
stored in a dry, dark, cool place. Then according to preference open the jar for a certain
amount of time everyday to release co2 and moisture and this slowly dries the crop, thus
improving taste and over all quality.

Cotyledons - small round leaves that are the first to appear on a small seedling, they are
not considered ‘true leaves? and often fall off of the plant early in the growth stage.

DWC - Means 'Deep Water Culture'. In its most basic form its a plastic bin full of hydro
solution to a certain level on net pots suspended by way of holes in the containers lid and
the plants roots are basically fed buy an air pump bubbling the solution. However, this is a
very basic description of the practice.

Decarboxylation -This occurs after buds are harvested and during the curing process. The
THC loses a CO2 molecule, which then makes the THC psychoactive. This process is why
drying and curing buds after harvest is crucial to the high that the bud produces.

Feminized Seeds - seeds which have a higer likelyhood of sprouting female

FFOF - Means 'FoxFarm Ocean Forest', It's a soil commonly used by growers for it's
properties and ability to grow.

Fish emulsion -- This is a liquid organic fertilizer with a NPK ratio of about 4-1-1 to 7-2-2.
It is water soluble and thus immediately available to plants. It is valued for its high
nitrogen content.

FIM - Acronym for “F*** I Missed!? A variant of the topping technique, where only a
portion of the growth tip is removed, causing an increase in resulting cola sites. (See

Flo, Flouro, Floro's -- Fluorescents come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There are
compacts, twist bulbs and circle bulbs. They all work the same way. They have a starter
and ballast which help provide a steady and regulated amount of electricity to the light.

FLIR - Means 'Forward-Looking Infrared', It is a thermal imaging process whereby
differences in heat emission are measured and reflected on a videotape. Heat
concentration is indicated on a videotape on a spectrum of light to dark, with bright white
showing intense heat. Increasingly, law enforcement personnel are using FLIR thermal
imaging to detect indoor marijuana growing operations. However, the Supreme Court in
the U.S. has recently banned the use of FLIR to find these operations.

Flush - the act of cleansing a plant’s roots of nutrients and contaminants by giving the
plant large amounts of water (usually equal to 3 times the volume of soil the plant is in).

Foliar Feeding - The act of giving water and/or nutrients to the plant through the leaves
instead of through the roots.

Force Flowering - Giving a female plant a photoperiod of 12/12 to force the plant into
producing buds. Doing this mimics the natural light cycle of the sun and the Fall season,
and then the winter season, approches.

Garlic - When planted in the same pot/area as your plants, will act as a natural systemic
insecticide to both Greenflys and Blackflys. The plants absorb it from the growing garlic.
It DOES NOT affect the plants scent or taste, can also be used for the same purpose in
other plants.

Genotype - Is the plants characteristics as received from its parents genetic traits.

Germinate - To open a seed and allow growth by planting it, or using various methods to
allow the seed to open and the first root to come out before planting it. Allowing the seed
a better chance of breaching the surface.

GH - Means 'General Hydroponics'
Thanks for the great list of definitions....very helpful.
Yes! Thanks so much. I planted three seeds about two weeks ago and I have three little saplings. They are on my back patio and get Sun all day long. They are in a planter 15" diameter & 12" high. Two of the plants are about an inch tall. The other one is already three inches!
This thread is really helpful for people who don't live in U.S!
I am going to post more often now cause sometime I do not understand some word or when people only use letter (like IMHO/JMO/Lmfao/FYI/asap...etc I know those now but there's many others I do not know! ) and since I learn only 4 years at school and never speak in English with someone (or just 2 or 3 sentences with a tourist twice a year)
Have a great day ★
"Also, Perlite...."

Perlite works best when it is 10-20% of the soil. MiracleGro PM is 10% and the Fox Farms I use is 15-20%.

Good luck, BigSteve.