Vocabulary/Slang Terms (Updated With the Missing Terms)

I was a little supprised by your def of phenotype but after looking at it for a minute I guess your right.
The genotype is the genetic makeup of a cell, an organism, or an individual (i.e. the specific allele makeup of the individual) usually with reference to a specific character under consideration
genotype + environment + random-variation → phenotype
I was gonna make a remark similar to this, and then went to page two instead of the last page.

I, a newbie to growing, but I'm a senior with a biochem major and I always learned that genotype was a plants full genetic makeup. Phenotype were the physical traits that you can actually see.

For example, a plant can have genes for indica and sativa. So its genotype is hybrid, but its phenotype could turn out as indica, sativa, or hybrid, depending on which genetic traits are physically apparent (also known as the phenotype).

I guess the definition is that way (genetics+variable+environment) BC those can all affect the physical look, but that's getting more into nature vs. nurture. Its like if you have brown eyes, but you have the recessive gene for blue eyes-- your genotype has both genes, the phenotype is the gene whose characteristics are visible, in this case the dominant gene for brown eyes would be the phenotype.
You ain't being prang ,there are shitcunts out thre who live of our hard work n love ov da Herb! I've had some girls ripped up and they still had at Vleast a month to go.i know it was,nt da land owner cos the dirty mongrels dropped a used syringe(says it all)any way I FEEL for you cuz I am a English Roma so a gypsy curse on the mongrel.one love SMUDGA
No it was actually supersoil. Don't have a clue where I read it, might have been one of the pissing match threads about miracle grow soil. Tried to search on it and it seems there is actually a commercial product called that, and some do it yourself recipe that was implied.

This is the original SubCool posting I saw on the subject. There are many others posted in You-Tube under that heading. It's collection of high priced soil additives. If you have space, time and healthy billfold you might consider it.


  • i have one plant i bought a GE 120 wtt plant light is this ok to use for buding i really dont have anymore money im just trying this out to see how it works​

The only hope for people on a budget is good ole sunshine and good soil. If you think about it that's what we had for many years before all the new stuff. You can shop EBay for LED lights that are affordable. Currently I'm using a 600 watt LED and getting some good results. The only thing I can think of for your application is lots of reflection. A flat white surface will really help.
while we're on the subject I was just wondering what the slang term LOL refers to? It's probably a slang term that doesn't have much to do with pot right?
Yeah, lol. Lol just means "laugh out loud", the equivalent to typing "haha". It goes with

IMO/IMHO --in my opinion/ in my honest opinion
Fwiw-- for what its worth

Etc, et cetera,
i.e.-- Latin for id est, meaning "that is"

Et cetera, et cetera, lol...

anyways, was wondering about a slang word that I haven't been able to find in here.

"Bananas" or "nanners". Do these mean seeds? Or what.
UB = narcissistic troll in denial about their chicken Mcnugget fetish
UB = gobshite wanker
if these entries were added previously by another user, ignore this post
ehemmm, I'll try this again!!! What is a bumper harvest???
ehemmm,,, i did a google search and came up with this answer without even having to access the link.... 'Bumper crop', also known as 'bumper harvest', is a phrase used in agriculture that refers to an unusually large crop harvest.

op, you list lighting types but have not yet included "LED".
I've got one for ya: What is PAR?
It was mentioned by homebrewer: "Lumens are for humans, plants only care about PAR."