Vocabulary/Slang Terms (Updated With the Missing Terms)

Thank you for this information. You can also add the words "grunge" and "mersh" (commercial) to the shwag/stress section. We also called it "dirt weed" back in the 70's. Most of it was grown in Mexico and had about a thousand seeds per ounce. We only paid about 10 bucks for a 30 gram bag. You could literally carry kilos of this stuff right across international borders and never get caught.
Dank - defines thickness and a cusion like feel to the bud. Really thick cushiony buds are dank. They burn slower.
I knew some of them, some I didn't. I do a lot of reading and figuring out things without asking a lot of questions first; so if you see me on here, I'm not lurking, I'm learning. Thanks for the thread and the forum.
Great list appreciate it.

I don't see "Drain To Waste " (?) and "Eb and Flow " (?)....am I missing something on this list or they listed as something else?

I'm still learning :)
I know I have asked a few dumb questions in my days. If anyone is serious about what they are attempting to do, I would suggest everyone to read just about every thread on this forum. So much knowledge on this website that I still learning something new everyday by going through the THOUSANDS OF POSTS on this shindig. ++++ Rep for this post :)
Read today someone mentioned "supersoil", don't have a clue what that is, sounded like something home made.
No it was actually supersoil. Don't have a clue where I read it, might have been one of the pissing match threads about miracle grow soil. Tried to search on it and it seems there is actually a commercial product called that, and some do it yourself recipe that was implied.

  • i have one plant i bought a GE 120 wtt plant light is this ok to use for buding i really dont have anymore money im just trying this out to see how it works​
