so you say. It sounds a lot more like you decided you didn't like prop19, then came up with the reasons why you didn't like it later.
yeah, you caught me.

so you say. It sounds a lot more like you decided you didn't like prop19, then came up with the reasons why you didn't like it later.
Is there a limit on the amount of medicine a patient can have now, other than the 6 mature plants or 12 immature plants and 8 oz (growing, or in their possession, or on their property)?
limits were declared unconstitutional by the state supreme court. you are allowed whatever you can PROVE you need. up to 99 plants, then the feds kick your door in.![]()
Another city jumping on the "tax and regulate" bandwagon.
Rancho Cordova will be a "Personal Cultivation Tax" of..............Wait.......Get this............
$600 PER SQUARE FOOT! Up to 25 square foot.
So an average Joe, who wants to grow some green at home can set up his cute little 5x5 garden, and pay ONLY $15k per year (this is NOT a one time fee, this is an annual tax)
this is all proof that prop 19 is irrelevant when it comes to taxing cannabis.
August 5, 2010
Rancho Cordova readies measure to tax marijuana cultivators
Voters in Rancho Cordova will decide in November whether to tax residents who grow their own pot.
The city measure, put on the Nov. 2 ballot by the City Council this week, would impose taxes on all local residential cultivation if California voters approve Proposition 19 to legalize recreational use.
Read more:
But the city's proposed "Personal Cannabis Cultivation Tax" also makes no distinction between medical and recreational cultivation. So the tax would kick in for anyone currently cultivating for personal medical use -- whether Prop 19 passes or not.
Those taxes go into effect reguardless of prop 19 passes or not. This is from the article you are citing as an example:
Fail. Santa Clara is taxing dispensaries right now without prop 19 as well. The idea that cities/counties somehow need permission from prop 19 to tax cannabis is pretty lol.
no one said they needed permission. you are veering.
the article i read clearly says "IF prop 19 passes". that makes it relevant. sorry if you can't see that or stay focused long enough to understand the simple point i was making.
No, I'm not veering, you're spinning. The article says the tax will kick in regardless of if prop 19 passes or not. It's not prop 19 creating this tax.
i guess that word "IF" is a hallucination to me. sorry for the misunderstanding.
carry on.
Hey guys I dont wana be the one to piss anyone cornflakes but I have to point this cause it seems to be the common thred missing from all these Vote no on Prop 19 posts.
You all know you live in the U.S. right? You do all know that the U.S. is run by big buisness? That being said how much of hit were you expecting them to take? I understand and 100% support Jack and his idea of that it "should be" However lets all be up front and honest. This is the closest the U.S. has ever come to making it legal. And frankly its as close as the U.S. Government will let us get I fear. To vote no on this you will be cuting your own throat. I do not feel you will get this chance again anytime soon and to not grab this oppertunity and make the best of it is foolish.
Is it the perfect plan no. But its all you got. I would suggest getting the Prop 19 in place then working on fixing its issue reather then say F the whole thing.
I truely belive that the only way any "free person" in the U.S. will be truely free is to have the people step up and take it all back just like in 1776. Seeing as that not likely to happen maybe we shouldnt look a gift horse in the mouth.
Thanks all.
It could happen...we just need to get the ball rolling and stop being the lazy stereotypes every one makes stoners' out to be. Although, I personally cannot decide which would be more difficult: try to fix this prop19 law if it passes or F the whole thing and make another? It seems like a LOT of money was spent to get it on the ballot in the first place. I'm not sure anyone would do that unless they were making some sort of profit off of it which is exactly the case for Richard Lee. So what do we think...anyone else here a millionaire willing to invest $$$ to get a better prop out there? Will some one please stand up?
If no one does, I guess you're right, this is the only option in the foreseeable future...![]()