Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
With or without Prop 19 POLICE AND LEO ARE STILL GOING TO TWIST AND BEND AND ABUSE THE LAW...Thats apart of their job. Thats called "Job-Security" A measure by which they continue to secure their own job with the force. They dig and poke and prode at laws ...so WHY SUPPORT THE POLICE by voting against Prop 19. My biggest and most sickening fact is this. Voting against PROP 19 Means you CONDONE and SUPPORT INNOCENT CHILDREN BEING KILLED OVER A PLANT( CANNABIS). That.....is something NO ONE WHO CALLS THEMSELF A MAN OR WOMEN SHOULD BE APART OF!!! IF YOU THINK CHILDREN CAN "WAIT" FOR A BETTER MEASURE THEN GET OFF THIS PLANET, YOUR KIND IS NOT WELCOMED HERE. THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN. WE HAVE A DUTY TO PROTECT THEM. VOTING AGAINST PROP 19 IS NOT PROTECTING OUT CHILDREN!!!!
Peace, Love, and Happiness
The fact that the prop 19 people need to lie and try and scare people to get them to vote against it makes me very suspicious of their real motivations. When they aren't making stuff up, they are claiming we shouldn't vote for prop19 because the police don't like it and might abuse it? Really? Of course the cops don't want to end prohibition. But there is a good reason cops don't write the laws.
The idea that we should vote against prop 19 because the cops don't like it and they might act out is baffling to me. Don't be intimidated by what the cops might do, vote yes.