Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
Come on brotha...You cant deny it...Fdd you know I have nothing but love and respect but come on man..your killin me here...It is what it is brotha!!! You cant deny the Innocent Bloodshed over Prohibition...you cant, its fact man...not thesis or theory but fact brotha..I think it is something to cry over...innocent children dying...its not a joke in my eyes.
Peace, love, and happiness
Sure, prohibition causes bloodshed. But if you come on here and imply that people who vote against prop 19 want children to be executed people aren't going to take that seriously. It's very easy to refute prohibitionists in a less extreme way. I don't think anyone on here actually wants children to be executed.
I mean, I agree that prohibition has had horrible consequences and should be ended, but people don't usually respond well to such extreme rhetoric.