Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
TO busy voting no fdd....Aint got time to help out the cannabis community at large cause of my own selfish desires and needs....( perhaps one can not make it so obvious things are a getting under ya skin) .......is it the....T.....R......U.....T.....H.....or FICTION
???hmmm...Just saddened to see you so vigilantly selfish on voting no...Its not about just you here, its about cannabis being free, about the community of cannabis users....not about ones inability to not grow XYZ in a XYZ space....
Peace, Love, and Happiness
He's already admitted that the real reason he's against prop 19 is because Richard Lee burned him personally. Since he doesn't like Richard Lee, he thinks the rest of us should continue living under prohibition as long as he gets to see Richard Lee fail. It's pretty selfish.