Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member

How are you doing this fine evening?
Good, good...bored, bored.. I seem to have avatar menopause.. can't find one I like....:wall:... put a few up then took them down.... Hows the nose and breathing now... have you noticed any improvement....:?:
vette put a bee in my butt about meatloaf.. but the only way I'm going outside is if theres a fire....:fire: Twisty flambe.....:fire:


Well-Known Member
Good, good...bored, bored.. I seem to have avatar menopause.. can't find one I like....:wall:... put a few up then took them down.... Hows the nose and breathing now... have you noticed any improvement....:?:
vette put a bee in my butt about meatloaf.. but the only way I'm going outside is if theres a fire....:fire: Twisty flambe.....:fire:
Doing much better, thanks for asking. Still healing so it will be a few more weeks to see how successful things are. Just glad to be going in the right direction.

MMMMMM.... Vette's meatloaf was wonderful. Yummy!!!! He is one fine cook and a fine man. Get out during the day tomorrow and make a small loaf for yourself.... good stuff. It is hard to make food for one.

I know what you mean.... I am not going outside until tomorrow am...... I have work. Too cold.... I will stay cuddled under the down comforter and keep warm.


Well-Known Member
Hey China, :hug:

Fire when ready bongsmilie
Hey Miss....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Toke one for me.... I don't partake but I am a stoner at heart. I decided to quit for my job..... but the day I retire..... LOOK OUT!!!! :clap: I get very angry that people can go out and get trashed.... but I can't take a puff. Whole other subject.... let's not go there..... it just gets us all frustrated with the law.

Otherwise... it is a good day... some good food.... and the Eagles won. I think that makes it almost perfect.

How about your day..... I was thinking about you earlier.... I had the Karate Kid on for a while.LOL Flashbacks.....


New Member
I know she doesn't smoke, the fire when ready was for people in general.

Been playing Empire Earth all day, getting ready to go play another game here shorty. Taking over the world is fun....... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
WTF...I got a 1 point -rep.. for this... if I was fdd I'd be a lot more stoned right now.... hey fdd ya weed..... I got capped for ya by da gansta gang.... who's the 1 point putz...

3169 point(s) total Latest Reputation Received Thread Date Comment
By passing the... 01-11-2009 06:53 PM WRONG spammer fdd


Well-Known Member
i just got some bud yesterday that was sticky as hell and its good, best bud i have had in a long time, some stuff from cali


Well-Known Member
I just got some stuff called "Sweet tooth" anyone ever heard of that? It tastes pretty nice.
Sweet tooth.... cap't crunch berries..... YIKES. I feel like "lions and tigers and bears...oh my!"

Not fair. Sad thing is.... I am in chronic pain... so I could easily get a medical card if I lived in the right place. UGGGHHHHH!!!!

Life is good, life is good, life is good.

I know.... everyone take one big hit.... for me.


Well-Known Member
I can't be fdd... I took off my shoes and I can't hang by my toes... damn, now I need to get a funny hat too........ WTF did I do... geez !!!
* plus if you go to that post its about stealing power.. another dropped baby on the site...:o:o