Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Morning Folks
11 Degree's outside ..............
Light em up
G'Day vette.. :leaf: -18c- 0.4f ... fridays going to suck -28c--18f........

Cold here, That ankle pin finally settled down. I finally did what the doc said and stayed off it.
Hey Doc was right... imagine that........:o

good morning wake and bake bongsmilie
Hi miss.... :hug:

morning Miss, been smoking some prozac? lol
Damn.... that F*****g exlax pluged up my bong..........:wall:


New Member
I tried to smoke a diet coke, but I couldn't get it lit :confused:

That is a badass spider Twisty, what kind is that? At first I thought it was a photoshop job or something.

My girl is a Theraphosidae (1o legs) all tarantulas are.


Well-Known Member
I tried to smoke a diet coke, but I couldn't get it lit :confused:
That is a badass spider Twisty, what kind is that? At first I thought it was a photoshop job or something.

My girl is a Theraphosidae (1o legs) all tarantulas are.
I don't know what sort.. I just googled "scared of spider picture..its on the 1st page" I got bitten by a black and yellow spider (very shiny satin like) when I was a 8.......2 days later I'm at hospital having foot cut open.... :shock: the only other time I saw one was about 20 years ago...it lived on my 750 honda for the whole summer... seemed to like riding....



New Member
She sits here in her aquarium on my desk, I can see her from here. I've had her for a good 10 years, and she's technically not a spider. She can't escape from her cage or anything, think if her like a fish, she hangs out, I feed her, sometimes I clean her enclosure. No big deal. I don't handle her, dropping tarantulas usually kills them, and I feel she has a right to live without being molested.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
corn spiders look mean as hell---I used to feed them ants when I was a kid---the spider would haul ass over to them and wrap them up---but after the tenth one they would be like "you ass hole :)"


New Member
We don't really have those around here. I'm allergic to spider bites, so me and Crimson have an agreement, I don't bite her, she doesn't bite me :)

Spiders tend to give warning signs before they bite, of course sometimes you don't know the spider is there until you're bit.....

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member

Brown Recluse bites. These little jokers are probably in your house and they don't have hair for chemicals to stick to so their hard to kill. They like to hide in shoes and bed sheets. They are watching you read :)


New Member
No, we don't have those around her either. I've never heard of anyone in my area being bitten by one. Once there was a black widow that packed it's way here with some college kids stuff.

We get those wolf spiders though, they always freak me out, they jump out and shit .......


New Member
We've had tarantulas for a good 20 years now. When my daughter was about 4 her favorite movie was Arachnaphobia. (she's still to scared to kill spiders though )