Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member

Brown Recluse bites. These little jokers are probably in your house and they don't have hair for chemicals to stick to so their hard to kill. They like to hide in shoes and bed sheets. They are watching you read :)
Hard to get rid of spiders in your home. You have to abate them like asbestos.


New Member
I don't really have much of a spider problem in my house. Once in a great while we see one, but usually if one is crawling around there is a cat that is more than happy to kill it.


Well-Known Member
just got here...quick more posts, if i have to scroll past that gnarly hand again ima lose my coffee.

i have to go shake money out of unwilling customers pockets today, not looking forward to it.


New Member
You need to make a squirrel proof feeder, I'd buy that.........

You should grow a bunch of different types of gourds, they make cute bird houses, you can paint them all different ways.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I feed them peanuts in the shells and move them a little closer to the house each day. My little dauchshund sits in front of the door grawling at them. He really hates them.