Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Rig up some woodpecker feeders too. They are fun to watch. Their heads moving super fast and the sound they make is great entertainment high. Damn I want to sit outside, but it's too damn cold.


Well-Known Member
Im kinda retired , I need something to keep me busy .. I have a bay in the barn that I can use as a shop.. Ive built houses for 20 years so I have the ""Know How "" and the tools .. I also have a nice stockpile of lumber, So after doing some research and seeing that these things sell from $10 too $100 .. I figured time and mat.. and its really almost like free money if you produce a nice quality product at a reasonable cost .. its a win win .. I seen a $40 birdhouse that I can build for under $3 .................


New Member
I paid 20 for mine, it looks like a little Gazebo, it's cute, but the fucking squirrels are always hanging off of it. I put out a squirrel feeder with corn, but they're always on my bird feeder, fuckers.......


Well-Known Member
i just got my dry weight - 3 oz's!!!! plus i know ive smoked at least a quarter so far! thats fucking awesome. thats only using 1/4 of my possible canopy space, i can fit 4 plants that size under my light. 12 oz's off a 400w would be sick...i wanna do it!


Well-Known Member
She sits here in her aquarium on my desk, I can see her from here. I've had her for a good 10 years, and she's technically not a spider. She can't escape from her cage or anything, think if her like a fish, she hangs out, I feed her, sometimes I clean her enclosure. No big deal. I don't handle her, dropping tarantulas usually kills them, and I feel she has a right to live without being molested.
Plus their hairs are an irritant..thats what itching powder was made out of before........

this kind of black and yellow spider by chance?
it's a corn spider, they live in the corn fields, got lot of them around here.
Similar, but not quite..it had a velvet sort of hair..very smooth sleek looking and a very bright yellow... I'll look around later to find a pic... thats what I meant about not seeing one for years...

Im not into that pic .. Im trying to enjoy my coffee and bowl
Its gross ..
Now you're going to start feeling all itchy........ :shock:

yes I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist :D
Don't poke the vette......... :-P


The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
You could make more money by making squirrel gauntlet things. Like five or six different elevated posts/stands with tunnels and what not connecting them to make squirrels get to the food. I would buy one and have never seen anyone sell them.


New Member
That's a cool Idea Son O Man, I've seen a squirrel feeder when they have to go up through a hole into a fish bowl thing to get the corn. It's pretty neat. Expand on that and make it maze like, shit, I'd buy that too, put it out front, my cats would be entertained all day long watching that .