
i've been watching that....we are send teams to help find the lost etc etc.....i watched most of it unfold at the USGS site yesterday....the initial start was in the Hyat provice and went north from there........there are some weird clips on twitter like collapse of building, tsunami at the coast line.....the damage is emense to say the least....

I approve of humanitarian assistance in the form of locating survivors. Full Stop.

Edit: State of the Union is tonight; we'll hear more..al-Assad has been out of the news for awhile..no?
Turkey has a bad combo: frequent severe quakes and lotsa unreinforced block construction. That’s why they have so many casualties from a quake that would have killed dozens in US or Japan.

i noticed from the collapsed building even some newer construction took a hit too....that was in a different province

seems minor quakes or aftershocks today lowest 4.2 to the most recent from what i see was a 5.3

tectonic in this area is weird....
Surely,I know little about him, but I like what I have seen,seems like reasonable leader more interested in the living standards of reg. Russians than confronting the west over historical issues,but Gates claims the radical right has the ear of and the pull in Moscow, issues that sound familiar.

Does anyone remember the definition of Commie?
I was thinking more in terms of the apparat, the Soviet-holdover ruling machinery of the oligarchy. Putin is the instrument of their policy. If he has to go for cosmetic reasons, another mil-spec apparatchik is no doubt held ready to be slotted in.

But like I said less loyalty to whoever that is. One thing is for sure, Putin is in a prison of his own making and out of options.