
Those young Ukrainian drone warriors look pretty "woke" to me, with a female commander and all. So unlike those manly Russian soldiers who the republicans like so much, they have no problem with not being woke, being woke is hard to do when yer dead!

Who kills more of who, is the answer grasshopper...
The defense minister of Finland posted a little message to Russia
Happy to have the Fins onboard officially,they are a determined,proud people,w/plenty of hard won exp. in dealing w/Russia,now if Erdogan and Orban would stop posturing and allow the Swedes in also,as far as I'm concerned Turkey and Hungary are fence sitting NATO members,Erdogan has gone so far as to purchase Russian air defense equipment prior to the war and is always difficult in NATO matters,if Turkey didn't occupy a vital geographical position they probably would be voted out of NATO. Orban is also establishing a autocratic gov. in Hungary that doesn't mesh w/NATO standards either.
I'm sure armed with loads of top-secret information, they know just when to put the squeeze on Uncle Sam and will try to jack up oil prices just before the 24 elections. That is why Joe, and the EU will want to open up Ukrainian production and open access to the Caspian Sea, better relations with Venezuela would help too, as would ramping up domestic production. All this shit is short term, the writing is on the wall as far as gasoline demand over the next decade is concerned and renewables will steadily decrease the demand for NG and petroleum products.

All levels of society are fighting and sacrificing, members of parliament are in uniform and at the front, as are supreme court justices, university professors and auto mechanics, all fighting side by side and often in the same unit, young and old. These kinds of events have a deep impact on societies and post war the legion of veterans will run the place for a couple of decades and be a political force to be reckoned with, they will also have a low tolerance for bullshit and corruption, considering the sacrifice of their friends, families and themselves, corruption will be seen as treason and betrayal by many. I mean look what corruption did for the Russians, it was Ukraine's secret weapon that everybody knew about.

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I saw that on the news, what goes around comes around, I guess.

I would expect a lot of post war private score settling, the aftermath of WW2 in Europe was not as peaceful as many think and acts of revenge and retribution were carried out well into the 60's. No justice no peace, and that is why we have courts and why they must work, but much of this shit lies outside the realm of normal justice and falls into a grey area.