
His fan boi's are in the US military..what is his diabolical strategy here? This is a new development. Please answer what are your thoughts?
trump doesn't actually have that much support among active military personnel, most of his support in the military is actually from veterans...and what can you say, there are no fools, like old fools...


I'm thinking that you're building some kind of scenario mentally where the US military refuses lawful orders and pledges allegiance to trump....
stop. now. that's not going to happen, and it's pretty insulting to 90+% of the military...
trump is an old, worn out, wrecked piece of shit. he'll never step foot in the white house again.
Thanks' Donald, Joe wanted out and ya fucked Vlad inadvertently by trying to fuck Joe. The last place America's European NATO partners would wanna be is there, with Vlad rampaging next door and a major war. Now all those forces are combat experienced and training Ukrainians in Europe while giving arms they might not have if stuck in Afghan.

trump doesn't actually have that much support among active military personnel, most of his support in the military is actually from veterans...and what can you say, there are no fools, like old fools...


I'm thinking that you're building some kind of scenario mentally where the US military refuses lawful orders and pledges allegiance to trump....
stop. now. that's not going to happen, and it's pretty insulting to 90+% of the military...
trump is an old, worn out, wrecked piece of shit. he'll never step foot in the white house again.

Yes I'm certain all this will occur because I said so. Don't ever give me instruction. How many Secret Service were on board with Trump on 1/6 that Pence wouldn't even get in his car? The Capitol Police? The FBI?

You may not be aware, but they had to clean house and are still doing it. There are traitors to this country everywhere.

There are also an estimated 16 million Weapon of War AR-15s in this country for 'hunting purposes'.
Thanks' Donald, Joe wanted out and ya fucked Vlad inadvertently by trying to fuck Joe. The last place America's European NATO partners would wanna be is there, with Vlad rampaging next door and a major war. Now all those forces are combat experienced and training Ukrainians in Europe while giving arms they might not have if stuck in Afghan.

I guess no one could connect the dots until now?
Let's see, he's using a 6S battery which is why it looks like it's moving like a rocket. He's near the end of his endurance with 6 minutes of on time and 4 minutes of flight at probably close to 150kph. His video transmitter power level seems to be variable and he is at -104? decibels reception quality. Generally drones don't bother cluttering up the OSD with an artificial horizon and such, its proximity flying close to the ground.

More stupidity, if it is an issue (it is not for them) then modify the firmware with a patch, I'm sure the Ukrainians have.

The cops are another bunch who have been looking at drones used in Ukraine and are getting ideas of their own. Think about it, a surveillance multirotor drone that can stay up for 40 minutes now, in the not-too-distant future could have batteries that last 5x longer 200 minutes, or 3 and a half hours! It would also have some serious range all over the city using the 5G cell network with high data rates bigger ones could use starlink for some serious data rates and multiple 4K cameras with all the bells and whistles and be "crew served" with pilot and multiple observers each with their own monitor! At the triangulation of a gunshot sound, it could be on the scene in minutes. So now you have a drone that can move around it's assigned area of the city at 40 or 50 MPH and stay aloft for over 3 and half hours, now we are talking something seriously useful. You will most likely see such batteries in drones early, produced by pilot plants for automakers to test them and other uses like cellphones, computers and drones.

Here's another idea, an FPV drone that pops out of a box on the roof of a 7-11 and hunts down robbers in the parking lot with a taser and mace spray with dye! All controlled by a cop in the office, AI identifies the targets, fires up the drone and flies it to the aiming point then he presses the button! :lol: Welcome to the future!
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Yep, the cops or even bounty hunters I suppose, could wait for a fugitive using a drone perched like a crow on top of a telephone pole waiting with facial recognition software and using the 5G cell network, and the robot version would hunt them down using their cellphone signals! If the cops are late, it can take off from the pole swoop down and tase the fucker! :lol: