Yep- especially wishy washy ones.Without a will to fight, it's just a scrap of paper, however, shit happens and instead of going for bites, Vlad went for the whole enchilada and that will to kick his ass, now exists, both in Europe and in America. A problem has been turned into an opportunity to eliminate Russia as a conventional military threat and Putin because he's an asshole who can't be reasoned with or trusted anyway. Russia will be fucked for a decade minimum, militarily, economically, socially and spiritually. They won't be a threat to their smaller neighbors and their imperialist ambitions are thwarted.
They might dissolve and there could be new countries on the pacific rim, former autonomous Russian republics. China wants land back (a lot) and Japan wants Islands back stolen by Stalin at the end of WW2, they have not forgotten. A deal with the new governments in the region could see a lot of aid in exchange for turf taken. This war will end up changing the map of Europe, central Asia and perhaps the Pacific rim.
Sammy isn't fucking around and is there for a spell, all that equipment they gave to the Ukrainians, needs maintenance and repair. Great experience for them getting battle damaged shit up and running and assessing weaknesses in shit once it is in combat.US Army activates its massive prepositioned stock in Poland
The U.S. Army has just activated its Long Term Equipment Storage and Maintenance Complex at the 33rd Air Base in Powidz, Poland.
The facility is designed to provide equipment and field level maintenance of an armored brigade combat team to sustain a long term presence in eastern Europe to deter aggression.
“The LTESM-C is NATO’s most significant single infrastructure investment in more than 30 years and will be able to host a U.S. brigade’s worth of combat-ready military equipment,” the news release say
That's the purpose of the EU and the UN, the people who are living in a place get to make the call, not would be emperors. That applies to places like Canada and the UK where Scotland may pull the pin.Yep- especially wishy washy ones.
Europe has and will always been plagued by wars and moving borders.
It could certainly still escalate into another WW. Many would say we are due for one. As ive mentioned perhaps a nuclear one would get it all over and done with sooner.
This doesnt make any sense. EU is for all intents and purposes an economic and social group in fact the Hague gets to make legal calls for other countries in regard to the EU- one of the reasons the United Kingdom got out. Scotland is part of the UK arn't they and no longer in the EU? Is Canada in the EU? That's a bit strange. You sure they are as i just googled and it just says Canadas a trade partner?That's the purpose of the EU and the UN, the people who are living in a place get to make the call, not would be emperors. That applies to places like Canada and the UK where Scotland may pull the pin.
wow, you went that long before i had to ignore you're just too far from reality for me to be able to deal with.Yes I'm certain all this will occur because I said so. Don't ever give me instruction. How many Secret Service were on board with Trump on 1/6 that Pence wouldn't even get in his car? The Capitol Police? The FBI?
You may not be aware, but they had to clean house and are still doing it. There are traitors to this country everywhere.
There are also an estimated 16 million Weapon of War AR-15s in this country for 'hunting purposes'.
they're all gonna be surprised when the Ukrainians evict them, forcefully...
This doesnt make any sense. EU is for all intents and purposes an economic group
In fact the Hague gets to make calls for other countries in regard to the EU- one of the reasons England got out.
Its the principal court of the EU. England doesnt like to be told what to do by upstart foreigners. lol
That's a very interesting video. People are much more comfortable being critical when they aren't worried about it putting a target on their backs.Interesting when you black out people's images.
It's official and was investigated by pros.I guess no one could connect the dots until now?
Its the principal court of the EU. England doesnt like to be told what to do by upstart foreigners. lol
No Russia got them, and they could have kept them and reworked them to get rid of a code requirement. Ukraine is a nuclear power with reactors and could whip up a dirty bomb that would make Moscow uninhabitable with tailor made radioactive isotopes FFSThe nukes where no use to Ukraine. They were Russian nukes with Russian codes. I think America got them? Then gave them to Israel?
Was a sentiment some of my English friends made very vocal.Ah, yes, they settle suits between member states and make sure the national laws abide by EU laws. Usually such sentiments would be towards Bruxelles where the decisions are made. I don't think the brexit can be explained quite so easily and I wouldn't be surprised if they rejoined in the future.
Im sure that would work out great for Ukraine and Russia and the people who live anywhere near both countries.Ukraine is a nuclear power with reactors and could whip up a dirty bomb that would make Moscow uninhabitable with tailor made radioactive isotopes FFS
There is a movement in the UK to rejoin the EU, many suspect Brexit was an idea out of Moscow by useful idiots and stooges. The conservatives and bankers loved it since they were eyeballs deep in Russian cash and those pesky EU regulation about corruption and reporting requirements were bothersome. Labor is ahead in the polls by a lot and the EU policy could change and with the Russian war getting back in might not be a big issue.Its the principal court of the EU. England doesnt like to be told what to do by upstart foreigners. lol
Scotland is not in the EU. They left with the UK.Scotland wants to stay in the EU and could pull the pin on the UK they have their own parliament as power devolved in the UK as its liberal democracy continues to evolve. A referendum could do it, we had one in Canada a few decades back that was a close-run thing, concerns have since faded and injustices long since addressed, the Royal Mail became Canada Post etc, though Quebec continues to be a pain in the arse, Frenchmen!
No civil war these days, UN charter and Scotland would have to rejoin the EU. A lot of the ideas in the UN charter are accepted now in the west and if American states wanted to succeed, there is little the federal government can do as long as it is democratic and peaceful, they can't refight the civil war and the federal government can't keep them now, if they want to obey UN law.Scotland is not in the EU. They left with the UK.
Scotland would have to become independent for them to rejoin without the UK. That might take yet another English(UK) vs Scotland war. Perhaps a Scottish civil war first.