
This guy will have a target on his forehead for a long time and if conditions in post war Russia become chaotic or there is civil war, some Ukrainians will be taking a road trip into Russia... If he shows up in Ukraine, they will definitely HIMARS him, if they can find him and Uncle Sammy will be listening for any whispers.

He kinda looks like Sen Rick Scott!


Battle for Kyiv. The Irpin River: Ukraine’s Secret Weapon. UNITED24 media
148,140 views Apr 2, 2023
This video contains materials from the movie Against All Odds • Зупинити Голіафа/... All of us remember the day when Russian troops were forced from the Kyiv region last year. Russia attempted to lay siege to the city of Kyiv with 107 battalion tactical groups, 1000s of armored vehicles, and over 30,000 troops. After heated battles, Ukrainian defenders liberated the areas meter-by-meter, despite facing tremendous damage that Russians had left behind. However, little do people know about one more secret weapon Ukrainian defenders had in store to ‘welcome’ the invaders. And here’s a story about a hero that has kept watch on Ukraine's independence for centuries.

The Railway At War. Why is the Ukrainian railroad network so critical? United24 media

11,897 views Mar 27, 2023
Both Russia and Ukraine rely heavily on trains to win the war. With air traffic suspended, the railroad also provides a vital lifeline for Ukrainians trying to escape the conflict. But how does the train system work, and what are the most critical routes? And what are the green steel train wagons parked all over the country? Watch Talking tactics to find out.
This guy will have a target on his forehead for a long time and if conditions in post war Russia become chaotic or there is civil war, some Ukrainians will be taking a road trip into Russia... If he shows up in Ukraine, they will definitely HIMARS him, if they can find him and Uncle Sammy will be listening for any whispers.

He kinda looks like Sen Rick Scott!

so the russians sent a nazi to 'denazify" Ukraine... :?...makes as much sense as anything else they've said or done...
Could well be. Misinformation saves lives.

"Russia has so far offered a muted response to the leaks. The deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, suggested on Wednesday that the leak might be a US disinformation ploy. “Since the US is a party to the conflict and is essentially waging a hybrid war against us, it is possible that such techniques are being used to deceive their opponent, the Russian Federation,” Ryabkov told Russian news agencies. "
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That's pretty young, and pretty stupid...They will Have to make an example out of him, he might get out of prison by his 50s.

I'd like to know how a 20 something year old working on a military base got access to that kind of info, though...
Bad news for Donald over the Top-Secret documents case. Let's see how long it takes to jail this fucker and how much time he gets, because the media will be comparing it to Trump's case. This guy will be sitting in a jail cell until trial and will be a lot older when he gets out and will never be able to own a gun when he does. He will be jailed, tried, convicted and in prison by the time Donald's trial rolls around or well on his way.
Russia jamming U.S. smart bombs in Ukraine, leaked docs say

A separate technical problem, since fixed, had been causing the munitions to fail.

American-made smart bombs are falling victim to Russian electronic jamming in Ukraine, causing them to miss their targets, according to leaked documents and confirmed by a Defense Department official

In some cases, the weapons were also failing to detonate due to a technical issue, which Ukrainian troops have since addressed.

The news adds to an increasingly bleak picture of the state of Ukraine’s military that has emerged from a trove of top secret intelligence documents that leaked on social media and came to light over the past week. The documents show that Washington has grave concerns about Kyiv’s dwindling ammunition and air defenses, which could cause it to fall short of its goals for the anticipated spring counteroffensive.

The Pentagon in December began sending Kyiv advanced equipment that could convert unguided air-dropped munitions into precision-guided “smart bombs” that can hit Russian targets with a higher degree of accuracy.

The guided bombs can be launched by a variety of aircraft such as bombers and fighters, and are called Joint Direct Attack Munitions or JDAMs. The longer-range version being sent to Ukraine is called a JDAM-Extended Range, or JDAM-ER.

But the weapons have experienced higher-than-expected dud rates and have missed their targets on the battlefield, according to a leaked slide prepared by the Joint Staff and confirmed by a U.S. official, who was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.
In some cases, the bomb fuzes were not arming when they were released, causing the weapon to fail to detonate. The Ukrainian air force put in place a fix to ensure the bombs are arming correctly, according to the slide and the official.

The document includes a diagram of the munition and lays out the technical issue the weapons are experiencing as well as the proposed fix. It also provides a detailed account of the weapon’s failure rate in several recent attacks, including the dates and the number of munitions it took to take out the target. However, POLITICO could not independently verify that information.

A larger problem is that Russia is using GPS jamming to interfere with the weapons’ targeting process, according to the slide and a separate person familiar with the issue who’s not in the U.S. government. American officials believe Russian jamming is causing the JDAMs, and at times other American weapons such as guided rockets, to miss their mark.

“I do think there may be concern that the Russians may be jamming the signal used to direct the JDAMs, which would answer why these munitions are not performing in the manner expected and how they perform in other war zones,” said Mick Mulroy a former Pentagon official and retired CIA officer.

A spokesperson for Boeing, which makes the guidance kits, referred questions to the U.S. government when asked for comment. Defense Department spokesperson Lt. Col. Garron Garn declined to comment on the content of the leaked documents.

“We have seen Ukraine use the security assistance the U.S. and our partners and allies have provided to great success in the defense of their sovereign territory,” Garn said. “We are not going to discuss battle damage or intelligence assessments due to operational security considerations.”
The news adds to an increasingly bleak picture of the state of Ukraine’s military that has emerged from a trove of top secret intelligence documents that leaked on social media and came to light over the past week. The documents show that Washington has grave concerns about Kyiv’s dwindling ammunition and air defenses, which could cause it to fall short of its goals for the anticipated spring counteroffensive.
They have been sending Ukraine tons of shit and lots of equipment. What are Ukraine's goals for this summer? The whole ball of wax it would appear. It almost has the feel of deception or misinformation about it and with a coming offensive you can bet it will be at pre D-Day levels of bullshit and misdirection.
They have been sending Ukraine tons of shit and lots of equipment. What are Ukraine's goals for this summer? The whole ball of wax it would appear. It almost has the feel of deception or misinformation about it and with a coming offensive you can bet it will be at pre D-Day levels of bullshit and misdirection.
A few weeks ago I posted about Ukraine invoking harsher measures regarding absence without leave and a few other things. It strongly suggested that the fighting force was approaching a state of exhaustion.

This corroborates that. Even a motivated and well-led military hits a wall beyond which it becomes a lot less effective.

It’s possible that that was a falsehood intended to keep the Russians careless. But I’d say not probable.

Add that the Russians are not showing signs of running out of shells, despite suggestions otherwise.

There’s a lot we don’t know, like reliable casualty counts on either side. I’m not inclined to be as optimistic as you. Ukraine needs a lucky break of some sort imo.
A few weeks ago I posted about Ukraine invoking harsher measures regarding absence without leave and a few other things. It strongly suggested that the fighting force was approaching a state of exhaustion.

This corroborates that. Even a motivated and well-led military hits a wall beyond which it becomes a lot less effective.

It’s possible that that was a falsehood intended to keep the Russians careless. But I’d say not probable.

Add that the Russians are not showing signs of running out of shells, despite suggestions otherwise.

There’s a lot we don’t know, like reliable casualty counts on either side. I’m not inclined to be as optimistic as you. Ukraine needs a lucky break of some sort imo.
If you notice a lot of those guys holding the line are older territorials, many veterans and they had several hundred thousand of them before the war and were supplemented by a cross section of Ukrainian society and we see this in the videos. Ukraine has been constantly training new battalions of troops and of the few videos I've seen of the new strike forces it is made up mostly of young men commanded by combat vets, NCOs and officers. The older territorials supplemented by the army have been doing a lot of the defensive heavy lifting, fighting from prepared defenses while regular army groups conduct periodic counter attacks and special forces conduct operations.

This is an exhausting slog and not the kind of war the Ukrainians want to fight, or soon won't be when they are ready for the next phase. It might not take as much ammo as the slog, when they can leverage their training, maneuver, combined arms and blitzkrieg attacks on the untrained Russians who can't do much but sit in a trench and wait. We will see, but expect the Ukrainians to head for the Russian railheads when they start and force the Russians to concentrate their depleted resources to defend them, meanwhile...
I figure we will soon know who leaked the documents, the FBI are hot on the trail, and he might even be hearing the knock on the door now or has. Looks like a young magat from what I see, will we see pics of him from social media with a MAGA hat on or attending a Trump rally?

A gravy seal wannabe, or a vet?

The leaker, described in the Post story as a lonely young man and gun enthusiast, was part of a chatroom of about two dozen people on Discord – a social media platform popular with video gamers – that shared a love of guns and military gear,

Washington Post: Person behind leaked Pentagon documents worked on military base

The person behind a massive leak of classified US military documents worked on a military base and posted sensitive national security secrets in an online group of acquaintances, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The Post reporting, which CNN could not independently verify, covers new ground in identifying the supposed leaker of highly classified documents – including some that paint a pessimistic US view of the war in Ukraine – and provides the first known details about who may be behind a major national security breach that has rocked Washington in recent days.

The leaker, described in the Post story as a lonely young man and gun enthusiast, was part of a chatroom of about two dozen people on Discord – a social media platform popular with video gamers – that shared a love of guns and military gear, The Post reported, citing an interview with the leaker’s friend who was also part of the group.

The friend told the Post he would not reveal the identity of the alleged leaker or their location to authorities.

The leaker, going by the moniker “OG,” began posting messages to the Discord chatroom last year that referenced military jargon, The Post reported. In the months that followed, the leaker posted messages in which he appeared to transcribe classified information from US documents, according to the report.

“They were, he recalled, what appeared to be near-verbatim transcripts of classified intelligence documents that OG indicated he had brought home from his job on a ‘military base,’ which the member declined to identify,” the Post reported, referring to messages posted by the anonymous user.

“OG claimed he spent at least some of his day inside a secure facility that prohibited cellphones and other electronic devices, which could be used to document the secret information housed on government computer networks or spooling out from printers,” according to the Post.

The report went on to describe the Discord server apparently controlled by “OG,” where recently leaked classified documents were posted, as a “pandemic refuge, particularly for teen gamers locked in their houses and cut off from their real-world friends.”

A Discord spokesperson told CNN on Sunday that the company is cooperating with law enforcement on the investigation but declined further comment. CNN has reached out to Discord following The Washington Post reporting.

“He wanted to ‘keep us in the loop,’” the group member told the Post. And “OG” “seemed to think that his insider knowledge would offer the others protection from the troubled world around them,” according to the Post report.

“If you could think it, it was in those documents,” the friend and member of OG’s Discord group told the Post.

In his first public comments about the leak, President Joe Biden in Dublin on Thursday appeared to suggest that the US government is close to identifying the leaker.

“There’s a full-blown investigation going on, as you know,” Biden said when asked for comment about the leaks. “The intelligence community and the Justice Department. And they’re getting close. I don’t have an answer for you.”

The Discord chatroom, or “server,” disappeared from online after news of the leaks broke last week, according to a CNN review of Discord servers. Some of the documents were subsequently posted by Discord users to another invitation-only server. Some Discord users thought the documents were fake because they didn’t think anyone would be brazen enough to post them online, according to a CNN review of messages on the platform.

Bellingcat, an investigative outlet, first reported on the connection between the leaked documents and the two Discord servers.

Discord claims to have about 150 million monthly users, and its popularity has risen during a coronavirus pandemic that initially confined people to their homes.
If you notice a lot of those guys holding the line are older territorials, many veterans and they had several hundred thousand of them before the war and were supplemented by a cross section of Ukrainian society and we see this in the videos. Ukraine has been constantly training new battalions of troops and of the few videos I've seen of the new strike forces it is made up mostly of young men commanded by combat vets, NCOs and officers. The older territorials supplemented by the army have been doing a lot of the defensive heavy lifting, fighting from prepared defenses while regular army groups conduct periodic counter attacks and special forces conduct operations.

This is an exhausting slog and not the kind of war the Ukrainians want to fight, or soon won't be when they are ready for the next phase. It might not take as much ammo as the slog, when they can leverage their training, maneuver, combined arms and blitzkrieg attacks on the untrained Russians who can't do much but sit in a trench and wait. We will see, but expect the Ukrainians to head for the Russian railheads when they start and force the Russians to concentrate their depleted resources to defend them, meanwhile...
i find myself falling between you and Canna....I have confidence the Ukrainians will eventually win, but it will take at least another year, even if everything goes incredibly well this year. The russians have men to call up, but not a single one of them wants to go, or they would already be in Ukraine. They don't seem to have sufficient arms or equipment for these new recruits, which makes me wonder what their plan for them is.
The Ukrainians have limited manpower resources, but they're all very motivated, and very well equipped.


Both sides seem to be having ammunition supply problems, russia has china, north korea, and iran to seek aid from, while Ukraine has NATO...i would go with the Ukrainians on that one, Iran might give them some ammo, but i doubt they have significant supplies long term, or the resources to step up production. North korea is in about the same boat...I don't think china will give them artillery ammunition, but i've always found it hard to predict what the chinese would do. I don't see any real advantage in it for them, or them having any real loyalty to their relationship with russia.
I would think they would be looking to consume russia's far eastern territories as soon as russia doesn't have the man power to protect them anymore.
I don't see this ending in less than another year and a half at least, but i don't see russia winning it, either...
The dumb bastard is fucked when they catch him, look at the kind of sensitive intelligence he released, sources and methods, he might not get out, allies are at war, and it might be an aggravating factor in sentencing.

It is not on the level of Trump's crime, but it will rate swift justice and a harsh sentence, we will get to see how regular people are treated in a similar matter, though it is not as serious as Trump's transgression.
