
Putin signs into law decision to deport Ukrainians without Russian passports from Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories

Deport where? People in the occupied territories have a problem leaving the area. It's impossible to cross the frontline to Ukraine. The only way out is to Russia, which doesn't really seem like a way out.

When is the rest of the world going to step in and tell the russians to knock it the fuck off?...Seriously, we've let a tiny country with practically no military turn itself into Sparta on our behalf, and the best we can do is trickle them weapons and ammo?
When i think about what we're allowing to happen to them, it makes me want to cry and vomit at the same time...

welcome back guys.....the second guy looks like he's been through some shit and is gonna need help stat

Ukraine is going to need some serious help after the war...We BETTER be there to give that help, after using up an entire generation...

When is the rest of the world going to step in and tell the russians to knock it the fuck off?...Seriously, we've let a tiny country with practically no military turn itself into Sparta on our behalf, and the best we can do is trickle them weapons and ammo?
When i think about what we're allowing to happen to them, it makes me want to cry and vomit at the same time...

Ukraine is going to need some serious help after the war...We BETTER be there to give that help, after using up an entire generation...
doesn’t it always come back to one thing? We really don’t want to provoke a nuclear bombing. Since Korea nukes have distorted how we wage war. And the entire pyramid of diplomatic policy below that capstone.

When is the rest of the world going to step in and tell the russians to knock it the fuck off?...Seriously, we've let a tiny country with practically no military turn itself into Sparta on our behalf, and the best we can do is trickle them weapons and ammo?
When i think about what we're allowing to happen to them, it makes me want to cry and vomit at the same time...

Ukraine is going to need some serious help after the war...We BETTER be there to give that help, after using up an entire generation...
Ukraine is doing alright considering what they are up against, and they probably lost less than 1/5 the number of Russians killed. They are nowhere near losing a generation and most of the casualties have been older men so far, at least from what I've seen. If Russia lost 200K dead, Ukraine lost less the 50K, each life lost is a tragedy, but even 100K out of 44 million is not a large percentage. Civilian casualties have been remarkably low, compared to the estimates at the beginning of the war and the destruction has been largely confined to the east and south and along the fighting lines.

Russia has been humiliated and defeated in this war and will suffer a final defeat in Ukraine probably this year. Their military, society and economy are fucked, the myth of the mighty Russian army is exploded, and they are exposed as weak and ineffectual. The only security Ukraine will have is their complete destruction as much as possible. That will mean luring them into other wars when they are defeated and driven from Ukraine, Belarus would be my guess as the next one, perhaps Georgia. Nothing drains a treasury like war and we want Russia's military equipment used up and their treasury to be as empty as possible for as long as they are an imperial autocracy.

It's not pretty, but it is how you fight a successful proxy war to destroy a nuclear armed foe. There is no way Joe, or the Europeans will let Ukraine lose this war that decision was made many months ago. This is not a war without end for us, the definition of winning is the 1991 borders of Ukraine and a broken Russian military. I think it is in our and Ukraine's interest to spread this war around Russia's borders, Belarus, Georgia and in half a dozen other places. Keep them poor, under sanctions and at constant war with anybody who wants to be free of them or who just wants revenge. Russia has many enemies on its borders because it earned every one of them, support them, no need to use them, they can make their own choices. Not death by a nuclear flash, but bleed to death by a thousand cuts delivered by their enemies.
Ukraine is doing alright considering what they are up against, and they probably lost less than 1/5 the number of Russians killed. They are nowhere near losing a generation and most of the casualties have been older men so far, at least from what I've seen. If Russia lost 200K dead, Ukraine lost less the 50K, each life lost is a tragedy, but even 100K out of 44 million is not a large percentage. Civilian casualties have been remarkably low, compared to the estimates at the beginning of the war and the destruction has been largely confined to the east and south and along the fighting lines.

Russia has been humiliated and defeated in this war and will suffer a final defeat in Ukraine probably this year. Their military, society and economy are fucked, the myth of the mighty Russian army is exploded, and they are exposed as weak and ineffectual. The only security Ukraine will have is their complete destruction as much as possible. That will mean luring them into other wars when they are defeated and driven from Ukraine, Belarus would be my guess as the next one, perhaps Georgia. Nothing drains a treasury like war and we want Russia's military equipment used up and their treasury to be as empty as possible for as long as they are an imperial autocracy.

It's not pretty, but it is how you fight a successful proxy war to destroy a nuclear armed foe. There is no way Joe, or the Europeans will let Ukraine lose this war that decision was made many months ago. This is not a war without end for us, the definition of winning is the 1991 borders of Ukraine and a broken Russian military. I think it is in our and Ukraine's interest to spread this war around Russia's borders, Belarus, Georgia and in half a dozen other places. Keep them poor, under sanctions and at constant war with anybody who wants to be free of them or who just wants revenge. Russia has many enemies on its borders because it earned every one of them, support them, no need to use them, they can make their own choices. Not death by a nuclear flash, but bleed to death by a thousand cuts delivered by their enemies.
did those look like older men in that video?
you assume they've lost a fifth as many, that's what the Ukrainians are saying, but you have to account for propaganda...i'd say it was closer to 3 times as many, and russia has almost 4 times as many people...they can keep that attrition rate up for quite a while.
And what if russia does lose this year, and suffer a humiliating defeat? you don't think that would be sufficient cause for putin to say fuck this and launch a few nukes at Kiev? We're fucking terrified that ANYTHING the Ukrainians do might provoke a nuclear exchange...You don't think getting publicly humiliated is sufficient reason to putin?
this has never been done before, this isn't in any text book, and none of us have one single fucking idea how it's all going to work out...
I'll believe this will finish without the use of nukes when putin is dead and the russians are totally out of Ukraine, until then, i'm just waiting for the bright flash of light that used to be Washington D.C...Or New York...Or Los Angeles...
Because they hate us more than anyone else, and if they think they're going out, who do you think they're going to try to take with them?
did those look like older men in that video?
you assume they've lost a fifth as many, that's what the Ukrainians are saying, but you have to account for propaganda...i'd say it was closer to 3 times as many, and russia has almost 4 times as many people...they can keep that attrition rate up for quite a while.
And what if russia does lose this year, and suffer a humiliating defeat? you don't think that would be sufficient cause for putin to say fuck this and launch a few nukes at Kiev? We're fucking terrified that ANYTHING the Ukrainians do might provoke a nuclear exchange...You don't think getting publicly humiliated is sufficient reason to putin?
this has never been done before, this isn't in any text book, and none of us have one single fucking idea how it's all going to work out...
I'll believe this will finish without the use of nukes when putin is dead and the russians are totally out of Ukraine, until then, i'm just waiting for the bright flash of light that used to be Washington D.C...Or New York...Or Los Angeles...
Because they hate us more than anyone else, and if they think they're going out, who do you think they're going to try to take with them?
From what I've seen over the course of the war so far, it has been a big spread of ages from kids to guys in their 50's and 60's. It started when they released the territorials from their home districts about a year ago when the slog in the east began. They have been doing much of the defensive fighting with help from the regular army, they appear to be saving and building their regular army of young guys into a strike force and the experienced army vets are training and leading them down to the sergeants and corporals.

One way to get rid of Putin is to drive the Russians from all of Ukraine in a humiliating defeat and just because they are driven from Ukraine does not mean the Ukrainians are finished with the Russians by a long fucking shot, they will not forgive, and they will not forget. If the Russian's were wise, they would sign a peace and stick by it carefully, because many in Ukraine want a piece of them, so do many in America and eastern Europe.

The Russians are gonna end up paying the cost of this war with seized money and there should be enough of it to cover the monetary costs.

When is the rest of the world going to step in and tell the russians to knock it the fuck off?...Seriously, we've let a tiny country with practically no military turn itself into Sparta on our behalf, and the best we can do is trickle them weapons and ammo?
When i think about what we're allowing to happen to them, it makes me want to cry and vomit at the same time...

Ukraine is going to need some serious help after the war...We BETTER be there to give that help, after using up an entire generation...

that second young man, is gonna need all the help he can get....just by the looks in his eyes......hope the maker watches over him...
One way to get rid of Putin is to drive the Russians from all of Ukraine in a humiliating defeat and just because they are driven from Ukraine does not mean the Ukrainians are finished with the Russians by a long fucking shot, they will not forgive, and they will not forget.
So NATO is going to allow them to invade a beaten, humiliated russia where putin still holds the launch codes to the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet? Why would they do that, when they won't allow them to do it now?
So NATO is going to allow them to invade a beaten, humiliated russia where putin still holds the launch codes to the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet? Why would they do that, when they won't allow them to do it now?
It is what it is Roger, they might invade and take a Russian city, if there are large numbers of Ukrainians held by Russia. Shit I would consider threatening it as a way of cleaning Russians out of Crimea! One thing is for sure, to fight a war with Russia you need to ignore the fact that they have nukes. One problem with invading Russian territory though is it might arouse the Russian population and it is best to let them sleep. As things stand in this war, we are holding all the cards and gathering more every day, Vlad fucked himself and we are just helping to drive the point up his ass. Wait until the Ukrainian offensive gets rolling in a week or two, then you will really see the Russians defeated and humiliated. If it wasn't for nukes, they could go all the way to Moscow once they defeated the Russian army on the battlefield and have a parade on Red Square with the rubble of the Kremlin as a backdrop.