
This topic is called "War". There is my opinion about it. Some time ago I asked ukrainians in Telegram chat, why they do not explose the bridges and main roads, 15 seconds later I was banned by the chat's admin. The same question was the reason of my ban in russian chat. The bridges and main roads must be explosed - its a rule of any war. I'm talking about a war as a physical process. What we watch now on TV and in Internet is not a war, it is a show, bloody show. Regards.
russians murdering their independent neighbors so they can steal their land, resources, even their children isn't war? An old kgb murderer with delusions of being Tsar murdering innocent people under the ruse of "denazification? isn't war? Make a coherent response to this, and i won't ignore you as the troll you seem to be.
This topic is called "War". There is my opinion about it. Some time ago I asked ukrainians in Telegram chat, why they do not explose the bridges and main roads, 15 seconds later I was banned by the chat's admin. The same question was the reason of my ban in russian chat. The bridges and main roads must be explosed - its a rule of any war. I'm talking about a war as a physical process. What we watch now on TV and in Internet is not a war, it is a show, bloody show. Regards.
Perhaps the Ukrainians are confident that they can recapture the bridges once they choose to move resources that way.

Since the guiding objective is to reoccupy the stolen territory, leaving the modes of logistics intact makes sense.

Demolishing the bridges would imply an expectation of making no attempt to push the invaders back. Ukrainian morale appears much healthier than that.
I will tell you a bit about ukrainian morale. Last year I was living in Safaga, Egypt. It was long enough trip, more then one month. The hotels were empty, some russians, some polish and czechs, and the hundreds of ukrainians. In order you understand the sense of my words - we were not the enemies to each other, we were eating, drinking and smoking together. And, also, we were discussing about the life. Those, who drunk and smoke with me, were very happy to leave Ukraina. And they looked on the war as on the chance to change their lifes. After a couple of weeks the all citizen of Ukraine flew away to another countries. And the last - ukrainians were very sorry, that Putin can not bomb Monaco, where ukrainians olighars are living now.
While I do not doubt your story, it evidently does not apply to the Ukrainians who chose to stay home and fight the aggressor. (It also has the basic weakness that applies to all anecdote: it may not represent sentiment in the field.)

As far as oligarchs go, Ukraine is nowhere near the situation in Russia. We have a member who keeps us apprised of Russian press output. It would be to laugh if it weren’t to cry.

I trust Zelenskyy more than any highly-placed Russian. I hope Ukraine succeeds in recovering its stolen territory from the aggressor.
how many more russians need to die in trenches invading a democratic country before they wake upto how corrupt and delusional their leaders are ?

imagine a world where countries like the States and Australia stood back and did nothing to help whilst Ukraine is being swallowed up by Russia
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I still don't get why we don't just hit putin, we are really good at regime changing people that piss us off.

Let's use our fancy missiles and shoot one down his chimney. Is there an heir apparent if he dies? He looks pretty alone at those big tables. I do think that is the only way this ends, putin is going to fight to the death, he is going to be a war criminal and I can't imagine him getting a pass at this point so he doesn't have anything to lose.
I still don't get why we don't just hit putin, we are really good at regime changing people that piss us off.

Let's use our fancy missiles and shoot one down his chimney. Is there an heir apparent if he dies? He looks pretty alone at those big tables. I do think that is the only way this ends, putin is going to fight to the death, he is going to be a war criminal and I can't imagine him getting a pass at this point so he doesn't have anything to lose.
Because the next guy is quite likely to be worse.