
I dunno if they would use these if they didn't have something better! Nothing in the old Soviet army went surplus, it was all kept in storage which is why they have (had) such a vast hoard of military equipment accumulated over decades. Once this shit is all gone the bear will be largely toothless for a long time.

These military trucks were produced in the Soviet Union from 1932 to 1939 and used in the Second World War.
Maybe more than that, the Russian wounded do not receive very good treatment from what I've seen, many are left to die and those taken to the rear probably receive substandard care. Their troops are not in cohesive social groups of people who care about each other, they have no first aid training, few medics and inadequate first aid kits. It is expensive to care for wounded troops and the Ukrainians have theirs's in hospitals all over western Europe and in North America too.

The decimation of Russians continues with idiotic desperate attacks on dug in Ukrainian positions, in a paradoxical turn the Ukrainians are conducting an offensive, but it is the Russians who are being destroyed in a far higher ratio than Ukrainians. They can't go on like this for long the destruction of men and equipment is unsustainable and the Russians are already using WW2 trucks in Ukraine, antique Fords that should be at auto shows. The Russians in Ukraine are in for one Helluva winter I figure and a dunno how much equipment they will have left or how many troops without calling up another draft.

As the Ukrainians say, they are lucky the Russians are so stupid and corrupt.

Once they are driven out of Ukraine, I figure they won't have much left in the tank, and it should stay that way for a long time, while the west and Ukraine get armed to the teeth including an airforce for Ukraine. I expect it won't end until Russia is forced to sign a peace, until then it will be a drone and missile war. This winter if Russia tries to turn the lights off in Ukraine, they might return the favor and Russia will be in no shape to withstand an attack on their European power grid with hundreds of suicide UAVs.

If Moscow made the mistake of attacking the Ukrainian power grid this winter and Ukraine retaliated with a massive sudden attack on power distribution transformers in European Russia, they would be screwed if they took a lot of them out. I doubt they have the capacity to replace even a fraction of them and would get no outside help except from China and that would take a long time to arrive. They would be forced to strip transformers from Siberia and eastern pacific autonomous republics, leaving them in the dark, Moscow and St Petersburg come first! This would make a tricky political situation for the Russians east of the Ural Mountains, Stalin could do it, but Putin can't! Imagine the lights going out and you hear soldiers and FSB carted off the local power transformer to Moscow!