
Then what's the point of Canada being in NORAD and NATO with America? He is not the problem he is already history and a bad memory however his shit stain remains on Uncle Sam's shorts. Russia now has an American 5th column inside the fascist GOP, we will see how long it lasts after Trump and some of his cronies are no longer part of the picture. I'm sure the FBI and CIA are watching some people closely, more than just Trump betrayed America to Russia, he had help. The GOP is filled with grifters and criminals who would sell the country out for a buck, character counts and these people have none.

How deep does the pro-Russian sentiment run in the GOP? I know that anti-Russian sentiment is large and deep in America, with the war in Ukraine reawakening old anti-Russian POVs. I know Ukraine anti Russia supporters are more numerous and more passionate, grass roots, as opposed to the astroturf feel I get from the republicans on the issue. From what I can see, most of them just want to appease Trump and his base, he seems the only real force behind the pro-Russian wing of the GOP, there might be some others, but compared to him they are of no consequence. Most of his base at this point can't find their own state on a map much less Russia. They sure can't see the truth and facts right in front of their faces and ignorance in no longer much of an excuse when it comes to Trump, unfortunately it's down to stupid and evil as the only choices.

It will be interesting to see if there is a shift in the GOP's attitude towards Ukraine once Donald goes to prison and is silenced, MAGA might fade away with Donald gone.

Cheap green hydrogen is the key to having cheap green steel and PV powered PEM electrolyzers appear to be the way to get it in a sustainable way. Globally steel production accounts for about 10% of all carbon emissions and we can make it using hydrogen and electricity with the only byproduct being water vapor. I think hydrogen is best used close to where it is produced so place with a lot of PV potential and iron ore would be ideal, some place like Australia and it would be close to Asian markets too. They could sell iron "sponge" or finished steel to Asia and those plants might even be Asian owned or partly owned.

It's not my call, but the vast legacy of soviet arms and the stranglehold they had on European energy that made them such a threat. A longer stretched out war kills the Russian economy and as long as the Ukrainians fight smarter and with better equipment, they will kill a lot more Russians than themselves and attrite away their inherited Soviet arms and ammo. Once the arms are gone, Russia either can't produce more or can only do so at a reduced rate. Just as important is destroying the economy that supports the military and such a war is the only real long term security Ukraine will have. If the Russian military and its equipment are not sucked in and destroyed, the war would continue for years if the Russian's were driven back too soon. Once trapped in Ukraine, Vlad could be blead white with western arms, after all the soviet ones we had were used up. A lot of the first year of this war was fought with old Soviet arms by both sides and Russia used up more of it than Ukraine did.

"I" would decide the fate of millions and cut a deal, like one Emperor to another while giving in to a weak and defeated enemy, brilliant. Joe has got Vlad on the ropes in an existential fight for personal survival. He's got Xi by the balls with domestic production policy, trade and alliances, while China has serious economic trouble at home and is looking for better relations. Vlad is on his last legs and this asshole is fishing for his support as Trump's replacement, "Russia if you are listening, I'm for sale". He should talk to the Iranians; they will offer more and since he's for sale it makes no difference to who.

"I" would decide the fate of millions and cut a deal, like one Emperor to another while giving in to a weak and defeated enemy, brilliant. Joe has got Vlad on the ropes in an existential fight for personal survival. He's got Xi by the balls with domestic production policy, trade and alliances, while China has serious economic trouble at home and is looking for better relations. Vlad is on his last legs and this asshole is fishing for his support as Trump's replacement, "Russia if you are listening, I'm for sale". He should talk to the Iranians; they will offer more and since he's for sale it makes no difference to who.

Vivek is a trump wannabee......and he's prolly being paid by dark money and you know where that comes from