

Well-Known Member
talk bout respect....wow....class act Zelensky, class act

Veteran: "You're a savior of the people"
Zelensky: "No no, you saved Europe."

there is more to the conversation they had, but this stood out...
What a humble move by Zelensky,a true man of respect,America could use some men of his ilk in our political ranks,compare that gesture to a self centered regal asshole like Trump. For Zelensky to think so quickly to pull his hand away and be so grounded is impressive,to let a 100 yo Normandy vet kiss his hand was not a look he could morally bare.


Well-Known Member
a perspective. Finland managed to survive by both inflicting serious damage on invaders and conceding territory.



Well-Known Member
well with the new round of sanction put on RA banking system and money guess what's happening:::

they're stock market is starting to crash...:

Banks are also starting to close or at least they're not letting they're people to withdrawal cash and such:

this one just disappeared, supposedly:

^that one was supposed to be one of the biggest

seems to me RA financials is crashing all around them...........


Well-Known Member
Well i would hope everyone knows the G7 summit is going on, the next one on the docket is gonna be the UA Peace plan in Switzerland.....and guess who's ready for peace talks now.....yeah you know you hate him it's pooty.....and this is what he say's pay particular attention to his wording....

who's troops need to move out? and what's with the Ukrainian existence? Personally i like the counter proposal, you and your troops get out hows that....

one of the main reason he's doing this is because, and Anton said it best is:

Basically, Putin recognized that he could not achieve his goals in the war with Ukraine militarily - the Russian Armed Forces are currently unable to capture major Ukrainian cities: neither Zaporizhzhia, nor Kherson, nor even the cities of the Donetsk region;

Putin also made it almost directly clear: sanctions are very painful for the Russian Federation, which is why he wants them lifted;

Putin is unable to do anything to counteract NATO's expansion: as a result of the war, the border between Russia and NATO has become much wider, and it is increasingly difficult for the Russian army, weakened by more than two years of war, to "hold the perimeter";

The Russian population's demand for peace is about 70% - this is how many Russians are ready to support Putin's decision to end the "SMO." Moreover, a significant part of the population (20-25%) is ready to support stopping the war on any terms;

The flow of Western arms to Ukraine has resumed, and long-term contracts are being signed. F16s are coming soon;

Ukraine has been allowed to strike Russian territory with Western weapons; Russia has an obvious manpower problem.

If the war continues, Putin will be forced to conduct mobilization, which is unpopular among Russians;

China is blatantly taking advantage of Russian weakness;

Trump is a "dark horse" for Putin. His actions are unpredictable;

Sanctions are becoming really sensitive and will be extended. Among other things, the tanker fleet will fall under them. This will leave the Russian Federation without key budget revenues from oil trade;

Based on all this, Putin has stepped up his rhetoric about negotiations and freezing the war. Today, his initiative may look like a proposal from a position of strength, but I am sure he will go down in history as the man who finally brought down the "Russian empire."

Anton makes some good point here, and if you've following what happening and all the men he's lost, it seems Pooty is getting a little more worries each and every day. Some report say Pooty is starting to wear a flack jacket under his clothes (i wonder why, maybe Baba Yaga might see him). Other notes, Pooty has also restructured the Defence Dept, Sogi has been demoted fyi. Pooty has no Black Fleet also, the remaining part of what used to be the fleet is stuck in the sea of Azov, and they're even getting hit there. Ultimately, Pooty just needs to get out of UA, Zelensky's peace plan is doable and workable, if Pooty wants to save face.......... leave......or your gonna see your whole war machine in shambles.....


Well-Known Member
That's better.......

F16 supposed this summer.......no wonder UA is knock out air defence in Crimea....could be interesting this summer and fall...
The treaty should contain the disclaimer that this agreement is subject to the results of the election this fall. But that is another matter.

The Biden administration is not going to let these weapons fall into Russia's hands. So I see this as the US doubling down on Ukraine winning this war. This war is causing the loss of an entire generation of Ukrainian youth. I grieve for Ukraine while awed at their resolve.


Well-Known Member
With the source of the titanium in question almost certainly being Russia, I’m putting this here.

I searched for and could not find a reference to Russia in the article you linked to. It could have come from Russia but nobody has said as much in the articles I read. The material dates back to shipment from a Turkish broker/supplier. Did it originate from a mill in China? I don't think anybody knows right now. Did you read the reference to Russia somewhere else?

Per the NYT:

The issue appears to date to 2019 when a Turkish material supplier, Turkish Aerospace Industries, purchased a batch of titanium from a supplier in China, according to the people familiar with the issue. The Turkish company then sold that titanium to several companies that make aircraft parts, and those parts made their way to Spirit, which used them in Boeing and Airbus planes.

In December 2023, an Italian company that bought the titanium from Turkish Aerospace Industries noticed that the material looked different from what the company typically received. The company, Titanium International Group, also found that the certificates that came with the titanium seemed inauthentic.
Turkish Aerospace Industries did not respond to a request for a comment.

People familiar with the situation said it appeared that an employee at the Chinese company that sold the titanium had forged the details on the certificates, writing that the material came from another Chinese company, Baoji Titanium Industry, a firm that often supplies verified titanium. Baoji Titanium later confirmed that it had not supplied the titanium. The origin of the titanium remains unclear.


Ursus marijanus
I searched for and could not find a reference to Russia in the article you linked to. It could have come from Russia but nobody has said as much in the articles I read. The material dates back to shipment from a Turkish broker/supplier. Did it originate from a mill in China? I don't think anybody knows right now. Did you read the reference to Russia somewhere else?

Per the NYT:

The issue appears to date to 2019 when a Turkish material supplier, Turkish Aerospace Industries, purchased a batch of titanium from a supplier in China, according to the people familiar with the issue. The Turkish company then sold that titanium to several companies that make aircraft parts, and those parts made their way to Spirit, which used them in Boeing and Airbus planes.

In December 2023, an Italian company that bought the titanium from Turkish Aerospace Industries noticed that the material looked different from what the company typically received. The company, Titanium International Group, also found that the certificates that came with the titanium seemed inauthentic.
Turkish Aerospace Industries did not respond to a request for a comment.

People familiar with the situation said it appeared that an employee at the Chinese company that sold the titanium had forged the details on the certificates, writing that the material came from another Chinese company, Baoji Titanium Industry, a firm that often supplies verified titanium. Baoji Titanium later confirmed that it had not supplied the titanium. The origin of the titanium remains unclear.
No; I assumed, since until China happened, Russia was the big producer of the metal. The SR-71 was made of metal sourced from Russia.

From Wiki:

The airplane is 92% titanium inside and out. Back when they were building the airplane the United States didn't have the ore supplies—an ore called rutile ore. It's a very sandy soil and it's only found in very few parts of the world. The major supplier of the ore was the USSR. Working through Third World countries and bogus operations, they were able to get the rutile ore shipped to the United States to build the SR-71.[42]


Well-Known Member
Krimlin Propagandist are defenitly no happy about these sanctions............owe well :finger:

^^ My, My, My. The butthurt is strong in this one. Maybe now would be a good time Russia's leadership to reflect on how badly things have gone since Pooty decided to invade Ukraine?

An open letter to Mr Putin:

Dear Mr Putin,

Please remove Russian troops from the soil of any nations who ask you to do so. Please stop bombing your neighbors. Please stop attacking the elections of other nations. Please understand that sanctions are in place due to your own actions. Reparations for the damage you've done to your neighbors may be necessary to get those sanctions removed after you've done all I've asked. It will be painful but is necessary, given the harm your actions has done to innocent people.

I learned a long time ago that threatening other people causes hostility and does not reduce threats to the one who makes them. If a 12 year old can learn this, you can too. Please read your bible carefully and don't skip the parts where Jesus preaches loving your neighbor and working with them to achieve peace among all people.

Just do that, mmkay? (insert Nike swoosh here)

Your potential friend,
