
An NLAW anti tank weapon costs $30K US and a T-72 Tank costs $1 to 2 million dollars US, NLAWs have a 95% kill rate.
Javelin missiles cost US$175,203 (missile only, FY2021), still a tenth than the cost of a tank.
Cost of a stinger AA missile = ($119,320 2020 FY) vs cost of an SU-27 $41.2 million – Su-27 (typical Russian fighter).
Are they still operating T-72s?
Are they still operating T-72s?
How many t90s does Russia have?

Currently Russian Army operates around 750 - 1 000 of these MBTs of all variants. It is the most modern tank currently in service with the Russian Army, which has a requirement for around 1 500 of these tanks.
I thought he attended on Zoom.

Additionally he met with Modi in New Delhi in Dec 2021, and don't forget about this meeting in Geneva in June 2021:

How many t90s does Russia have?

Currently Russian Army operates around 750 - 1 000 of these MBTs of all variants. It is the most modern tank currently in service with the Russian Army, which has a requirement for around 1 500 of these tanks.
I’m not clear on what this post is telling me.
They don't have many of their top tanks when you consider the Swedes alone gave the Ukrainians 7000 NLAW anti tank weapons (they make them). That can supposedly defeat them, Christ knows how many Javelins uncle Sam is giving them and they are even more lethal.
It will be interesting to see the postwar numbers. It is on such information that the next generation’s provisioning requests will be based.
This is the moment Putin acknowledges things are not going perfect

CNN's John King and Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer analyze Russian President Vladimir Putin's most recent speech addressing the families of soldiers fighting in Ukraine.
so how do you go about informing the russian people of the truth?...how much control can be taken by hackers over russian television? can we over ride their broadcasts with real footage of whats going in in Ukraine? can we have russian pows send messages home, telling them the truth? if we succeed in doing either, will the russians believe any of it?
so how do you go about informing the russian people of the truth?...how much control can be taken by hackers over russian television? can we over ride their broadcasts with real footage of whats going in in Ukraine? can we have russian pows send messages home, telling them the truth? if we succeed in doing either, will the russians believe any of it?
And what is your great Truth? Suppose, just suppose, their Truth is to shut down Ukraines nuclear plants before there’s another Chernobyl disaster? The Donbas and lower Russia is immediately lying down wind. Just sayin’
so how do you go about informing the russian people of the truth?...how much control can be taken by hackers over russian television? can we over ride their broadcasts with real footage of whats going in in Ukraine? can we have russian pows send messages home, telling them the truth? if we succeed in doing either, will the russians believe any of it?

1: good question, fascist pooty supposed cutthe internet off

2: they already have, but with the internet off now..don't know, but if you watch u tube, a lot of info coming out now some..ok..others ......bullshit......js

3: they are, the Ukrainians are letting them phone home to mom etc

4: prolly not.....United russian is the problem....
And what is your great Truth? Suppose, just suppose, their Truth is to shut down Ukraines nuclear plants before there’s another Chernobyl disaster? The Donbas and lower Russia is immediately lying down wind. Just sayin’
my great truth? my great truth is that they're being lied to about an immoral, illegal war. they're being told that no conscripts were sent to war, they're being told it isn't even a war...they're being told that russia is not bombing civilians, that russia is trying to liberate Ukraine from the Jewish nazi Zelensky...if they had legitimate concerns about the safety of Ukrainian reactors, they could have petitioned the IAEA to inspect them...if they were really concerned about that why would they shoot fucking missiles at them....just sayin
my great truth? my great truth is that they're being lied to about an immoral, illegal war. they're being told that no conscripts were sent to war, they're being told it isn't even a war...they're being told that russia is not bombing civilians, that russia is trying to liberate Ukraine from the Jewish nazi Zelensky...if they had legitimate concerns about the safety of Ukrainian reactors, they could have petitioned the IAEA to inspect them...if they were really concerned about that why would they shoot fucking missiles at them....just sayin
Sounds to me like that’s what you’re being told, as for IAEA, they don’t want any badges around. I know how nukes were built here in the 70’s, can only imagine what russian quality control was like.
Edit: and you may be right
my great truth? my great truth is that they're being lied to about an immoral, illegal war. they're being told that no conscripts were sent to war, they're being told it isn't even a war...they're being told that russia is not bombing civilians, that russia is trying to liberate Ukraine from the Jewish nazi Zelensky...if they had legitimate concerns about the safety of Ukrainian reactors, they could have petitioned the IAEA to inspect them...if they were really concerned about that why would they shoot fucking missiles at them....just sayin
The truth will set them free, some I'm sure, but remember America's experience with Trump and his base, well Putin has a base too. The truth will leak in over time and their hardships will increase, already they call it Putin's war, which is why it was made illegal to call it a war at all.

Change will probably come from those around him, they will cook up a scheme where Vlad will "retire" for health reasons, in safety and a new patsy will take the fall for caving in to the west, if we press them hard enough and just right at the right time.
The truth will set them free, some I'm sure, but remember America's experience with Trump and his base, well Putin has a base too. The truth will leak in over time and their hardships will increase, already they call it Putin's war, which is why it was made illegal to call it a war at all.

Change will probably come from those around him, they will cook up a scheme where Vlad will "retire" for health reasons, in safety and a new patsy will take the fall for caving in to the west, if we press them hard enough and just right at the right time.
I think your right.
I just saw interview w/ former Russian foreign minister (91-96) Kozyrev(?). He stated unequivocally that Putin would be "retired" before anyone would give him the truth or bad news. He chuckled that it's the Russian tradition.
my great truth? my great truth is that they're being lied to about an immoral, illegal war. they're being told that no conscripts were sent to war, they're being told it isn't even a war...they're being told that russia is not bombing civilians, that russia is trying to liberate Ukraine from the Jewish nazi Zelensky...if they had legitimate concerns about the safety of Ukrainian reactors, they could have petitioned the IAEA to inspect them...if they were really concerned about that why would they shoot fucking missiles at them....just sayin
Putin F-D up! And we are cowering to a nuclear blackmail. Tell the bitch to withdraw or we liquefy Russia. Our fake profit driven leaders keep giving in to a threat. He will keep going. Serves big business and governments by the insane profits from taxes.
No planes because Poland wants to trade for outdated F-16's. Not buy new Raptors from Lockheed Martin, GE and the long lines in the list. And the profiteering as vulture capitalists ends.

Almost all Western governments are guilty of political assassination. What is new? Wreak havoc on the people of the world and risk nuclear war?? Or kill the jerk and move on. The "rulers" of our world want the blood money and fear to further exploit you. Watch the world stock markets. Not your phone or tv news.
The thing is most Russians love Vlad, even according to US polls. Fact is he massively improved their lives when he took over for Yeltsin.
The thing is most Russians love Vlad, even according to US polls. Fact is he massively improved their lives when he took over for Yeltsin.
Yep used oil money to increase pensions and salaries, talk about big guberment! Russia after 20 years makes almost nothing it needs, just like Saudi Arabia. Most groceries were imported from western Europe and a generation will have to go back to the land and peasanthood even if it ended tomorrow. Most of the young, those who grew up with the internet don't buy it and neither do the security services and the elite who traveled abroad, his hackers don't buy it either and must be pissed to no end. Soon the great depression will look like a picnic there.