
It's getting harder to make progress against rapidly stiffening resistance as all the towns and villages in their line of advance are armed to the teeth and have military advisors, in addition to rapidly growing numbers of new regular Ukrainian troops with increasing numbers of anti tank weapons and stingers.

it is, i'm kinda thinking they were ready for them as well
Beau is a pretty reliable source of good information, and he may very well have a point, but...did they go so far as to fake shitty logistics? they didn't have enough food, or fuel, or information, or warning...they've lost 2 field general, several officers, and a lot of equipment, even if it wasn't all top of the line gear. if it is a potemkin village, then they've tromp l'oeil'ed the hell out of it.
As @CCGNZ said in another thread, “analytically it's hard to fathom” how bad Putin is doing. It’s almost unbelievable. So unbelievable it’s only logical to question if we’re missing something. Hopefully Russia’s military power isn’t inflated in only the literal sense

this was a new column coming in from the east, the 40mile one is on the west side, if i'm right.......basically they stopped another column coming in...and if i'm right it's the one on the news outlets right now...just can't confirm....
Soon they will be destroying those stopped convoys, truck by truck, except that which they take to make IEDs and they have expert instruction in that! When the Russians come to clear the wreckage and open the road, the IEDs will be waiting buried under the wrecked vehicles or in them, so will the snipers, who will slow things down a lot. Every forested or built up area, even if it's ruble, they pass through will become a death trap of gun fire and RPGs, tanks brought up to deal with it will get Javelins or NLAWs, stingers will take care of close tactical air. They will seek to starve and cut off the combat troops at the front and over run or snipe artillery units, even with RPGs. It will get worse for the Russians everyday, as the Ukrainians field more trained and equipped men, both irregulars, reservists and regular army.
it is, i'm kinda thinking they were ready for them as well
They had close to 200K in combat troops to begin with, but they can train and equip millions more with NATO arms and help and they are. The Russians won't be able to round up the locals and send them to the gulag in the places they occupy, if they advance. Everybody and I mean everybody will have an AK47 or an RPG in a couple of weeks, will be drilled on their use and organized! I would not want to be one of the security people trying to ship this bunch off to a Russian concertation camp!
I imagine soviet and NATO ABC shit has been pouring into Ukraine too, US intelligence says Russia might use chemical or biological weapons and if he does, someone is gonna call his bluff bigly and the entire Russian air force will be obliterated or something similar. The US and UK navies will move into the Black sea and unimaginable shit would happen, nothing less than Vlad's death would bring peace.
As @CCGNZ said in another thread, “analytically it's hard to fathom” how bad Putin is doing. It’s almost unbelievable. So unbelievable it’s only logical to question if we’re missing something. Hopefully Russia’s military power isn’t inflated in only the literal sense

They haven't used any of their newest aircraft. I admit that I stopped paying attention to it lately so maybe it has changed but the aircraft used during what should have been considered the most critical early days were described as aged and in bad shape. As if they are holding the newest aircraft in reserve. Two weeks of fighting, 4000 dead, tanks, trucks, helicopters, MIGs, Billions of dollars worth of equipment lost. They either have a grand strategy and waiting for the right moment or they have nothing.
Facebook is really stepping up. So bold!

Exclusive: Facebook temporarily allows posts on Ukraine war calling for violence against invading Russians or Putin's death
Facebook, Instagram to allow calls for violence against Russians temporarily
Facebook and Instagram will temporarily allow users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers within the context of the war in Ukraine, a company spokesperson confirmed Thursday, a substantial shift to their rules on hate speech and violence and incitement.

"As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders.' We still won’t allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians,” Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said in a statement.

The update was first reported by Reuters.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, will also temporarily allow some posts that call for death to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Russia, Ukraine and Poland, Reuters reported, citing internal emails detailing the change.

The calls for death will not be allowed if they contain other targets or if they have two indicators of credible threats, such as the location or method, according to Reuters.

The reported shift in policy comes as Meta and other platforms respond to the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

I'll see your Facebook and raise you an Instagram.
Facebook, Instagram to allow calls for violence against Russians temporarily
Facebook and Instagram will temporarily allow users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers within the context of the war in Ukraine, a company spokesperson confirmed Thursday, a substantial shift to their rules on hate speech and violence and incitement.

"As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders.' We still won’t allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians,” Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said in a statement.

The update was first reported by Reuters.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, will also temporarily allow some posts that call for death to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Russia, Ukraine and Poland, Reuters reported, citing internal emails detailing the change.

The calls for death will not be allowed if they contain other targets or if they have two indicators of credible threats, such as the location or method, according to Reuters.

The reported shift in policy comes as Meta and other platforms respond to the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

I'll see your Facebook and raise you an Instagram.

Twitter has been allowing all kinds of violent speech from the beginning.

So there!

What are you going to do? Play an RIU card?
They haven't used any of their newest aircraft. I admit that I stopped paying attention to it lately so maybe it has changed but the aircraft used during what should have been considered the most critical early days were described as aged and in bad shape. As if they are holding the newest aircraft in reserve. Two weeks of fighting, 4000 dead, tanks, trucks, helicopters, MIGs, Billions of dollars worth of equipment lost. They either have a grand strategy and waiting for the right moment or they have nothing.
They can't bargain if they have nothing to bargain with and we have done the math on his bank account. They made those advanced weapons systems and encrypted military radios, just not many of them were bought, other equipment like night vision stuff was sold by colonels on ebay etc. Corruption was top to bottom for the past 20 years, they do have well equipped and lead units, just not many and not there and they can't really get there in time to save the army already there, if they become cut off and trapped. They also need to keep troops for other things and the entire Russian armed forces is about a million, including the navy and the air force. Of the army only a third are combat troops the rest being logistical support. Lot's of prisoners in Ukraine would be harder to hide than dead soldiers and a big problem for Vlad, like Yorktown for the British.
They can't bargain if they have nothing to bargain with and we have done the math on his bank account. They made those advanced weapons systems and encrypted military radios, just not many of them were bought, other equipment like night vision stuff was sold by colonels on ebay etc. Corruption was top to bottom for the past 20 years, they do have well equipped and lead units, just not many and not there and they can't really get there in time to save the army already there, if they become cut off and trapped. They also need to keep troops for other things and the entire Russian armed forces is about a million, including the navy and the air force. Of the army only a third are combat troops the rest being logistical support. Lot's of prisoners in Ukraine would be harder to hide than dead soldiers and a big problem for Vlad, like Yorktown for the British.
A Russian born and engineer-colleague of mine is brilliant. Then again, he was smart enough to leave, so maybe their all of their brains have drained away.
Facebook, Instagram to allow calls for violence against Russians temporarily
Facebook and Instagram will temporarily allow users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers within the context of the war in Ukraine, a company spokesperson confirmed Thursday, a substantial shift to their rules on hate speech and violence and incitement.

"As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders.' We still won’t allow credible calls for violence against Russian civilians,” Meta spokesperson Andy Stone said in a statement.

The update was first reported by Reuters.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, will also temporarily allow some posts that call for death to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Russia, Ukraine and Poland, Reuters reported, citing internal emails detailing the change.

The calls for death will not be allowed if they contain other targets or if they have two indicators of credible threats, such as the location or method, according to Reuters.

The reported shift in policy comes as Meta and other platforms respond to the Russian invasion into Ukraine.

I'll see your Facebook and raise you an Instagram.
It's obvious the danger Vlad is in at home, no need for anybody to give the Russians ideas! :lol:

Killing Russians in general, definitely not, a bad idea that should not be promoted, killing soldiers bombing civilians and invading a country is another matter, but that is done by Ukrainians, we are cheerleaders at best, or worst.
You know how it is with the Chinese government. Shifts in policy are communicated incrementally. China watchers are astonished Xi used the word "war". As I said, cracks starting to show.

It's behind a pay wall so I won't post it here. Financial Times based in London reports anecdotes from Chinese companies that European companies are cancelling orders because of Chinese government's support for Russia. Other factors are also biting into an already destabilized Chinese economy:

  • 70% of its oil is imported and the cost per barrel has risen 20% from $100/barrel to $120/barrel.
  • 40% of LNG is imported and cost for it has jumped
  • Heavy rains inside China caused the worst winter wheat harvest in that country's history. Wheat imports into China are expected to go up 50% this year. Wheat prices have jumped due to the expected loss of Ukrainian wheat production.
  • Iron ore contracts have gone up 25%
  • Worldwide supply chains, already disrupted by the pandemic are disrupted by the conflict. China depends on shipping to get its products to customers.

Yes, the US is affected by similar issues but China is much more vulnerable to these issues. Inflation is going to hit China hard. Banks were already reeling from a self inflicted real estate crisis and now it appears the Chinese economy's growth rate will slow even more than it did during the pandemic with rising inflation. Stagflation.

Probably more concerning to Xi is how their stance alongside Russia affects China's geopolitical goals. A major goal of the modern day Chinese government is become a military and economic superpower that makes the world safe for state capitalist, authoritarian regimes. The conflict in Ukraine has caused democracies to pivot away from countries like that, including China. The announcement last month of an agreement to have closer ties with Russia give Xi and his regime a very bad look. Reputational damage is inevitable and they have no good answer for their apparent lack of knowledge that Putin was going to invade. He can't say he knew before Putin invaded without further harming international relations and he can't say he didn't know without losing his image at home as an all knowing, all-seeing commanding leader.

Cracks in their relationship might be nothing but there are reasons to think they indicate an underlying weakness that causes changes in the Sino-Russian relationship.
i've always been told that "face" is very important to the Chinese, the sense of self, and your place in society, in the social hierarchy.
i don't think Xi knew what putin was planning, or at least the time frame of it, or else he would have held off making such a binding statement publicly. He can act mysterious at home, and just allude to it vaguely to avoid raising tensions with the rest of the world, while avoiding losing face with his own people. i think he is regretting making a "no limits" deal with putin now, but done in public is done...the best he can hope for now is not alienating either side.
i've always been told that "face" is very important to the Chinese, the sense of self, and your place in society, in the social hierarchy.
i don't think Xi knew what putin was planning, or at least the time frame of it, or else he would have held off making such a binding statement publicly. He can act mysterious at home, and just allude to it vaguely to avoid raising tensions with the rest of the world, while avoiding losing face with his own people. i think he is regretting making a "no limits" deal with putin now, but done in public is done...the best he can hope for now is not alienating either side.

I guarantee the Chinese knew what he was planning at least since the invasion of Crimea. It has been predicted for some time.
I've always got my e-trike if the Prius isn't cutting it....
View attachment 5099479
Nice bike, what kind of range and speed does that thing get? Taking trikes around sharp corners can be fun and exhilarating, so long as you stay on at least 2-wheels. Nice tires too. I was thinking about getting some Kenda k270's for my bike, but I think I'm gonna go for Shinko 244's instead.