
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i actually speak that way. when you see an ellipsis in one of my posts, i would be pausing in a verbal conversation, trying to get you to take the next step by yourself...
i'm usually quite disappointed with how few people take that step without a healthy kick in the ass to get them started


Well-Known Member
that may be his goal, but there's no way he's ever going to achieve it. i personally would already have crippling sanctions in place on the entire russian economy because of their cyber disinformation war, and their election interference. more than enough reasons to bring them to their knees already, in my opinion. they should already be so broke that military maneuvers would be a dream of the past for them. putin is a third rate strongman in a failing police state, run by the russian mafia and the oligarchs, and deserves no ones respect or fear.
i would line up every nato troop available on the border between Ukrain and russia, and have them start advancing into russia, lets take back Crimea...
I think that might be part of the plan, only Joe is smart enough to get Vlad to threaten and cause shit and make the Europeans nervous. Joe wants to kill the Nordstream and other Russian pipelines and I'm sure he's making financial moves against the oligarchs that are hurting and will hurt like Hell. How else could he seize all Russian assets in America and the west, not just government ones, but private property too? Vlad moves and threats have sure strengthened NATO.

The Russian navy parking over undersea cables will get them sunk faster than anything else, navies protect commerce and much of that flows on undersea cables. Sweden and Finland considering NATO membership caught my eye too.

Maybe Vlad is playing poker and Joe is playing chess.


Well-Known Member
By the way, you remind me of the CIA's reaction to receiving a report from CESID saying:
"People of various nationalities with proven Wahhabi ties have been detected, who sign up for flight classes and civil air piloting in Spain, but who show not only total disinterest, but even frontal opposition, to learning to land, and that after the piloting courses buy tickets to the USA..."

CIA Response: "What the hell do the mysterious ending ellipses mean?!?"
Things of intelligence... (with lowercase letters...and ellipses).

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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I think that might be part of the plan, only Joe is smart enough to get Vlad to threaten and cause shit and make the Europeans nervous. Joe wants to kill the Nordstream and other Russian pipelines and I'm sure he's making financial moves against the oligarchs that are hurting and will hurt like Hell. How else could he seize all Russian assets in America and the west, not just government ones, but private property too? Vlad moves and threats have sure strengthened NATO.

The Russian navy parking over undersea cables will get them sunk faster than anything else, navies protect commerce and much of that flows on undersea cables. Sweden and Finland considering NATO membership caught my eye too.

Maybe Vlad is playing poker and Joe is playing chess.
lets hope so


Well-Known Member
lets hope so
There are a lot of very smart, pissed off people in the national security community, some were out of power, who have had 5 years to figure out exactly what they are gonna do to Russia and how. Lot's of these people cried bitter tears of rage as Putin walked all over America and Trump betrayed it, Joe's team will have no shortage of good ideas, or capable, motivated people to carry them out. These people are only human and want payback, besides Vlad will need to be taught a lesson or eliminated.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of very smart, pissed off people in the national security community, some were out of power, who have had 5 years to figure out exactly what they are gonna do to Russia and how. Lot's of these people cried bitter tears of rage as Putin walked all over America and Trump betrayed it, Joe's team will have no shortage of good ideas, or capable, motivated people to carry them out. These people are only human and want payback, besides Vlad will need to be taught a lesson or eliminated.
i consider every tear that's ever fallen from vlad's eye to be a crocodile tear, and don't trust him for one second.
he got a law degree, rose through the ranks of the kgb quickly and retired a colonel in 91 when the soviet union fell. he went to leningrad, became deputy mayor, then moved to moscow in 98, and by 99 had first displaced the head of state security and taken the job for himself, then was named prime minister by Yeltsin...who retired and named putin acting president in december of 99...
from retired kgb officer and Leningrad deputy mayor to president of russia in about 15 months. a rise that makes meteors seem to move in reverse....
this man is a consummate artist in gathering dirt and using it effectively. i wouldn't be surprised if many politicians owe their careers to his continued silence, and wonder exactly what they have given to obtain that silence?


Well-Known Member
i consider every tear that's ever fallen from vlad's eye to be a crocodile tear, and don't trust him for one second.
he got a law degree, rose through the ranks of the kgb quickly and retired a colonel in 91 when the soviet union fell. he went to leningrad, became deputy mayor, then moved to moscow in 98, and by 99 had first displaced the head of state security and taken the job for himself, then was named prime minister by Yeltsin...who retired and named putin acting president in december of 99...
from retired kgb officer and Leningrad deputy mayor to president of russia in about 15 months. a rise that makes meteors seem to move in reverse....
this man is a consummate artist in gathering dirt and using it effectively. i wouldn't be surprised if many politicians owe their careers to his continued silence, and wonder exactly what they have given to obtain that silence?
I don't think anybody is underestimating Vlad for a second, they know who and what they are dealing with. Since Trump, I dunno what they could have that could embarrass a republican, or would make any difference to the base, or be used as evidence by a court. I don't think kompromat has the same impact it used to!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I don't think anybody is underestimating Vlad for a second, they know who and what they are dealing with. Since Trump, I dunno what they could have that could embarrass a republican, or would make any difference to the base, or be used as evidence by a court. I don't think kompromat has the same impact it used to!
pedophilia is still frowned upon by most magats,(they have to, they used accidentally killing a pedophile as grounds for raising killer kyle to sainthood) and what senator wants pics of themselves in a gimp suit, being peed on by underage prostitutes being circulated to the press?....i think there are still a lot of skeletons hanging in a lot of closets...


Well-Known Member
Yes. I can already imagine those intelligent and brainly advisers and agents of intelligence and national security, thinking of a pragmatic plan to be able to finance a rearmament of Ukraine without the suffering pocket of the American taxpayer screaming too much:

-"Let's be inspired by "The Art of War", and what we have already done other times; we could take advantage of the, ahem, non-victory in Afghanistan, and the apocalyptic opioid/opiate epidemic in the USA, to finance the rearmament of Ukraine without spending so much public money...and by the way, get rich..."

(Agitation and commotion is heard among the rest of the intelligent advisers in the room):

-"Damn, Joe Action, those fucking ellipses of yours at the end, they're fucking mysterious!!! Do not keep us in suspense, and explain how, by the beard of Buffalo Bill! ...Although now that you mention it, something does ring a bell from past practices..."
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Well-Known Member
Yes. I can already imagine those intelligent and sensible advisers and agents of intelligence and national security, thinking of a pragmatic plan to be able to finance a rearmament of Ukraine without the suffering pocket of the American taxpayer screaming too much:

-"Let's be inspired by "The art of war, and what we have already done other times; we could take advantage of the, ahem, non-victory in Afghanistan, and the apocalyptic opioid/opiate epidemic in the USA, to finance the rearmament of Ukraine without spending so much public money...and by the way, get rich..."

(Agitation and commotion is heard among the rest of the intelligent advisers in the room):

-"Damn, Joe Action, those fucking ellipses of yours at the end, they're fucking mysterious!!! Do not keep us in suspense, and explain how, by the beard of Buffalo Bill! ...Although now that you mention it, something does ring a bell from past practices..."
^A Russian troll is concerned over the US going into debt from sending military aid to Ukraine.


The nations with the highest percentage of GDP spent on defense:

Saudi Arabia -- 8.4%
Israel -- 5.6%
Russia -- 4.3%

US is a distant fourth.

The US is #1 in GDP, Russia is 7th, just slightly ahead of South Korea and behind Italy.

The nations listed by GDP per capita

US -- 9 th
Russia -- 85th

Putin's run at returning Russia to empire will be as successful as the Czar Nicholas's or Imperial Japan.


Well-Known Member
pedophilia is still frowned upon by most magats
Matt Gaetz could probably run from his prison cell and get the local nomination and might even win his seat back! When things they don't like are are fake news, not even perversion matters, facts don't and neither does common sense. Parts of America have gone "fact free" and live in a "post fact" world encapsulated in their media bubble, a Hell of their own creation that feeds on their fears.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Matt Gaetz could probably run from his prison cell and get the local nomination and might even win his seat back! When things they don't like are are fake news, not even perversion matters, facts don't and neither does common sense. Parts of America have gone "fact free" and live in a "post fact" world encapsulated in their media bubble, a Hell of their own creation that feeds on their fears.
no...it is not a hell of their own creation, it's the creation of people like rupert murdoch and robert herring, perpetuated by people like joe rogan and tucker carlson, and supported by the republican party...of course, the magats seem like willing participants, who all chose the blue pill....


Well-Known Member
^A Russian troll is concerned over the US going into debt from sending military aid to Ukraine.
Nothing, that you stay like a fool fixated on the shit that my finger may have under the nail, instead of seeing the moon...
Oh, I'm as far from being a Putin troll as a politician from the Democratic Party USA from being a Marxist. And with all the possible opinion that you can form of me, I prefer a thousand times to live under the yoke of the US Empire, than the Chinese-Russian...
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Well-Known Member
But to me, what pisses me off about you is that you can talk (seriously or jokingly?) about the Muslim man as a single monster with different faces, and talk to me about human rights, and blah, blah, blah... But when you are reminded of proven historical facts of the US government, the humor ends and everything is Putin's trolls.

I hate the total lack of respect with which you speak of the other, without realizing that the other is not one but many, and some, your allies.

It pisses me off that we invaded Iraq with lies, and no one (in USA, in UK, or in Spain) pays for the blood spilled by them.

The criminal lack of respect with which you treated your allies in the Battle of Najaf and the al-Andalus Base pisses me off, because they did not want to carry out your plans (qualified as "terrorist" by several of your own allies). It pisses me off how your mercenaries took refuge like rats in the al-Andalus base, without warning of the savagery they had just committed, leaving those who should least have fought there (the Hondurans and Salvadorans, who came as allies of the Spanish) surprised by the mob in the middle of the street and having to fight with a knife and bayonet for their lives.

It pisses me off how we've used the Kurds.

It annoys me that you talk to me as if you were the Sidereal Defenders of Muslim Women, and how we have left them abandoned as if they were worth less than wild animal fauna in Afghanistan. And if one of them grabbed the wheels of our Hercules when taking off and falling from a height, she would burst on the ground, well, we were doing the poor devil a favor: Evil Muslim Man couldn't rape her anymore.
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Well-Known Member
Yes. I can already imagine those intelligent and brainly advisers and agents of intelligence and national security, thinking of a pragmatic plan to be able to finance a rearmament of Ukraine without the suffering pocket of the American taxpayer screaming too much:

-"Let's be inspired by "The Art of War", and what we have already done other times; we could take advantage of the, ahem, non-victory in Afghanistan, and the apocalyptic opioid/opiate epidemic in the USA, to finance the rearmament of Ukraine without spending so much public money...and by the way, get rich..."

(Agitation and commotion is heard among the rest of the intelligent advisers in the room):

-"Damn, Joe Action, those fucking ellipses of yours at the end, they're fucking mysterious!!! Do not keep us in suspense, and explain how, by the beard of Buffalo Bill! ...Although now that you mention it, something does ring a bell from past practices..."
.....(stop picking the fly shit out of the pepper) Wall Street continues.
Know where your enemy plays, comrade, it's where there is little supervision just like in grade school.


Well-Known Member
Outlaw Communism.
Yessss !!! Outlaw them...and hunt them down, and kill them all. Then we have to get rid of Muslims and Jews, those Semitic dogs. And then, let's eradicate the black and Hispanic disease that corrodes our society. Finally someone who understands me...
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