
How do they move forward though? A bunch of people deemed putin to have committed war crimes. I agree with that. He doesn't get to just go home with an "oops, my bad." It's not like he is GWB in the middle east lol, poops doesn't have the clout.

How does the world go about extracting concessions from Russia (and belarus, dont team up with losers) to rebuild Ukraine.
it's going to be very akward for the world to move forward w/Putin still leading Russia,as the pain of sanctions decimates ordinary Russians lives,I hope the people who have pull in Russia come to the sane conclusion that he has to go,this is the only way Russia can rejoin the Int. community and make reparations to Ukraine,I and hopefully the Russian people don't see anyway Russia can move forward w/the status quo.
If it's true that Vlad has $200 billion stashed abroad and his buddies had billions more, then Vlad will end up footing the entire cost of the war personally. There should be cash left over for a Ukrainian defense trust fund, that would pay out billions a year for a decade to keep the Ukrainian militarily strong. If Vlad came back in a couple of years or in 5 years, it would be an even more serious mistake. The entire adult male population will have had military training, including new high school graduates, there will be many local armoires stocked with weapons with trained and organized forces to use them. 5 million regular army troops and 5 million, reservists who are almost as good and many will be combat veteran's. Besides Russia is broke for a decade and a lot can happen.

If he thought Ukraine was a tough nut to crack before, wait a few years!
If it's true that Vlad has $200 billion stashed abroad and his buddies had billions more, then Vlad will end up footing the entire cost of the war personally. There should be cash left over for a Ukrainian defense trust fund, that would pay out billions a year for a decade to keep the Ukrainian militarily strong. If Vlad came back in a couple of years of in 5 years it would be an even more serious mistake. The entire adult male population will have had military training, including new high school graduates, there will be many local armoires stocked with weapons with trained and organized forces to use them. 5 million regular army troops and 5 reservists who are almost as good and many be combat veteran's. Besides Russia is broke for a decade and a lot can happen.

If he thought Ukraine was a tough nut to crack before, wait a few years!
Wonder if he is going to have a nuke yard sale,overstock clearance sale,bids accepted stealth guaranteed,serious inquiries only,contact Vlad @ Russian Federation
Wonder if he is going to have a nuke yard sale,overstock clearance sale,bids accepted stealth guaranteed,serious inquiries only,contact Vlad @ Russian Federation
Violation of the non proliferation treaty. Like all those weapons the soviets made that are now being used by Ukrainians to kill their sons, it is likewise with nukes. Imagine if the Ukrainians secretly keep a nuke, not even a big one, but one when added to fusion fuel could turn it into something much, much bigger. Now imagine that device was hidden in Moscow a year ago and all the president of Ukraine had to do was call up a phone in Moscow and punch in a code. We live in a global world and millions of shipping containers alone cross borders every day.

The trouble with secretly selling nukes, is those you sell them to, might sell them to others and in a few years anything could happen. Any nuke with the addition of fusion fuel and a bit of design can be turned into a thermonuclear device using the primary weapon as the trigger.
Violation of the non proliferation treaty. Like all those weapons the soviets made that are now being used by Ukrainians to kill their sons, it is likewise with nukes. Imagine if the Ukrainians secretly keep a nuke, not even a big one, but one when added to fusion fuel could turn it into something much, much bigger. Now imagine that device was hidden in Moscow a year ago and all the president of Ukraine had to do was call up a phone in Moscow and punch in a code. We live in a global world and millions of shipping containers alone cross borders every day.

The trouble with secretly selling nukes, is those you sell them to, might sell them to others and in a few years anything could happen. Any nuke with the addition of fusion fuel and a bit of design can be turned into a thermonuclear device using the primary weapon as the trigger.
I really don't think a empty pocketed cash starved Putin would care less about non proliferation violations now that he is a total outcast,that's why in everybody's interest including the well being of the Russian nation,he has to go,there can be no progress w/him at the helm that I can see,the wounds are to fresh and deep now,and he is THE obstacle to the reinstating of the Russian federation back into the Int. community as a respected nation,until he goes we are frozen in this shitty international situation,and now that his rep. is ruined who nows what kind of malice he holds or is capable of going forward.
And we have an American president asking for political help from Russia. A large portion of people these days believe crazy stuff. They believe democrats take extract of kids. They truly believe that the left is demonic. We have an Orthodox leader in Russia saying this is a holy war. We've lost our minds.
And we have an American president asking for political help from Russia. A large portion of people these days believe crazy stuff. They believe democrats take extract of kids. They truly believe that the left is demonic. We have an Orthodox leader in Russia saying this is a holy war. We've lost our minds.
Some people have lost their minds, but it has always been thus. Putin is no Christian, he uses religion like Trump, he does have a vision and an inflated ego though. Former president, the current one is not only sane, he is wise too. The internet gives everybody a voice, even lunatics, assholes and idiots. Thirty years ago you would never have heard their rantings, except from a soap box in a park, or poorly printed and formatted handed out as a pamphlet. Now any moron with a computer or a cellphone can become a publisher online for free or a TV station on YouTube, they can even run radio stations and stream events. Generally speaking there are more morons in this sphere than the intelligent and educated, they tend to have jobs as actual professional journalists and such.
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it's going to be very akward for the world to move forward w/Putin still leading Russia,as the pain of sanctions decimates ordinary Russians lives,I hope the people who have pull in Russia come to the sane conclusion that he has to go,this is the only way Russia can rejoin the Int. community and make reparations to Ukraine,I and hopefully the Russian people don't see anyway Russia can move forward w/the status quo.
We've been there before with the cold war, Russia HAD an economy about the size of Italy's before the war and is not a big loss to the global system in the long run. However it does present some short term issues disentangling Russia from the Global economic and trade system. They export a lot of oil and gas along with grain, grain won't be sanctioned or other agricultural commodities, but if the Russian farmers can't get financing to plant this spring, much of Ukraine and Russian grain could be offline this summer and fall. That's why the western system, later the global system of trade and economics was created after the second world war, to prevent war.

There are many practical reasons why it would be a very dumb idea for both America and China to get into a fight. Russia was late to the game of the global system that excluded them until around the turn of the century. With the death of communism Russia came into the global system and countries like Iran and K Korea were kept out. Stalin was the grave digger of communism, but the Chinese experience of forty years of both, buried it for good. China's rise when the people were unleashed and educated was spectacular, all those Chines students in the 80's and 90's are now professors in the many new universities built there since. They might call themselves the communist party, but ironically they buried communism for good.
Xi and others are reassessing things and since Russia is so weak their ambitions might lay in that direction towards the central republics in Asia. There are only two of them that gets them to Iran and one of them and their neighbors have lot's of oil and other goodies. China doesn't want to expand territory, it wants control and trade, using mostly soft power like America does, but it will have the military power in it's own back yard.

Taiwan is not expansion from their POV, it's reclaiming Chinese territory, however with the UN the people living there decide that. It will be like that in Ukraine too, nobody will tell the people living there who and what they are, they decide that for themselves in UN supervised referendums, in Donbass, Crimea and Kaliningrad on the Baltic. Vlad does not decide these things, the people living there do with referendums and now by beating the shit out of his army to keep their freedom. It's a simple straight forward war, a real black and white situation of right vs wrong, that makes it so much easier to do the right thing.

I'm not sure if the casual younger reader knows the history of Taiwan.
I thought to add a little and link the Wikipedia page.

In 1945, following the end hostilities in World War II, the nationalist government of the Republic of China (ROC), led by the Kuomintang (KMT), took control of Taiwan, however there was no transfer of territorial sovereignty.[4][5] In 1949, after losing control of mainland China in the Chinese Civil War, the ROC government under the KMT withdrew to Taiwan and Chiang Kai-shek declared martial law. The KMT ruled Taiwan (along with the Islands of Kinmen, Wuqiu and the Matsu on the opposite side of the Taiwan Strait) as a single-party state for forty years, until democratic reforms in the 1980s, which led to the first-ever direct presidential election in 1996. During the post-war period, Taiwan experienced rapid industrialization and economic growth known as the "Taiwan Miracle", and was known as one of the "Four Asian Tigers".
The "note" probably told Vlad the truth about his military situation and spelled out a position of new strength on the Ukrainians part. In a month it will be much worse for him and a month after that even worse. I hope Zelenskiy's reply will be, "If you trash it you will pay for it, we already have your money, all of it. We will beat the shit out of you, make you swallow your own turd while smiling and you will pay for your own ass kicking down to the last fucking dime!". :lol:

PS: I'll be collecting honors and Nobel peace prizes, while you are trying to avoid a bullet from your own side. I will be remembered as a hero and you will be remembered as a loser who screwed yourself and your country by a generation and they will write your history"...

If yer gonna piss Vlad off, then do a good fucking job of it and give him a proper reason for wanting to kill yer ass!

oh say it ain't so.....distrust....noooooooo

There will be a lot of CPA's and accountants from the private sector who will be unemployed soon or are. Let them do a detailed audit along with a team of engineers, of the whole defense sector and military for the past 5 years and see what they find, in a top secret report of course. Hire a long retired general as a consultant to audit the armies performance etc. That is what a smart rational person would do. However a smart rational person would never have gotten himself into this shit in the first place.

Vlad needs a clear picture of what is really happening, in order to fix the problems you need to know what and more importantly, who they are. The military situation of good news only, extends to the economy and the preparations he thought he made before the war to get through it. A lot of people were surprised at how this war turned out, none more than Vlad, wars have unintended consequences. Vlad neither knew himself or his enemy and he will loose every time until he learns from his mistakes and applies the lessons, but that takes more time and resources than Vlad has. Vlad's blunder was fatal for him this time.
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There will be a lot of CPA's and accountants from the private sector who will be unemployed soon or are. Let them do a detailed audit along with a team of engineers, of the whole defense sector and military for the past 5 years and see what they find, in a top secret report of course. Hire a long retired general as a consultant to audit the armies performance etc. That is what a smart rational person would do. However a smart rational person would never have gotten himself into this shit in the first place.

Vlad needs a clear picture of what is really happening, in order to fix the problems you need to know what and more importantly, who they are. The military situation of good news only extends to the economy and the preparations he thought he made before the war to get through it. A lot of people were surprised at how this war turned out, none more than Vlad, wars have unintended consequences. Vlad neither knew himself or his enemy and he will loose every time until he learns from his mistakes and applies the lessons, but that takes more time and resources than Vlad has. Vlad's blunder was fatal for him this time.

get the strange feeling that Vlad needs to ck MOD's bank account.......js
I'm not sure if the casual younger reader knows the history of Taiwan.
I thought to add a little and link the Wikipedia page.
Unfortunately for Xi, the UN right of self determination decides who and what a people are, history aside. Americans are English speaking and were former territories of the British empire, however history has something to say about that! Likewise when some asshole dredges up an ancient map like Vlad and wants to assert ancient glory. Russia is a vast country who should have turned inward to develop their resources and build their economy into a rich nation. Instead they got Vlad, corruption and all the money taken out of the country for Yachts and mansions, the crooks probably have a couple of trillion stashed outside Russia. Initiative was destroyed and they make almost nothing and are more like Saudi Arabia depending on others for even groceries in the super markets. It could have turned out much differently in Russia without Vlad and his KGB buddies dragging the past into the future and plying soviet spy games, do what you know I guess. America could be a lot different too, if Trump was still president, Christ help us all, if that happened!