
What do we need to do to prepare and protect them from another Syria?
get their civilians out of range, give them protective gear and whatever medication to treat those effected that exists, arm them to the teeth so they can destroy those using the chemicals as quickly as possible...
i think is getting close to NATO stepping in, the use of chemical weapons is asking for a huge amount of trouble
get their civilians out of range, give them protective gear and whatever medication to treat those effected that exists, arm them to the teeth so they can destroy those using the chemicals as quickly as possible...
i think is getting close to NATO stepping in, the use of chemical weapons is asking for a huge amount of trouble
We don't know, Mariupol is about to fall and perhaps they had a nasty surprise when the last man went down. Or more likely the Russians used something, we will see, they still had a starlink terminal there last I heard and contact with the outside. As I said before they have equipment that can detect it and I think those Puma drones can be equipped to do it, they can carry different payload modules and the army needs this capability. With guidance from inside the city one can swoop in low down along a street they control at night and sample the air for instance.
It should be very obvious to everyone the Ukrainians are going to fight.
So in comes the guy that murdered those Syrians that held out. Those that fought until the enemy was chemical warfare.
They used what Phosphorus bombs, Chlorine bombs and what else?

I figure this is the General that isn't squeamish on gassing babies.

Making old folk's eyes bulge out of their eye sockets with poisons that they are forced to breath as they writhe in agony slowly dying.

There you go Glorious Russia! Russia is making History for sure.
Vlad's mentor Stalin said, one death is a tragedy, a million a statistic. The same principle of overwhelming crime was used by Trump, there was just so much crime that only a small fraction of it could be punished or even accounted for. I'm pretty sure if Donald had four more years he would exceed both the totals of Hitler and Stalin combined. America would be a lot like Russia is today in short order, with millions of willing cops. The first target would be the SCOTUS and the courts, the Justices and judges would swing while the case against Trump was waiting for a court date a year after they all died. The ones who stormed the capitol would be in charge of homeland security.

Mayor: 10,000 dead in Ukraine's Mariupol and toll could rise
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Reform the UN, no security council and only democracies can vote and when they fail at democracy they are kicked out. They don't even need to be liberal democracies, just have free and fair elections, along with a free press and independent court system, they don't have to be perfect. Dictatorships can sit as observers only and get no vote on anything, your country doesn't get to vote, if it's people can't. They already have standards for this kind of thing and they were established long ago.

The UN is largely meaningless, in it's original purpose, made so by security council members veto's. It might be useful for conducting referendums as a neutral party when territorial disputes are to be settled, the people living there decide, not the likes of Putin.
Destroying tanks on open ground from dug in positions using anti tank rockets, again the Russians had no infantry with them and no air support. This was in the wide open spaces, they were not suppose to be able to do this kind of shit on that kind of ground!
Ukrainian troops celebrate after 'destroying five Russian tanks'

get their civilians out of range, give them protective gear and whatever medication to treat those effected that exists, arm them to the teeth so they can destroy those using the chemicals as quickly as possible...
i think is getting close to NATO stepping in, the use of chemical weapons is asking for a huge amount of trouble

We know what happened in Syria and Chechyna..past performance is indicative of future results..Putin brought that retired general back..no sense in dragging our feet. Now is the time to act.
At this point, it’s looking less like there was a chemical attack. The news came from Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia. So I have my doubts and suspicions about veracity from them. Look at them, those banners!

We know what happened in Syria and Chechyna..past performance is indicative of future results..Putin brought that retired general back..no sense in dragging our feet. Now is the time to act.
He will fail like the others and be blamed for it by Putin, or if he's in Ukraine, a switchblade or something else might kill him
At this point, it’s looking less like there was a chemical attack. The news came from Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia. So I have my doubts and suspicions about veracity from them. Look at them, those banners!

A Russian Z with a stroke through it?
What's with the footwear? Brown Boots are privates, black trainers, NCOs, fancy coloured/coloured trainers Officers......