
Well they don't get on the shortwave radio any more and tell the aircrews by voice to come back home! This was part of US cruise missiles for a long time, it often gave an extra hour to make a determination and the wave off signal sends it to a farmer's field to make a hole in the ground. A lot of these weapons are used in situations where this feature is useful and it is an encrypted key that probably changes constantly and is secure.
Do you perchance have a link? Search feature on this phone keeps dragging in stuff I specifically didn’t ask for.
Do you perchance have a link? Search feature on this phone keeps dragging in stuff I specifically didn’t ask for.
I looked for the Tomahawk

Tomahawk Block IV introduced in 2006 adds the strike controller which can change the missile in flight to one of 15 preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target. The missile can also transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link. Firing platforms now have the capability to plan and execute GPS-only missions. Block IV also has an improved anti-jam GPS receiver for enhanced mission performance. Block IV includes Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS), and Tomahawk Command and Control System (TC2S).[23][24][25]

Norway is a small country, but extremely rich from oil and gas, most of which resides in a sovereign wealth fund, or pension fund as they call it, a philosopher runs it. A typical right wing politician would lower taxes and spend the money fueling an economic boom and bust where the oil companies own the resource and the people are fucked when they leave, after getting nothing from their state's natural resource. They would suck the greedy and stupid in with lower taxes and jobs, jobs, jobs. There are plenty of jobs in Norway, the government owns the resource and they don't allow it to distort the economy by spending it like pigs to stay in power.
Norway PROVIDES Ukraine with NSM and NASAMS Equipment
I looked for the Tomahawk

Tomahawk Block IV introduced in 2006 adds the strike controller which can change the missile in flight to one of 15 preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target. The missile can also transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link. Firing platforms now have the capability to plan and execute GPS-only missions. Block IV also has an improved anti-jam GPS receiver for enhanced mission performance. Block IV includes Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS), and Tomahawk Command and Control System (TC2S).[23][24][25]

it looks like launch equals commit.

Tomahawk is being phased out for the stealthier LRSO. No idea what its abort options, if any.
Russia and before that the Soviet Union were fucking with America and the world from their beginning, first with Bullshit communist ideology that sucked in many and cold war with an iron curtain that a dictator and a thug hid behind. Except for a brief period when they were on their knees after the Soviet collapse, with Vlad came a new cold war. Many refused to see it and he kept the mask on while attacking every democratic country on the planet using the internet. He set Russian hackers and crooks loose on the internet like privateers and protected them, as long as they didn't attack Russia. Vlad's revenge will be no different than his previous efforts, except that now with the internet, his hands have been broken and our defenses against Russia will grow strongest in cyberspace.

Vlad will do his worst and we will do our best.

Russia Is Airing Its Ultimate 'Revenge Plan' For The United States

Russian media analyst Julia Davis writes about state television in Russia and how the Kremlin's propaganda has been taking aim at the United States and U.S. elections.
it looks like launch equals commit.

Tomahawk is being phased out for the stealthier LRSO. No idea what its abort options, if any.
Redirecting is aborting in many cases. For instance, US nuclear weapons are nominally targeted at the open ocean and target coordinates are loaded upon launch (takes a second or two), this is done to avoid accidents. If you can abort or recall a weapon like a cruise missile, one of the alternative targets would be a wave off or abort location in open country. They can communicate with them after launch and they fire them in tricky circumstances sometimes where wave off ability would be critical. Say a ship fired one at a building with 30 minutes time on target and the drone overhead showed a bunch of school kids coming out. They would hit the alternative target (abort) button pretty quick and a satellite will get to to the missile in a second or two.
Redirecting is aborting in many cases. For instance, US nuclear weapons are nominally targeted at the open ocean and target coordinates are loaded upon launch (takes a second or two), this is done to avoid accidents. If you can abort or recall a weapon like a cruise missile, one of the alternative targets would be a wave off or abort location in open country. They can communicate with them after launch and they fire them in tricky circumstances sometimes where wave off ability would be critical. Say a ship fired one at a building with 30 minutes time on target and the drone overhead showed a bunch of school kids coming out. They would hit the alternative target (abort) button pretty quick and a satellite will get to to the missile in a second or two.
There was mention of loiter and autonomous target upgrade. I saw nothing about receiving and responding to external signals post-launch.
Putin: West’s sanctions have ‘achieved certain results’ on Russian economy
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Western sanctions have “achieved certain results” in impacting the Russian economy but projected defiance about the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine.

The Russian leader said during a press conference that the U.S.-led global sanctions campaign is a “blitzkrieg” that has “achieved certain results” and said Moscow “had to increase the interest rate of the central bank to 20 percent” but that it had gone down in recent days, according to remarks translated by state-owned media outlet RT.

Global economists say that the Russian government is exercising creative technocratic skills to stabilize the Russian currency and economy amid an unprecedented campaign of sanctions, but that it is unlikely to be able to withstand a large-scale economic contraction in the long run.

Rachel Ziemba, a fellow at the Center for a New American Security, wrote in an article for Barron’s that “Russia’s seeming financial resilience, particularly when it comes to the ruble, is a kind of mirage.”

Former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin was quoted by state-owned media saying that the country’s economy is on track to contract by 10 percent in 2022, the biggest decline in gross domestic product since emerging from the Soviet Union in 1991, Reuters reported.

Putin, who made his remarks during a press conference alongside Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, also conceded that the Russian government needed “to allocate more resources … in the current situation” to support the economy, but touted working with countries that have not joined the U.S.-led sanctions regime.

“The economy will adapt to the new environment, make no mistake. If you can’t export to one country there’s always a third country. If you can buy something in one country, there is also a fourth country where you can get this, this is inevitable … a single country cannot dominate the world anymore.”

Putin also threatened the global food supply, criticizing Western nations stating that “if they cannot work with us effectively, there will not be enough food on the global markets.”

The United Nations and human rights groups have raised concerns that Russia’s fighting in Ukraine, combined with the sanctions, has interrupted global deliveries and increased the price of wheat and fertilizer and that impacts 1.2 billion people.

“These prices are continuing to grow and this is all attributable to the mistakes by the Western countries,” Putin complained.

“If our Western partners worsen the situation in financial terms, in terms of insurance and sea shipments, the situation will get worse, including for them. High prices on food and these problems will lead to hunger in many areas around the world and this will lead to more migration flows including towards Europe.”
Are tanks to blame for Russian failures in Ukraine?

One of the most striking images of the Ukraine conflict has been the scores of Russian tanks which have been destroyed, broken down or abandoned.
There was mention of loiter and autonomous target upgrade. I saw nothing about receiving and responding to external signals post-launch.
Tomahawk Block IV introduced in 2006 adds the strike controller which can change the missile in flight to one of 15 preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target. The missile can also transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link.
Tomahawk Block IV introduced in 2006 adds the strike controller which can change the missile in flight to one of 15 preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target. The missile can also transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link.
My bad; missed the “in flight”; that settles it.
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yeah but this uses kinetic energy......no fuel no nothing......it just drops from space

here, i've done a little bit of reading on it.....no fall out

Now since the satellite is circling the earth it will be in one of two orbits. Geocentric or lower earth orbit. Geo orbit has the satellite circulating over one target, going to have to go to a lower orbit to aim at another target. To do this energy would have to be expended to get it into a lower or degrading orbit. It will not be the case of just dropping the rod. on its own it would take a long time to drop out of orbit. If it is held at a lower orbit it will pass over different parts of the Earth but it will have to be continuously 'topped up" with energy to remain in its orbit. That would mean topping up the gas tanks with fuel. Also the thing would be easy to track and sending up a rocket to disable it is a possibility. That would send debris all over making a big mess. Probably easiest to destroy it as it is being built might be a better idea. Or once one nation starts building one then another can do the same, arms race in space.

All great for the movies, not really practical. That is until we get to the point of mining space. Then just need the big ass engine and fuel to slow it down to drop it out of orbit.
I imagine they would throw everything they had into Russia to neutralize nuclear threats, after an initial stealth strike, perhaps it would be coupled with a cyber attack on the command and control systems. Stealth bombers and fighters would be part of any plan to hit Russia with as much as we can as quickly as we can to prevent a launch and perhaps a ballistic missile defense system is a good idea too. From my understanding Russia has about 2000 ICBM big nukes on missiles and about 500 of those are at sea in subs and surface vessels, the other 4000 are tactical nukes, mostly in storage. So assuming the attack subs eliminate the Russian subs we would have to deal with around 1500 warheads, but they need to strike western Europe too. If they did strike them first with a stealth attack and say 100 got launched and say the had a 20% failure rate, 8 warheads each on a dozen missiles say. Manageable with an ABM system and perhaps fighters with ABM missiles over northern Canada, with a second line further south.
Neither one of you has mentioned China. i'm wondering just what Xi would think about all this, what he might do about it?
i don't think he gives a flying fuck about russia, except as a resource he feels he can exploit...but he would care about NATO and the world reacting the same way if and when China gets around to Taiwan. i have no idea whether or not he would intervene if we not only stepped into the russian/Ukraine war, but started lobbing nuclear weapons around.
would north korea take advantage of the conflict to start some shit with South Korea?
i have no idea, but it certainly seems within the boundaries of possibility.
Now since the satellite is circling the earth it will be in one of two orbits. Geocentric or lower earth orbit. Geo orbit has the satellite circulating over one target, going to have to go to a lower orbit to aim at another target. To do this energy would have to be expended to get it into a lower or degrading orbit. It will not be the case of just dropping the rod. on its own it would take a long time to drop out of orbit. If it is held at a lower orbit it will pass over different parts of the Earth but it will have to be continuously 'topped up" with energy to remain in its orbit. That would mean topping up the gas tanks with fuel. Also the thing would be easy to track and sending up a rocket to disable it is a possibility. That would send debris all over making a big mess. Probably easiest to destroy it as it is being built might be a better idea. Or once one nation starts building one then another can do the same, arms race in space.

All great for the movies, not really practical. That is until we get to the point of mining space. Then just need the big ass engine and fuel to slow it down to drop it out of orbit.
A thousand-mile orbit is stable for centuries. It views a lot of terrain. The rod needs a delta vee of maybe a mile per second to deorbit and achieve considerable cross-range. The problem is that the carrier is likely not very stealthy.