
War is an inevitable thing, if noone does anything to prevent it. USA could have stopped it before it started.
Politics is a bitch. You eat or you are eaten nowadays. Politicians dont know anything about virtues, strong back, moral or ethics, only MONEY . This is why everything is going south. We have different meters or yards for different people. Izrael is molesting, killing people for 60 years and we got used to it. Bush jr. Attacked Iraq couse of the neverfound weapons of mass deatruction, destabilised the whole region, later they organised a coup in libiya, couse moamer gadafi refused to sell oil for dollars. Later the Isis gained strenght and made havoc in the region. Afganistan? How many people died? Women, children killed by droness

well ....what????
War is an inevitable thing, if noone does anything to prevent it. USA could have stopped it before it started.
Politics is a bitch. You eat or you are eaten nowadays. Politicians dont know anything about virtues, strong back, moral or ethics, only MONEY . This is why everything is going south. We have different meters or yards for different people. Izrael is molesting, killing palestinians for 60 years and we got used to it. Bush jr. Attacked Iraq couse of the neverfound weapons of mass deatruction, destabilised the whole region, later they organised a coup in libiya, couse moamer gadafi refused to sell oil for dollars. Later the Isis gained strenght and made havoc in the region. Siria? Afganistan? How many people died?
But they really arent people, they are muslims you all think. Their life is worthless and not like ours. We are catholics we have the almighty god, they have only alah.they are not educated, they are socialised in local culture, they dont know shit.
You all went to school, but havent learned about human rights.
Just my 6 min.
I an not a native english speaker, so i opologise for syntax and semantix errors. Br
You may be surprised, but very few of us here are that bigoted. You believe incorrect propaganda. Clean yourself, youll be happier.
In all reality, nothing is going to change until the Russian people depose that madman. Every country in the world is holding back , due to the threat of nuclear arms being used. How long will it be before a nuclear missile is used ?what will the world do? Nothing is the answer for the fear of a second or a third bring launched.
In all reality, nothing is going to change until the Russian people depose that madman. Every country in the world is holding back , due to the threat of nuclear arms being used. How long will it be before a nuclear missile is used ?what will the world do? Nothing is the answer for the fear of a second or a third bring launched.
You jump to a conclusion. What is your dog in this hunt?
War is an inevitable thing, if noone does anything to prevent it. USA could have stopped it before it started.
please explain how?
Politics is a bitch. You eat or you are eaten nowadays. Politicians dont know anything about virtues, strong back, moral or ethics, only MONEY . This is why everything is going south. We have different meters or yards for different people.
a lot of politicians are worthless asses, many are decent people trying to do their jobs in an honest and honorable way. at the moment, it just so happens that the large majority of the worthless asses are republicans, and the majority of the decent ones are democrats....that may change as time passes, but that is the way i see it now.
Izrael is molesting, killing palestinians for 60 years and we got used to it. Bush jr. Attacked Iraq couse of the neverfound weapons of mass deatruction, destabilised the whole region, later they organised a coup in libiya, couse moamer gadafi refused to sell oil for dollars. Later the Isis gained strenght and made havoc in the region. Siria? Afganistan? How many people died?
this is all true-ish, and many, many of us are aware of it, and don't like it, but we have limited recourse. the most effective thing we can do is vote against people like that, and we do. but a lot of people vote for people that are like that...we're winning, but it's a slow process, unfortunately.
But they really arent people, they are muslims you all think. Their life is worthless and not like ours. We are catholics we have the almighty god, they have only alah.they are not educated, they are socialised in local culture, they dont know shit.
You all went to school, but havent learned about human rights.
well, first, i'm not a Catholic, i used to be a Baptist, but i gave it up for lent.
i don't have any problem with ordinary everyday Muslims, and a lot of other people here don't, either. i have the same problem with Muslim fundamentalists that i have with Christian fundamentalist, or any other religious zealot who can't keep it to themselves...your personal mythology is your business, keep it that way. many Muslims are as well or better educated than i am, and i have no problem admitting that. but so are many Christians, Buddhist, Daoist....i did go to school, and i did learn about human rights. i also learned that rights come with responsibilities, that you cannot deny rights to people you don't like, first, because it's just wrong, but also because that justifies others doing that to you...you have a responsibility to treat others as you want to be treated.

there, hope that cleared up some of the misunderstanding between us :D
Firstly coming from N.Ireland and having served in the armed forces. I have plenty of experience from around the world in different war zones. People believe what they read on Twitter Facebook etc. To have lived within the confines of our political masters with your hands tied behind your back for fear of upsetting the political masters, nothing is ever done on time where real time matters on the ground. Take away the bonds of our political masters, and let the militaries from around the world support Ukraine in real time. Then you would see a difference. So I don't jump to conclusions, ive lived the life and walked the walk, while others just walk the talk, yabber yabber yabber.
In all reality, nothing is going to change until the Russian people depose that madman. Every country in the world is holding back , due to the threat of nuclear arms being used. How long will it be before a nuclear missile is used ?what will the world do? Nothing is the answer for the fear of a second or a third bring launched.
Thanks for the new word in my vocabulary

Hypophora Defined
What is hypophora? Hypophora is where you raise a question and then answer it. Therefore, those two sentences are an example of hypophora. A question was raised and immediately answered.

What’s an example of hypophora? There are a lot of them out there. Hey, there’s another hypophora example for you. A question was raised, then it was immediately answered.

Please don't take this as agreement with your answer. Your declarative statement has nothing to back it up. We've seen time and again that Putin only understands force. From Chechnya to Georgia to Crimea/Ukraine to Syria and now the action inside Ukraine, we've seen that appeasement only leads to more aggression by Putin. So, I wouldn't be so blithe about a nuclear escalation by Russia going unanswered.

Agree that the only the people of Russia can effect change of regime inside Russia. But the rest of your statement seems hollow.
Firstly coming from N.Ireland and having served in the armed forces. I have plenty of experience from around the world in different war zones. People believe what they read on Twitter Facebook etc. To have lived within the confines of our political masters with your hands tied behind your back for fear of upsetting the political masters, nothing is ever done on time where real time matters on the ground. Take away the bonds of our political masters, and let the militaries from around the world support Ukraine in real time. Then you would see a difference. So I don't jump to conclusions, ive lived the life and walked the walk, while others just walk the talk, yabber yabber yabber.
the fact that the mentally unstable kleptocratic dictator that you would be opposing possesses the largest nuclear weapon stockpile in the world doesn't enter into your equations? that seems like something you should consider, before you make that decision for everyone in Europe that lives at and down wind of ground zero...