
i don't see the problem...all the deaths will be in what was russia, the hardliners and fascists will all gather together into one or two of the new states, and will be easy to keep an eye on, till it becomes time to eliminate them permanently.
the peaceful states will be more interested in economic growth and stability, and will exploit whatever resources they have within their borders. seems like a win/win for the world, the farmers will go back to farming, the miners will go back to mining, researchers will be able to communicate with western counterparts, and vice versa...could be the dawn of a golden age, instead of a new dark ages
Just corral the nukes into responsible hands and it should be ok, some won't want to give them up, as insurance against Russia or even China. Vlad inherited an empire that was gained by conquest, mostly in the middle of the nineteenth century, only 20% of ethnic Russians live east of the Urals. We have seen the revival of cultures in North America and Europe as people rediscover their roots and they will establish national identities. There might be many groups from different regions who might be interested in blowing up the few rail and road bridges in remote Siberia linking weak Russia to it's eastern empire. He drained all his forces from the east and if someone blew the bridges, he wouldn't be able to get what he has left back. These bridges can be blown in several locations, not just one and except for air transport the Russians would be fucked. Their ability to transport by air is eroding rapidly as spare parts dry up and runways can be blown up or simply have vehicles parked on them. Vlad is very vulnerable in the east and if some bridges got blown up, it might encourage independence movements, because Vlad can't reach them with any meaningful force and ethic Russians have been leaving these areas since the collapse of the soviet union. We can support and encourage it, but we can't stop it and the will to do it must come from them, not us.
He's looking for money, his economy is on the rocks and a weak Russia is in his interest, Vlad might cut off his oil and gas, he also has an election next year I believe and he had better do something about the economy in Turkey. Norway financing his pet canal might change his mind in a hurry as would an EU loan or other assistance.
fuck erdrogan...he gets no fucking bribe, he gets no canal, he gets fuck all, unless he supports Finland and Sweden joining NATO. no more fucking bribes to do the right thing. you either do the right thing, or you get sanctioned, shunned, ignored...
no more old world ways of doing business. no more fucking corruption, no more holding political hostages...
now if we could just hold our own politicians to the same standards...:oops:
fuck erdrogan...he gets no fucking bribe, he gets no canal, he gets fuck all, unless he supports Finland and Sweden joining NATO. no more fucking bribes to do the right thing. you either do the right thing, or you get sanctioned, shunned, ignored...
no more old world ways of doing business. no more fucking corruption, no more holding political hostages...
now if we could just hold our own politicians to the same standards...:oops:
Well he does have an election coming and he can be bought. Finland and Sweden have security guarantees from the US and UK and that list might grow to include Canada and others like Norway and Denmark. Russia is weak and they aren't going anywhere anytime soon, except down in defeat. Nobody likes Erdogan because he's an authoritarian asshole, but he is an elected authoritarian asshole and this war might spell the end of him too by crashing the Turkish economy as he tries to play both sides of the fence. Lack of gas is one thing, people just sit home, but lack of food causes them to hit the streets, cause there is nothing to eat at home. He gets 90% of his grain from Ukraine and most of his oil and gas from Russia.
Matvienko: the decision on the status of the Kherson region should be made by its inhabitants
This opinion was expressed by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko.

She stressed that Russia would agree with their decision regarding the future status of the territories. “What decision they make, when they make it, is their right. What will be the power, what will be the structure, how they see their fate in the future - they must determine for themselves. No one forces, no one puts pressure on them, ”Matvienko quotes TASS.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that residents of the Kherson region should decide for themselves whether the region will become part of Russia. This issue must be clearly verified, have a legal justification and be legitimate, as in the case of Crimea.

On the eve of the authorities of the Kherson region abandoned the referendum on the status of the region. The decision is connected with ignoring by the world community the results of the will of the Crimeans in 2014, said the deputy head of the military-civilian administration of the region Kirill Stremousov.

And that was yesterday. Today...

The authorities of the Kherson region refused a referendum on the status of the region
The decision is connected with ignoring by the world community the results of the will of the Crimeans in 2014.

“There will be no referendums, because this is absolutely not important, given that the vote, which was absolutely legally held in Crimea, is again not accepted by the world community, which has done everything not to consider Russia as a full-fledged subject of the world community,” Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the military-civilian administration of the region, said.

Earlier, he said that the authorities of the Kherson region will turn to Vladimir Putin with a request to include the region into Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that the residents of the Kherson region should decide for themselves whether the region will become part of Russia, this issue should be clearly verified, have a legal justification and be legitimate, as in the case of Crimea.
i don't see the problem...all the deaths will be in what was russia, the hardliners and fascists will all gather together into one or two of the new states, and will be easy to keep an eye on, till it becomes time to eliminate them permanently.
the peaceful states will be more interested in economic growth and stability, and will exploit whatever resources they have within their borders. seems like a win/win for the world, the farmers will go back to farming, the miners will go back to mining, researchers will be able to communicate with western counterparts, and vice versa...could be the dawn of a golden age, instead of a new dark ages
Only fly in the ointment is who has the nukes.
Unlike the Russian mortars that use bags of propellent tied around the back of the round, these use explosive foam booster rings that can be quickly added or subtracted as required. They also have fuzes that can be set to different modes, air bust for troops and contact for tanks and APCs. They have lot's of Soviet mortars too and increasingly reserve forces will be using them with mostly captured or locally made ammo.
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Only fly in the ointment is who has the nukes.
Them nukes would be a threat to Russia, not North America or Europe, but loose nukes are a bad idea. It is also a reason why Russia wouldn't mind the Americans going in to secure them, with the cooperation of the locals and a promise of aid and arms to get them.
Wanna bet these fuckers won't be an extra special target? Wanna bet Uncle Sam hasn't tracked their every move and will know where each one is deployed Down to the millimeter? Wanna bet the new precision MLRS rockets supplied by Uncle Sam can't reach out and touch it with a single rocket, not a cluster of them? :lol:

Only fly in the ointment is who has the nukes.
NATO will have them...it's their back yard, they should move in at the first sign of major instability and seize every fucking nuclear site that has been identified, including production facilities. not a single state that will rise out of the bloated, diseased corpse of russia has a legitimate reason to posses even one nuclear weapon. if they don't like it, fuck them, file a grievance.
Addiction is a disease. We need to help these people heal, not turn our backs on them. I agree that it is a big part of the problem.
Some require confinement and assistance during the initial stages of recovery, that includes things like teaching meditation and giving them something to live for. If the state designates you an addict (with proper procedures and processes) that is causing legal issues, then you go through the program. Psychos, can't be cured and must be diverted to prison, just for normal folks with issues or who go astray and run their lives off the rails by being a pain in the ass to society. Many of the homeless are mentally ill and used to be housed in State hospitals, they must be treated differently too. Some of this shit must be off loaded off the cops, they keep law and order and are not a dumping ground for the government's failures.
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NATO will have them...it's their back yard, they should move in at the first sign of major instability and seize every fucking nuclear site that has been identified, including production facilities. not a single state that will rise out of the bloated, diseased corpse of russia has a legitimate reason to posses even one nuclear weapon. if they don't like it, fuck them, file a grievance.
Some small non nuclear country like demark or Belgium along with the UN atomic agency, can do it, so they don't feel threatened.
NATO will have them...it's their back yard, they should move in at the first sign of major instability and seize every fucking nuclear site that has been identified, including production facilities. not a single state that will rise out of the bloated, diseased corpse of russia has a legitimate reason to posses even one nuclear weapon. if they don't like it, fuck them, file a grievance.
America made deals to prevent nuclear proliferation, including with Canada. However, elect a fascist government along with another Trump and lose your democracy, then all bets are off, including with Canada on nukes.
NATO will have them...it's their back yard, they should move in at the first sign of major instability and seize every fucking nuclear site that has been identified, including production facilities. not a single state that will rise out of the bloated, diseased corpse of russia has a legitimate reason to posses even one nuclear weapon. if they don't like it, fuck them, file a grievance.
Nato moving into Russia will start the nukes flying in both directions. As far as the rump states that form, each would want a nuke or two in order to fend off any attack by foreign forces. Why did Libya fall? Because their fearless leader gave up his nuclear ambitions. Why is NK untouchable? They have them. The sates may not have a legitimate reason for having them but don't think they will happily hand them over in all cases.
Exclusive: Intense fighting continues at site where Ukrainians blew up two Russian pontoon bridges, satellite image shows
The Ukrainians are continuing to pushback a Russian advance across the Siverskyi Donets River near Bilohorivka, a satellite image from BlackSky shows.

The fighting is taking place along the same bend in the river where the Russians constructed two pontoon bridges, which the Ukrainians blew up.

The satellite image, taken Thursday afternoon, shows large plumes of smoke rising from a dense forest just west of the river. Fighting also appears to be occurring in the area where the Russian pontoon bridges were deployed.

Smoke is obscuring much of that area, but through it, an object — a possible third Russian pontoon bridge — is seen bridging the river. The object seen crosses the entire river; drone photos of the first two destroyed pontoon bridges show they no longer cross the body of water.

Serhiy Hayday, the Luhansk regional military administrator, said on Wednesday the Russians are continuing to try to construct bridges across the Siverskyi Donets River. He also said that the Ukrainians have repeatedly blown them up.

We should have a dozen of our own.
Not unless the Americans go nuts and the way they are going they might. We would probably ship the Uranium abroad to a partner state and they ship back the concentrated. Just a tactical nuke as a spark plug in a shipping container full of lithium deuteride fusion fuel would make a Helluva bang!
buh bye.....

things go boom
They bomb from higher altitude during the day than at night to avoid ground fire. Seriously, with enough commercial drones alone they can do a lot of damage to the Russians day or night for cheap as dirt. Now the new artillery we gave them will really shine, it will allow guys using commercial drones to go 5 miles further than the Russians can reach while under the umbrella of their own guns. The military drones will target any jammers or detectors in the area they can find, the artillery will eliminate them and the commercial drones using cheap bombs with units move in and go to work. Other drones call down fire on Russian positions. These drone guys can be used to bait Russian artillery too and the Ukrainian counter battery radar (Thanks Sam) can locate them for the long range artillery to destroy instantly.