
I find it oddly ironic, as you both have patently discounted many news articles posted in the past, simply based on their FOX News affiliation. I guess the affiliation isn't the real issue, if you happen to agree with their news. Weird.
Nope, that is a mischaracterization. WTF employs the likes of Hannity, Carlson and the other cast of idiots?
Fox like all Murdoch owned media straddles the line between news and propaganda and is the art of abusing the first amendment, propaganda hiding behind the cover of the press. They do hire regular reporters for the news, but they spin it back in the office as required, this time no spin was ordered. All their regular news anchors left in disgust at the treason and malfeasance. Most of their viewers are old people who feel more comfortable with the past than the future and they killed off a lot of those with covid disinformation and lies..

If you watch FOX yer a fool and there are plenty of statistics that back this up, people who watch FOX actually know less of what is going on than people who don't watch the news at all! There have been studies that demonstrate this by asking simple questions about actual facts.
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Ukraine has suffered a lot of casualties, defending and attacking in the east, most of them due to artillery and open ground. The Russians are an artillery army and heavily dependent on it, especially for defense when they can mass it with supplies because of their poor logistics. However the Russians are gonna be in for a shock when the big iron we and others are sending starts being used in earnest. With regular shells it can out range the Russians by 5 miles and is far more accurate, when coupled with counter battery radars and drones, it will make a lethal combination for the Russians and make Ukrainian attacks less costly. Russian casualties are about to increase dramatically in the coming weeks as the mobile, highly accurate long range artillery comes fully into play. I expect Russian loses to multiply suddenly as the 155mm s reach out and touch them and their equipment. Other than Javelins, NLAWs and Stingers, infantry weapons, Ukraine never had an edge like this before and their officers have been trained by NATO in how to leverage that edge to the maximum. This artillery was designed years ago to out range and out perform the 152mm artillery the Russians use and Ukrainians too. In addition America, Canada and the UK sent many thousands of precision and extra long range munitions for this standard caliber weapon.

The number of artillery systems the Russians lose is gonna skyrocket, they will be priority targets, with the bonus of killing war criminals who shelled civilians and cities.

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Do you own this orc?

Make a war graveyard in Ukraine and the Russian relatives can visit their graves in Ukraine, put it in the middle of a abandoned un reconstructed village, with ruins and burned out tanks all around, the center piece of a museum. They can stay there until their relatives or the Russian government pays for the expense of their return.
Ukraine sends images of dead Russian soldiers to their families. Hear the responses they received

I think the Ukrainians are gonna concentrate that new artillery and use it to drive straight for the Russian main transport supply hub and logistical center south of Kharkov. If they do it fast enough the Russians will be fucked on the entire eastern front all at once and the Ukrainians will capture huge stocks of ammo and supplies or destroy them. Russian units redeploying to meet the attack will be decimated by the long range artillery and drones waiting for their vulnerable columns on the roads to get with in range on their flanks and front.
Russian forces withdraw from key Ukrainian city Kharkiv - BBC News


I wonder if Senator Paul who just denied Ukraine $40B was mentioned?

How sad the United States can't put on a UNITED front- divide and conquer works so well and nothing gets done. Keep Americans divided by doing the above.

I love how they surround themselves with themselves..couldn't get a dem or two?
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More future trouble for Vlad, most of the fanatical separatist fighters are in Ukraine and many refused to go. Sure, they wanna join Russian under the sanctions shithouse and return to the last century. It's a ploy like Ukraine and makes invasion of Georgia in the future easier, part of Vlad's standard procedure of creating a false separatist group and use troops to take over the local government and install your puppet, hold bullshit referendums to rejoin the evil empire etc. We've seen it all before, a cover for imperialism, a narrative for the folks back home and smoke and mirrors for the gullible and stupid in the west.

Well that little war in Ukraine might have changed things a bit for Vlad in Georgia, or might in the near future.

View attachment 5133290

I wonder if Senator Paul who just denied Ukraine $40B was mentioned?

How sad the United States can't put on a UNITED front- divide and conquer works so well and nothing gets done. I was always told it was strength in numbers soooooooooo...
They see what way the wind is blowing and the base likes the idea of citizens fighting for liberty with guns and guts against Vlad's big government, the biggest of all! Most of their base has been smitten and they have to deflect from Rand Paul being an asshole as usual. Too bad a Russian missile strike didn't...
View attachment 5133290

I wonder if Senator Paul who just denied Ukraine $40B was mentioned?

How sad the United States can't put on a UNITED front- divide and conquer works so well and nothing gets done. Keep Americans divided by doing the above.

I love how they surround themselves with themselves..couldn't get a dem or two?
If Rand Paul went to Kyiv, he'd be stoned to death on the street by a mob with the US ambassador standing by. When the reporters asked him what his reaction was, he'd say, "Why that was jus some good ole boys have'n a bit of fun. Nothing to see here, move on folks, hey what about that new Ukrainian offensive..." :lol:
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View attachment 5133290

I wonder if Senator Paul who just denied Ukraine $40B was mentioned?

How sad the United States can't put on a UNITED front- divide and conquer works so well and nothing gets done. Keep Americans divided by doing the above.

I love how they surround themselves with themselves..couldn't get a dem or two?
and they were given such good advice.


I find it oddly ironic, as you both have patently discounted many news articles posted in the past, simply based on their FOX News affiliation. I guess the affiliation isn't the real issue, if you happen to agree with their news. Weird.
i find it odd that you have trouble living in a world that isn't black and white....how do you deal with shades of grey? a thing either is or isn't? would you kill all the quantum physicists because they deal in many grey areas? no such thing as theorists in your world?
how long do you waste every day trying to find trivial shit to try to call people out with?
ok? will a quote from newsweek satisfy you? or do you want it sent down on a lightening bolt writ on stone tablets?
sorry you can't see between the lines of anything, ever.
Do you own this orc?

Make a war graveyard in Ukraine and the Russian relatives can visit their graves in Ukraine, put it in the middle of a abandoned un reconstructed village, with ruins and burned out tanks all around, the center piece of a museum. They can stay there until their relatives or the Russian government pays for the expense of their return.
Ukraine sends images of dead Russian soldiers to their families. Hear the responses they received

they should put it right next the Chernobyl plant
More future trouble for Vlad, most of the fanatical separatist fighters are in Ukraine and many refused to go. Sure, they wanna join Russian under the sanctions shithouse and return to the last century. It's a ploy like Ukraine and makes invasion of Georgia in the future easier, part of Vlad's standard procedure of creating a false separatist group and use troops to take over the local government and install your puppet, hold bullshit referendums to rejoin the evil empire etc. We've seen it all before, a cover for imperialism, a narrative for the folks back home and smoke and mirrors for the gullible and stupid in the west.

Well that little war in Ukraine might have changed things a bit for Vlad in Georgia, or might in the near future.

hey, if you want to be a part of russia, go to russia and have fun, but you don't get to stay here, and you never get to come back....choose wisely, and never bring it up again...
They see what way the wind is blowing and the base likes the idea of citizens fighting for liberty with guns and guts against Vlad's big government, the biggest of all! Most of their base has been smitten and they have to deflect from Rand Paul being an asshole as usual. Too bad a Russian missile strike didn't...
i thought the same thing, but the one useful thing turkeyneck mitch does is hold the freedumb caucus in check....
i thought the same thing, but the one useful thing turkeyneck mitch does is hold the freedumb caucus in check....
Abortion has gotten away from him and Trump's lunatic senate candidates have him concerned about a majority. No one would be happier than Mitch to see Trump dragged into a courtroom and fucked, but the situation in Georgia could be a disaster. I think these radical republicans might have fucked themselves out of some state houses and congressional seats too. Texas ain't that red and neither is Florida, both are battleground purple states nowadays. Internal division with radicals pushing an unpopular agenda and Trump running around with a knife out, along with some division on Ukraine, might get the democrats over the top in November, the J6 panel hearings and report along with prosecutions might also have some bearing. A lot of people walked away from the GOP in the wake of J6, especially among independents.

The GOP have no platform and power abhors a vacuum, their issue will be abortion and the democrats will make it that too, Mitch won't like it, but will have little control. The democrats will make it about contraception too, some of these moron republicans want condoms proscribed too and they will make them own it.

Things aren't so rosy for the republicans, they have several perfect storms brewing, many before the election.
Abortion has gotten away from him and Trump's lunatic senate candidates have him concerned about a majority. No one would be happier than Mitch to see Trump dragged into a courtroom and fucked, but the situation in Georgia could be a disaster. I think these radical republicans might have fucked themselves out of some state houses and congressional seats too. Texas ain't that red and neither is Florida, both are battleground purple states nowadays. Internal division with radicals pushing an unpopular agenda and Trump running around with a knife out, along with some division on Ukraine, might get the democrats over the top in November, the J6 panel hearings and report along with prosecutions might also have some bearing. A lot of people walked away from the GOP in the wake of J6, especially among independents.

The GOP have no platform and power abhors a vacuum, their issue will be abortion and the democrats will make it that too, Mitch won't like it, but will have little control. The democrats will make it about contraception too, some of these moron republicans want condoms proscribed too and they will make them own it.

Things aren't so rosy for the republicans, they have several perfect storms brewing, many before the election.

polls aren't nearly as accurate as people take them to be....this years elections are wide open, and the republicans are doing a dance where you shoot yourself in the foot every other step. i will admit it IS wishful thinking on my part, but i don't think the republicans are going to do nearly as well as the polls say they will.

polls aren't nearly as accurate as people take them to be....this years elections are wide open, and the republicans are doing a dance where you shoot yourself in the foot every other step. i will admit it IS wishful thinking on my part, but i don't think the republicans are going to do nearly as well as the polls say they will.
Neither do I, many like to bitch and moan about inflation and gas prices beyond the democrats control, they realize the alternative wouldn't be much better. The republicans aren't about solving problems, they are about lying and cheating to gain power and hold it. Your allies all know what they are, fascists and there will be trouble if you elect such people again, internally and internationally, in deed elect these anti democratic assholes and you may never have an honest or meaningful election again. With Trump running the show America and a GOP congress sucking his asshole, it would be like Russia in no time flat! Falling down happens real fast, getting up is much slower.
He zigged when he shoulda zagged and had a date with destiny. The psychological effect must be tremendous, silent death from above 24/7, a single cheap DIY bomb dropped from a cheap Chinese commercial drone. The concussive effect of the blast in the confined space of a trench or foxhole is lethal.

The 59th Motorized Brigade of Ukraine using drone-dropped munition to target troops in trenches
