
There is another possibility, the South using intelligence and precision missiles and drones destroys ALL North Korean artillery pieces. Has located the nukes and leadership and strikes them too in a precision attack. The south Korean army could be at the northern border in a day and have special forces there in hours. The slave army of the north would collapse in a hurry with their whip holders dead, they would target their officers too.

The lessons learned in Ukraine might be applied to Kim's obsolete soviet army too, in the span of 24 hours. They wouldn't do a thing unless they knew where his launchable nukes were and they probably do.
Let's talk about how South Korea learned to love the bomb....
There is another possibility, the South using intelligence and precision missiles and drones destroys ALL North Korean artillery pieces. Has located the nukes and leadership and strikes them too in a precision attack. The south Korean army could be at the northern border in a day and have special forces there in hours. The slave army of the north would collapse in a hurry with their whip holders dead, they would target their officers too.

The lessons learned in Ukraine might be applied to Kim's obsolete soviet army too, in the span of 24 hours. They wouldn't do a thing unless they knew where his launchable nukes were and they probably do.
Let's talk about how South Korea learned to love the bomb....
I would imagine that Kim’s military is in much higher tune than Vladolf’s. NK does not harbor the same kind of kleptocrats as Russia. Not dissing the South, but i dont think the north is anybody’s pushover.
I would imagine that Kim’s military is in much higher tune than Vladolf’s. NK does not harbor the same kind of kleptocrats as Russia. Not dissing the South, but i dont think the north is anybody’s pushover.
I'm sure the South have a lot of intelligence on their state of readiness. However those soldiers who did defect, had parasites including tapeworm, were malnourished and took weeks to recover.

The point is new technologies open up new possibilities, as the technical gap between the two states increases. Ukraine will help to demonstrate this along with the obsolescence of old Soviet weapons, tactics and doctrine. The 5 thousand old artillery pieces that are pointed at Seoul can be taken out by precision missile and even drone strikes in minutes, no matter how well they are dug in. Like wise for their entire communications and anti air craft capabilities.

Another point is with these increasing capabilities proved in Ukraine on the battle field and the weakness of these soviet style tank armies and tactics, it becomes an increasingly viable option for some, like the Current government in the South. Another factor is morale and civilian morale there is rock bottom, with a starved citizenry serving a criminal elite who rule by terror alone.
Sure looks easy enough.


Sure looks easy enough.


Just following the news, never said it was a good idea, just that an increasing technological gap is making it increasingly possible. The south said they could strike the north with thousands of precision missiles recently and the new government is hard ass. I'm sure the idea is being more than explored, but is a viable defense strategy now that could be used as a first or preemptive strike option. Increasingly fixed defensive positions are seen as vulnerable to precision strikes and bunker busting munitions. With the war in Ukraine demonstrating the weakness of this style of military in the face of modern tactics and technology, it is bound to give people ideas.

War in the region might not start with them, but S Korea and Japan are allied with America and others in the region and Russian political instability could be a factor too, they border the north and China. All those tanks use Russian spares I imagine and the Russians might not be able to provide them, however China could.
Sure looks easy enough.


The world is in a state of flux, there a rumors that both Putin and Xi could both be dead or out of power soon. Covid is yet to ravage China or North Korea and Kim might not survive it, but no doubt is vaxxed to the max along with the elite. Dunno about the population, but malnourished people don't do well in pandemics if they weren't vaxxed. Then there is the impending food crises and N Korea might get hit hard with that...
One observation about this war is the Russians treat their troops like they are disposable, while the Ukrainians think of them as recyclable! Dead troops don't fight future battles, living ones do, the dead don't learn lessons either.
I don't think Ukraine will be the end of this for Vlad or whatever scum rises to the top of the poisonous fermenting brew that is imperialist Russia. I figure the policy is to weaken Vlad and bleed him white in Ukraine, while ringing him with hostile former soviet republics, armed by the west with modern arms good enough to defeat the Russians. They might be in an independent defensive alliance of mutual support, similar to NATO only in the south and east. Ukraine and Belarus might even be part of it and provide Vlad that buffer he desires between him and NATO. However, as far as he and his military are concerned, it might as well be NATO and they would fair as well fighting against it.
Pretty sure these vids are making the rounds on kremlin laptops ….. especially the newer bunker busters.
It’s an obvious flex , but enough to let them know we don’t use washing machine parts or GPS locators from wish.com.

You can bet that those systems are just a peek .
Joe doesn't want to give them too much, lest they go nuts on Russia and chase Vlad's army all the way back to Moscow, shelling it continuously on the road! Besides, ya don't wanna scare a varmint off, they gotta make him think he can win and keep throwing shit in he can't replace. Then trap his army in Ukraine with out fuel and a blown bridge at Kerch, they will leave it for the Ukrainians , because they are stupid, will be without leadership and will need to get out of Crimea by sea or air and to Russia from the east by foot. If they do it right, they wouldn't have enough fuel to burn their vehicles anyway. The Ukrainians will have the best equipped reserves in Europe with all those soviet arms and equipment. Once the fuckers are gone they not only dare not come back, they won't be able to anyway.
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Poopoo Putin probably thought that Ukraine is ‘ nuclear free ‘ now that it would be a cakewalk and flowers thrown at their feet .
The conscripts Putin “ wishes “ he has for fighters are all actually Ukrainians instead - bakers / blacksmiths / farmers / teachers / students even little old ladies defeating a common enemy.

If it wasn’t so tragic it would be funny.