
Kinda like today.
Humans have not evolved much since then, our social structures and technologies have though. It started ten thousand years ago when some people switched from hunter gathers, to growing crops. When the technology of gardening and farming took off it changed society and caused us to live in larger communities, property rights became important and kings to administer them. Every new technology warps and changes human society, that actually evolved to to live a tribal existence of families and clans of a few hundred families at most. The printing press profoundly changed human society, as did the telegraph and steam engine, every significant technology does, including contraception and female emancipation.
Oregon here ready to join the war effort with our newest attack sub. Time to kick some Commie ass. Go Ducks!


'Putin can do nothing without blackmail in West' | Andrei Kurkov
13,155 views May 30, 2022 "Putin is in a hurry to take the whole regions of Donbas, Donetsk and Luhansk and it looks like then there will be a pause." Ukrainian author Andrei Kurkov says Putin will drag the war into winter to blackmail the West with energy supplies.
I think someone in Ukraine will blow up that gas pipeline running through Ukraine to Europe and it won't get repaired. It will remove the temptation for Germany and others to deal with Putin. They might have their Belarusian allies attack the gas hub to Europe with mortars, inside Belarus and cut Europe off completely from Russian gas, don't claim responsibility. Make it clear there will be no Russian deals with Europe to sell out Ukraine for cheap gas, or because someone is a chicken shit. Make it clear to the Germans and others that their energy supplies are not just in Putin's hands and radical elements in war torn Ukraine took matters into their own hands. Ukraine has a good prospect of being Europe's energy supplier in the not too distant future and could potentially cut Russia out of the market altogether.
I believe before the war the Russians were selling an average of couple of billion euros of gas to Europe a day, plus oil. Ukraine it is estimated could replace this for a decade at least, if it were developed and we can help to do that rapidly, while a short pipeline is built to connect to the existing ones that used to carry Russian gas. Demand for gas and petroleum in Europe should shrink quite a bit over the next decade with EVs and green new grids using renewables and energy storage. The petrochemical industry will still need to be supplied though and Ukrainian gas and oil could do that for a long time. It would be wise for them to develop and sell the gas to Europe ASAP and have the Norwegians advise them on how to manage the wealth, Zelenskiy is smart enough to like that idea, after the country is restored.

If they get close to a trillion of Russian seized assets, loans and develop their gas resources while rebuilding their country, they will be the most prosperous country in Europe with a post war boom fueled by reconstruction and gas development. If Ukraine hauls in a half a trillion Euros a year, say 2 years from now on gas and oil sales, plus agriculture, then with an educated population and good government they should become a powerhouse in 5 years and Russia would never dare fuck with them as the strongest economy in Europe and manufacturer of first class weapons systems that even Uncle Sam buys!
Oregon here ready to join the war effort with our newest attack sub. Time to kick some Commie ass. Go Ducks!

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Overcast skies are good for Russian satellites, they can't see though clouds, so all such commissioning's might be done with the weather forecast in mind. Every American missile sub can reduce the Russian population by 90% by itself, the UK and France have them too. We have the world oceans wired for sound and have for over 50 years, our nukes are escorted by attack subs and their's are shadowed by ours, we know where they are and they don't know where we are. Moscow and St. Petersburg would look like strobe lights going off, with multiple nukes from multiple systems and multiple countries!

I don't think Vlad is mad enough to play chicken with that.
Overcast skies are good for Russian satellites, they can't see though clouds, so all such commissioning's might be done with the weather forecast in mind. Every American missile sub can reduce the Russian population by 90% by itself, the UK and France have them too. We have the world oceans wired for sound and have for over 50 years, our nukes are escorted by attack subs and their's are shadowed by ours, we know where they are and they don't know where we are. Moscow and St. Petersburg would look like strobe lights going off, with multiple nukes from multiple systems and multiple countries!

I don't think Vlad is mad enough to play chicken with that.

Russia has an old dilapidated military. People overestimated their ability significantly. As they're losing a significant amount of their outdated equipment in Ukraine we're deploying brand new state of the art weaponry. This entire Ukraine fiasco is the last breath of a dying relic. Putin attempted to make Russia relevant but instead all he did was hasten its demise.
Russia has an old dilapidated military. People overestimated their ability significantly. As they're losing a significant amount of their outdated equipment in Ukraine we're deploying brand new state of the art weaponry. This entire Ukraine fiasco is the last breath of a dying relic. Putin attempted to make Russia relevant but instead all he did was hasten its demise.
Your spot on w/the Russian military,however it's going to be a long road for the Ukranian's to shift from defense to offense,Russia has Kerson and Mariople and all land in between and pretty much controls a land bridge to Crimea,does Ukraine possess the man power to actually liberate this territory ?I have my doubts about that, defending is easier than attacking,Ukraine doesn't possess the air assets to advance and would probably suffer extreme casualty rates if and when the time to shift to attack comes,this being said I hope I'm wrong as this whole Russian aggression has been horrific as carried out and criminally cruel to Ukranian civilians and I sincerely hope Ukraine can retake all it's sovereign territory.
Don't bunch up when there is a drone overhead and don't piss off God!

Russian soldier instantly REGRETS giving Ukraine drone the finger as base is destroyed
303,392 views May 30, 2022 A Russian soldier instantly regrets giving a Ukrainian drone the finger moments before the area is blown to hell in massive explosions. The footage, which appears to have been shot from a drone, shows what appeared to be Russian soldiers on the ground at a farmhouse, standing next to a military vehicle. The drone zooms in, at which point one of the soldiers appears to look up and spot it, raising his hand and giving it the finger. The footage then shows the area being blown up.

The images were shared online by Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, along with the caption: "Zaporizhzhia region. The filigree work of the special forces of the 15th Main Directorate of the DVKR SBU [Security Service of Ukraine]." Ukrainian media have reported that the operation killed 82 Russian soldiers, although this figure has not been independently verified. The adviser reportedly said: "The cost of such an attack copter - a drone made by the Aerorazvedka association - is only 35-40 thousand dollars. And the effect in terms of destroyed Russian equipment would be measured in billions of dollars a month." He added: "This is an inexpensive and effective method of fighting the occupiers."
Finally the IEDs! They should have learned something from the Afghan veterans who trained them, they were experts on IEDs and the hazard they present, having been on the receiving end. Why shoot up Russian convoys, when you can mine the roads hide in the woods far away and use a cellphone to set it off as they pass by. The guerillas can kill many Russian like this with little risk using IEDs and summer is guerilla warfare safari season, as they say there. The Russians have no night vision equipment, the Ukrainians do and can plant IEDs at night on the roads while the Russians sleep. Many are probably hiding in the areas the Russians are taking or occupying and it is forcing them to use harsh measures against the population.

In this war there are lot's of munitions laying around, like dug up mines and damaged artillery rounds from blown up tanks, all can be made into IED's, along with ANFO and the farms can supply plenty of that. Another dirt cheap way to destroy millions in Russian equipment with little risk, using an old cellphone and some junk explosives.

Ukraine forces AMBUSH Russian Typhoon with improvised road bomb

154,499 views May 30, 2022 Ukrainian special ops soldiers destroy a Russian ‘Typhoon’ armoured vehicle with an improvised explosive device set up on a stretch of road.

The Command of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said they destroyed a Russian ‘Typhoon’, a family of multi-functional armoured MRAP [Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected] vehicles manufactured by the Russian truck manufacturer Kamaz.

The Ukrainian military said the strike took place in the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson Oblast.

The SSO said: “Kherson region: we turned the enemy into torches.

“The enemy’s Kamaz ‘Typhoon’, destroyed by our personnel, burned along with its contents in an instant.

“Here is another example of a successful ambush carried out by members of the SSO of Ukraine. In the enemy's rear in the Kherson region, our soldiers set out on the routes of the Russian military equipment.

“After mining a section of the road, Ukrainian SSO operators waited for a truck with the occupiers to drive past and remotely detonated an improvised explosive device. The result of the work - completely destroyed enemy equipment and personnel.”
Humans have not evolved much since then, our social structures and technologies have though. It started ten thousand years ago when some people switched from hunter gathers, to growing crops. When the technology of gardening and farming took off it changed society and caused us to live in larger communities, property rights became important and kings to administer them. Every new technology warps and changes human society, that actually evolved to to live a tribal existence of families and clans of a few hundred families at most. The printing press profoundly changed human society, as did the telegraph and steam engine, every significant technology does, including contraception and female emancipation.
Actually farming started a bit earlier. I can share links if you like.
Actually farming started a bit earlier. I can share links if you like.
Just a general number for when it took off, probably started as gardening and like weaving and pottery, was invented by women, while the guys hunted. They did the gathering too, of natural grains and such. North American Indians paddle a canoe into wild rice then hit it with paddles, filling the canoe with wild rice. They did agriculture too. Maize, beans and squash. It gives us the best picture of the transition from hunter gathers to agrarian societies and empires, like those found in central America.

Ukraine War: On the frontline with the 93rd Brigade
95,124 views May 30, 2022 Sky's Alex Crawford exclusively reports from the frontline with the 93rd Brigade in eastern Ukraine as they position rockets to strike Russian forces.

Analysis: Can Russia take the Donbas region?
293,447 views May 30, 2022 Sky News' Defence and Security Analyst Prof Michael Clarke examines ongoing Russian efforts to seize the Donbas region.
U.S. will not send Ukraine rocket systems that can reach Russia, says Biden

WASHINGTON, May 30 (Reuters) - The United States will not send Ukraine rocket systems that can reach into Russia, President Joe Biden said on Monday, as Ukraine pushes for longer-range weapons system to help in its fight.

Ukrainian officials have been asking allies for longer-range systems including the Multiple Launch Rocket System, or MLRS, that can fire a barrage of rockets hundreds of miles away.

read more
I can hear the republicans now! CHICKEN JOE! Let the Ukrainians destroy the Russian army with blood and on a shoe string. So what are they to spend the $40 billion on Joe? Medical supplies? Looks like Putin's threats work folks, or Joe knows something we don't, which he no doubt does. We will see, but this appears to be at odds to the stated policy, if Russia wants pieces of Ukraine, they will be sold down the river, cause it would upset the Russians I guess. I wouldn't blame them for blowing up every pipeline carrying Russian gas into Europe.

Maybe Ukraine will develop stealth drones that can carry a few hundred kilos hundreds of miles using GPS to targets deep inside Russia, cities are easy to hit and so are oil refineries and even rail bridges with a 1 or 2 meter accuracy. They can be made cheap enough and they do make small jet engines about the size needed to power them on a one way trip to a pipeline hub in Russia or Belarus. These things are relatively easy to build and the brains can be bought online easily from China, they could even be made from common materials like fiberglass and foam.

After this bullshit they will want to make their own arms and they are not under sanction, they will sell the parts faster to them, than the competed weapons. They are going to be increasingly using that aid to make their own shells and rockets. The parts are easy to obtain and cheaper than the arms, it creates jobs and the arms can be sold to others competing with those countries who won't send them. This bullshit produces the genesis of an arms industry. Why buy shit from Uncle Sam, if he is gonna throttle you, or pull the pin on you every time Russia causes shit and grief? As soon as I got my country back on it's feet after the war and got some revenue I would start making my own arms. They have had a large sampling of very effective advanced weapons and already make their own version of a stinger and effective anti tank missiles.
