Humans have not evolved much since then, our social structures and technologies have though. It started ten thousand years ago when some people switched from hunter gathers, to growing crops. When the technology of gardening and farming took off it changed society and caused us to live in larger communities, property rights became important and kings to administer them. Every new technology warps and changes human society, that actually evolved to to live a tribal existence of families and clans of a few hundred families at most. The printing press profoundly changed human society, as did the telegraph and steam engine, every significant technology does, including contraception and female emancipation.Kinda like today.
Overcast skies are good for Russian satellites, they can't see though clouds, so all such commissioning's might be done with the weather forecast in mind. Every American missile sub can reduce the Russian population by 90% by itself, the UK and France have them too. We have the world oceans wired for sound and have for over 50 years, our nukes are escorted by attack subs and their's are shadowed by ours, we know where they are and they don't know where we are. Moscow and St. Petersburg would look like strobe lights going off, with multiple nukes from multiple systems and multiple countries!Oregon here ready to join the war effort with our newest attack sub. Time to kick some Commie ass. Go Ducks!
USS Oregon joins Navy fleet, first namesake submarine for state in a century
It marked the Navy’s first in-person commission ceremony since 2019, due to the pandemic. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, who said she felt at home with the mist and overcast skies, urged the crew members to embrace the traits Oregonian residents possess, including a sense of adventure as well as
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Overcast skies are good for Russian satellites, they can't see though clouds, so all such commissioning's might be done with the weather forecast in mind. Every American missile sub can reduce the Russian population by 90% by itself, the UK and France have them too. We have the world oceans wired for sound and have for over 50 years, our nukes are escorted by attack subs and their's are shadowed by ours, we know where they are and they don't know where we are. Moscow and St. Petersburg would look like strobe lights going off, with multiple nukes from multiple systems and multiple countries!
I don't think Vlad is mad enough to play chicken with that.
Your spot on w/the Russian military,however it's going to be a long road for the Ukranian's to shift from defense to offense,Russia has Kerson and Mariople and all land in between and pretty much controls a land bridge to Crimea,does Ukraine possess the man power to actually liberate this territory ?I have my doubts about that, defending is easier than attacking,Ukraine doesn't possess the air assets to advance and would probably suffer extreme casualty rates if and when the time to shift to attack comes,this being said I hope I'm wrong as this whole Russian aggression has been horrific as carried out and criminally cruel to Ukranian civilians and I sincerely hope Ukraine can retake all it's sovereign territory.Russia has an old dilapidated military. People overestimated their ability significantly. As they're losing a significant amount of their outdated equipment in Ukraine we're deploying brand new state of the art weaponry. This entire Ukraine fiasco is the last breath of a dying relic. Putin attempted to make Russia relevant but instead all he did was hasten its demise.
Actually farming started a bit earlier. I can share links if you like.Humans have not evolved much since then, our social structures and technologies have though. It started ten thousand years ago when some people switched from hunter gathers, to growing crops. When the technology of gardening and farming took off it changed society and caused us to live in larger communities, property rights became important and kings to administer them. Every new technology warps and changes human society, that actually evolved to to live a tribal existence of families and clans of a few hundred families at most. The printing press profoundly changed human society, as did the telegraph and steam engine, every significant technology does, including contraception and female emancipation.
Just a general number for when it took off, probably started as gardening and like weaving and pottery, was invented by women, while the guys hunted. They did the gathering too, of natural grains and such. North American Indians paddle a canoe into wild rice then hit it with paddles, filling the canoe with wild rice. They did agriculture too. Maize, beans and squash. It gives us the best picture of the transition from hunter gathers to agrarian societies and empires, like those found in central America.Actually farming started a bit earlier. I can share links if you like.