
Lol yeah when sanctions were against South Africa, nobody was allowed to trade with them or play sports against them, etc. it was a total blockout...

but modern politicians are cool with the situation as long as it doesn't affect their bottom lines too much. These current sanctions are the worst imitation I have ever seen.

America even came in and took your nuclear weapons when you went to majority rule and gave them to Israel. Poor Palestine, or what's left of Palestine..
Why doesn't America and its allies come to Palestine's defence??
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You seem to be supporting one atm as Ukraine is not only banning political parties but will only have a state run media- which Zelenski started doing before the war if you recall.

The world knows it is. Which is a good start as we may have years to go.
Well they are angling for EU membership, not just political parties ban other political parties, in liberal democracies the courts have a say too, as does the constitution. They are in a war of survival and are being supported by more than 40 liberal democratic countries with military and financial help, not just America. As for state run media, lot's of countries have it including Canada and the UK, as far as I know they can't really ban video and I don't think they are censoring much that isn't national security related.

This is a war measure and things will be different when peace comes, he also took Pro Russian stations off the air, or I should say his government, as in parliament did.

If noone should supply ukraine with weapons Russia would be able to invade Ukraine easily. So saying noone should supply arms is saying russia should be allowed to invade ukraine. The war would not even have started if Russia didn't start it. It would end if Russia stopped waging it.

Russian free media :D russian democracy :D
Ukraine has had to appease Russia since its inception hasn't it? Its the flat lands that armies have used to invade Russia. Ukraine is part of Russian defence strategy. Now ask yourself why did the elected Ukranian official put Russia offside and basickly dare Russia? Remember he ran on better relations with Russia. Did he already know America would back him even though Ukraine is not an allie of America? Why did it get so bad that Russia invaded? Will be interesting to see what comes out in 5 and 10 years time.
Ukraine has had to appease Russia since its inception hasn't it? Its the flat lands that armies have used to invade Russia. Ukraine is part of Russian defence strategy. Now ask yourself why did the elected Ukranian official put Russia offside and basickly dare Russia? Did he already know America would back him even though Ukraine is not an allie of America? Why did it get so bad that Russia invaded? Will be interesting to see what comes out in 5 and 10 years time.

You are back to saying Russia should be allowed to use and invade countries at their will.
We have already been here:

You must be new to the thread.
Let me clarify my thoughts for you.
I don't agree with Russia invading Ukraine.
I can understand their reasoning and the people of Ukraine elected Zelenskyy for better relations with Russia. He ran on that campaign.
I don't agree with America getting involved nor Europe. Its just one of the many disputes in a history of disputes in the area and there will always be disputes in the area. Much like Africa. Getting involved with these disputes always means a much longer war with more people killed and bigger economic stresses and refugees than would otherwise be avoided.
Russia is being treated by the international community very different from when America invades a sovereign country.
This war needs to be over ASAP.

I dont agree that an elected official should disband many/all political parties nor control the media.

So in essence you are saying Russia should be allowed to invade Ukraine.
I'm not sure how you think invading a country and controlling large parts of the 2nd largest country in Europe so quickly is unsuccessful. I haven't looked at a current map but has Russia landlocked Ukraine yet? Im guessing thats the objective?

Large part. Uhm, yeah. Does not look like great success to me.

How much they control is still irrelevant to the fact that they should not be there at all.

Large part. Uhm, yeah. Does not look like great success to me.

How much they control is still irrelevant to the fact that they should not be there at all.

View attachment 5152918

History of the human race aint it? Have you had a look at the huge list of Invaded countries America has in its very short history?
So nearly landlocked. Look how small Vietnam and Afghanistan are in comparison. War isn't a video game
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History of the human race aint it? Have you had a look at the huge list of Invaded countries America has in its very short history?

Completely irrelevant to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

So nearly landlocked.

Not more than since the start of the war. Also you should agree that Russia landlocking Ukraine is not good thing, if you indeed believe Russia should not be invading Ukraine.
We have already been here:

You must be new to the thread.
Let me clarify my thoughts for you.
I don't agree with Russia invading Ukraine.
I can understand their reasoning and the people of Ukraine elected Zelenskyy for better relations with Russia. He ran on that campaign.
I don't agree with America getting involved nor Europe. Its just one of the many disputes in a history of disputes in the area and there will always be disputes in the area. Much like Africa. Getting involved with these disputes always means a much longer war with more people killed and bigger economic stresses and refugees than would otherwise be avoided.
Russia is being treated by the international community very different from when America invades a sovereign country.
This war needs to be over ASAP.

I dont agree that an elected official should disband many/all political parties nor control the media.

You say Russia shouldn't invade Ukraine, but anything done against such action is bad somehow.
Yes, if only there was sonething Russia could do to stop the war...

Hey, what about if Russia stopped waging the war?
Maybe they will when they have landlocked Ukraine?
Maybe the war would of already been over if America hadn't of used it as a Proxy war?
Maybe the war wouldn't of started if the elected leader Zelenskyy, did what he was elected to do?

Lots of ifs, buts and maybes and that's why we love discussing them and the grey areas and even the propaganda.

Humans love fighting over invisible lines on a map. We scrub them out and redraw them all to often