
Belarus had uprisings a while back. The people of Belarus are not very happy with the idiot in charge. There are huge riots in Uzbekistan's Karakalpakstan region and there will be more. Using ethnic minorities to do the fighting keeps the reality hidden from ethnic russians, but it may destabilize many regions when they realize they are being used as cannon fodder. Some Tuvanians are starting to ask questions:

"A charity concert with famous Tuvinian artists was held in Kyzyl. The purpose of the collection was announced as support for the Tuvinian soldiers currently fighting in Ukraine. The most important item on the shopping list was radio communication equipment. Radios.

We have previously written about how exactly the Russian army is now using Tuvinian soldiers. They are mostly communicators transmitting information from the hot front line to the troops behind. Some might call it an "honorary role". In reality, it's a suicide bomber's ticket. The shortest way to die on the battlefield.

But why Tuvans? The answer lies in our language. Tuvan is a rare language, spoken by only 200 thousand people in the world.

You could say it's the perfect way to conduct secret negotiations. A cipher that no one but another Tuvan can unravel. A secret code accessible only to the Russian army. We've heard that somewhere before.

The idea of using indigenous peoples in wars fought by the titular nation is not new. During the Second World War, the Americans actively used the Navajo Indians as radio ciphers.

Really, why reinvent the wheel, if you can send unwanted national minorities to the slaughter. Cheap and sulphurous.

A month after the ill-fated concert, a cadet concert was held in Kyzyl. It was also in support of the military. The first part of the programme was dedicated to the theme "Multinational Russia".

Just appreciate the irony: to hold a concert in support of Tuvinian soldiers who die more often than others at the front because of a deliberate policy of the army leadership, under the slogan "Multinational Russia"!

While in all major cities of the country Tuvinians and other non-Russians are discriminated against, called "churks" and "narrow-eyed", refused to rent flats because they are "only for Slavs".

While the Tuvinian guys - under the oppression of suffocating loans, fear of poverty and life-long debts, without prospects of normal self-fulfillment in their native republic - are sent to perish in Ukraine, their families are asked to donate their last money for walkie-talkies.

Is it fair at all?"

No it isn't.

I'm starting to believe Russian Federation is on it's last legs.
It is an empire of conquest, mostly in the 19th century and cannot become a liberal democracy without flying apart. Putin and the FSB's job, before he became the great leader, was to hold it all together, using the usual KGB bag of tricks.
They had better pile on the artillery and MLRS support, it's the only thing that can stop the Russian artillery. Destroy the ammo dumps, the guns and the crews with counter battery radars and drones, suicide drones can help, but there are not enough with enough range to make a difference. Destroying equipment at night out on the open ground should be easier using drones, unless the Russians now have concentrated the means of dealing with them.

I believe a lot of the focus on training 10K Ukrainian troops in the UK is on operating western artillery, MLRS and other systems for when they get the gear they will have the people trained in it's use ready to go. Right now they need more artillery support and MLRS to reach out and destroy Russian ammo and fuel dumps far to the rear. Destroying Russian munitions is better than them using it up to destroy you! Guns are useless without munitions and the Ukrainians have the means to find the rear ammo dumps from various intelligence sources. It would be the most efficient use of limited resources.

Meanwhile the Russians are paying for the ground they gain in blood, munitions and equipment, as one BTG after another is destroyed or mauled to the point of being rendered ineffective.

Ukrainian soldiers identify what weapon they need to fight Russia
7,359 views Jul 5, 2022 Ukrainian fighters in the Donbas region find themselves slowly being worn down by constant battering at the hands of Russian military forces. CNN's Phil Black reports how Russia is putting the squeeze on key areas in this important region of Ukraine.
Why not just wipe them out with a few drones? Artillery is so WWII.
Why not just wipe them out with a few drones? Artillery is so WWII.
If they had enough, they might be able to do the job, but this is a slogging match and they know what is required and have been asking for it. Building your own killer drones is often easier than obtaining licensed technology and having lot's of drones makes artillery even more effective. It is interesting to note that most of the weapons and munitions the Russians are using is from the 1980's or even before.

Anything that can hit those Russian logistics far behind the lines, MLRS or cheap suicide drones, whatever can get the job done and is cost effective. Lets just hope we haven't throttled the Ukrainians too much in an effort to appease Vlad, because if given the weapons and ammo they can destroy the Russian army in Ukraine, the Ukrainians know it, we know it and so do the Russians.
i wonder how many NATO soldiers speak Ukrainian? how many can pass as Ukrainian? put a few thousand of them in uniform and turn them loose on the russians around lysychansk and sievierodonetsk...
or we could just make the grown up decision and just go stomp russia's guts out of it's lying asshole...but i guess it's a better idea to let as many Ukrainians die as possible, while allowing the russians to do as much damage as possible, before it all grinds to a halt because all the young men capable of waging war will be dead, for a bastard's dreams of empire...
i wonder how many NATO soldiers speak Ukrainian? how many can pass as Ukrainian? put a few thousand of them in uniform and turn them loose on the russians around lysychansk and sievierodonetsk...
or we could just make the grown up decision and just go stomp russia's guts out of it's lying asshole...but i guess it's a better idea to let as many Ukrainians die as possible, while allowing the russians to do as much damage as possible, before it all grinds to a halt because all the young men capable of waging war will be dead, for a bastard's dreams of empire...
They have enough motivated troops, they lack the proper arms in sufficient amounts. However we don't know the how much damage, what NATO guns, drones and counterbattery radars they have, have done to the Russians. If they have the claimed range, mobility and precision, then each M777 gun should be taking out a lot of Russian targets, including their guns. So far they've been burning out the barrels and sending them back for refurbishing and we have supplied around a half million 155mm rounds. The Ukrainians are firing 1/10 the rounds of the Russians, but say they are 5 times more effective, using counter battery radars, drones and higher precision, especially at extreme range? The Russians presented a target rich environment for the Ukrainian guns with their massed attack in the east, one of the reasons for their withdrawal could be, they burned out the barrels of their artillery and need to get them refurbished in the west.

The Ukrainians are steadily accumulating equipment and even AA & missile defense systems for cities and military targets. They are also steadily training their troops in expectation of the new equipment, as they switch over to using NATO arms. Meanwhile, if the Russians aren't rotating their guns out of Ukraine and getting them refurbished in Russia, or bringing in a steady stream from storage, they could have trouble. Wildly inaccurate guns might be ok for demolishing cities, but not much use trying to hit troops in the field deployed as small units, assuming they have the drones to spot the targets.
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you're gonna be saying this until ukraine is down to one city, "the counter-attack is just around the corner! Russia is out of ammo, generals, and food!"

this is the same shit that nazi germany was telling it's troops up until berlin got stormed. Many troops in 1944 were SHOCKED to see their homes and towns destroyed from all out bombing, there was zero news about all the bad just a, "we are massing and preparing for victory at _____ long live the fuhrer"
i wonder how many NATO soldiers speak Ukrainian? how many can pass as Ukrainian? put a few thousand of them in uniform and turn them loose on the russians around lysychansk and sievierodonetsk...
or we could just make the grown up decision and just go stomp russia's guts out of it's lying asshole...but i guess it's a better idea to let as many Ukrainians die as possible, while allowing the russians to do as much damage as possible, before it all grinds to a halt because all the young men capable of waging war will be dead, for a bastard's dreams of empire...
NATO should allow any of their personal to resign and go fight in Ukraine. Maybe whole companies would volunteer together. Wouldn't hurt if a few of them took their fighter jets with them.
you're gonna be saying this until ukraine is down to one city, "the counter-attack is just around the corner! Russia is out of ammo, generals, and food!"

this is the same shit that nazi germany was telling it's troops up until berlin got stormed. Many troops in 1944 were SHOCKED to see their homes and towns destroyed from all out bombing, there was zero news about all the bad just a, "we are massing and preparing for victory at _____ long live the fuhrer"
Well I imagine a Nazi like you can empathize with how those Nazi's felt, like you do with the downfall for your fuhrer Trump and his gang of fascist republican assholes.

A long war keeps the French and Germans onside and makes it harder and slower for Russia to climb out of the hole they are in when the war and some sanctions end. A quick Ukrainian victory would see a quick peace and the end of sanctions while the deep damage is being done to the Russian economy and their army is worn away in Ukraine. The bottom line is, Ukraine has the gas and oil Europe needs and it can be rapidly developed, the only thing standing between them and energy security is the Russian army in Ukraine.
THe Russian Resistance is developing and a few more months will see Putin is deeper shit that he is now. His Oligarch Buddies don't like the sanction squeeze now and there is talk of Putin falling out a window or not waking up from surgery. I don't think we should lift the sanctions until the Russians show that they are acting civilized, so probably never, given their gangster organization.
Long but good write up on russian logistic problems and why hitting those ammo dumps is very effective.

Tl;dr artillery war is extremely heavy on logistics. Russia sucks at logistics. They don't even have pallets. Trucks have very limited range and pushing the ammo dumps back will make it impossible for russia to truck ammo to frontlines. Jesus. They don't have pallets and they load trucks by hand. A single 155mm round weighs around 50kg/100lb.
Kazakhstan's president says they will supply Europe with gas and oil.

Previously, while on stage with putin at putin's economic forum, he said he will not recoqnize LPR nor DNR. putin is not happy.
Another oil and gas rich country fucked over by Russia and not allowed to develop it's resources because it competes with Russian gas and oil, it's the same for Ukraine and Belarus. Russia wants all the money from Europe, all the leverage and wields it against potential neighboring competitors using military force. If Finland suddenly found out it was sitting natural gas reserves, the Russians would go nuts trying to stifle or stop it's development. If they weren't tied down in Ukraine. they would have attacked Finland, before it was a NATO member over it. Oil and gas sales are everything to the Kremlin and cutting into their European markets means not only cutting their revenue, but their leverage over Europe.

They are a fascist imperialist state, money and power is the root of their motivation, losing in Ukraine means losing both money and power. If they defeat Russia and develop their resources, they will be Russia's main worry, perhaps along with Belarus, not Europe. Both countries are sitting on natural gas and both are part of the Slavic world that would make an iron curtain impossible to implement. In 5 years Ukraine could be an EU military and economic superpower with a real bad attitude towards Russian imperialist bullshit and most of Russia's brains living there for the big bucks.
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