
You might break the political machine again, but I fear without a damning show of force, the man in the street would keep yearning for how things were in the peak days of the old Soviet Union, and with some deep help belief that they can reclaim it. Kind of like they do now....
the thing is: I agree. It might come down to staring megadeath in the face.
But my sentiment is set hard against overmuch (and how much that is, I have no idea) risk.

We have seen Russia’s army operate with very surprising ineffectiveness over the last months. While I believe our military, notably our “projection of power” forces (Air Force and Navy), are rather better, their last serious audit was 31 years ago.

Which brings the problem. US doctrine is a massive, crippling air offensive prior to more up close&personal combat. I don’t think Russian gov’t will react well to such a strike. It is the existential threat that they have warned will bring, in the sanitized phrase, battlefield nuclear events. I see no way that this won’t turn into mutual vendetta.
Actually it is backwards to a hakenkreuz and is also an ancient symbol in Buddhism that has nothing to do with Hitler but pertains to the four noble truths
the thing is: I agree. It might come down to staring megadeath in the face.
But my sentiment is set hard against overmuch (and how much that is, I have no idea) risk.

We have seen Russia’s army operate with very surprising ineffectiveness over the last months. While I believe our military, notably our “projection of power” forces (Air Force and Navy), are rather better, their last serious audit was 31 years ago.

Which brings the problem. US doctrine is a massive, crippling air offensive prior to more up close&personal combat. I don’t think Russian gov’t will react well to such a strike. It is the existential threat that they have warned will bring, in the sanitized phrase, battlefield nuclear events. I see no way that this won’t turn into mutual vendetta.
They will use Ukraine as a proxy to torment Vlad and cause trouble in his empire and around it, even after he is defeated and driven from Ukraine. Russia will face a covert external threat from several sources, not just America, it's biggest issues might end up being internal and trying to keep republics from breaking away with no effective army to speak of. Nobody is gonna set foot on Russian territory, except perhaps the Ukrainians, but that will be just around their borders to destroy Russian rail bridges and isolate areas close to their borders from the rest of Russia.
No need these days, just kill the asshole who's causing trouble from afar, no need to destroy even the house. That guy the Americans snuffed in Afghanistan standing on his balcony with 2 Hellfire missiles from drone controlled by a satellite. Apparently no explosives were used, just blades, they chopped him into hamburger as the missile body flew into what was left his. No collateral damage, no man no problem, as Stalin used to say
And why do heads of governments just not kill their rivals that they do not disagree with? Because that makes it open season on them also. And in the end there usually is another with the same ideology ready to step in their place. Also assassinating a leader is usually considered an act of war.
Technically democracies and communist cesspools are so far apart ideologically, that you might as well say we have always been at war just not to the level where we fire conventional weapons at each other.
Technically democracies and communist cesspools are so far apart ideologically, that you might as well say we have always been at war just not to the level where we fire conventional weapons at each other.
But as long as nobody gets hurt...
Yes it was a Hindu symbol (although theirs is a bit more curvey).
I was trying to allude toone of the few times in history cutting the head, stopped the beast.

actually it's both a symbol of the Hindu and the Budda, it was just perversed by Hilter it the turning of it......and then it went from there, now a symbol of the United Russia party
And why do heads of governments just not kill their rivals that they do not disagree with? Because that makes it open season on them also. And in the end there usually is another with the same ideology ready to step in their place. Also assassinating a leader is usually considered an act of war.
In this instance the war was ongoing, but in principle I agree, it is a nice option to have on the table when things go south sometimes though. That's what the switchblade 300's were developed for, complete with facial recognition, as weapons of assassination. Often you are dealing with a sociopath who cares about no one, but they do care about their own pink little ass and knowing someone can reach out and touch them often has a desired effect.
Technically democracies and communist cesspools are so far apart ideologically, that you might as well say we have always been at war just not to the level where we fire conventional weapons at each other.
there are certainly differences, but there are all together too many similarities...
America and several other countries have been guilty of manipulating foreign governments, helping or hindering coup attempts, as best benefits the interest of America, or w/e nation the interfering agents represent, performing the occasional "sanction" when someone becomes too much of a problem to deal with anymore...
we usually have better motives, but murder for political/financial reasons is a good enough reason to hate MBS...it should be a good enough reason for us to fucking stop it.

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Composite construction and some stealthier geometry would be a plus for survivability, usually these things fly at or below treetop level. A low wing makes for high maneuverability and quick response, they are trying to move away from big heavy platforms these days, the Marines cancelled their tanks for example. The addition of a couple of javelins (no front foam blast guard required and a modified aiming and firing system would make it a tank killer from 2 miles away.