
i have read the constitution...i've taken the citizenship test on a bet, and passed it with one wrong, like to see you do the same.
you refuse to provide proof. i provided half a dozen links with no effort at all...so who is full of shit? who believes ridiculous horseshit with no proof except "it makes me feel better about my shitty life" ?
"It means you just lied a million times now no one buys your BS anymore." keep telling yourself that in November, when those nobodies give the house and the senate to the democrats with such a majority that the republicans are irrelevant...then do it again in november of 24 when those same nobodies not only give the house and the senate to the democrats again, but they give Biden or whoever they run another 4 years...after 6 years of democratic rule, the republicans will be so fucked it won't even be funny
I keep up.on the news, if you kept up on the news you would k ow the Steele dossier is a fraud and you have been made a even bigger fool of
The walls are closing in.
Yea, Trump was fucking us all over with the best economy in 70 years and a dollar seventy a gallon gas. Horrible.
right, i forget that magats only operate in the present... trump's economy was inflated and unsupportable. his cheap gas was at the cost of the environment, and huge tax cuts for the super rich, who already pay fuck all in taxes to support the country that made them rich.
if trump would have beaten Biden, not only would inflation and gas prices have gone up just the same, it would have been worse...Biden knew what to do to fix the situation, and did so, which is why things are improving now.
trump doesn't know how to do anything except steal shit, so things would have been incredibly worse under him, and it wouldn't be getting better now, it would just be getting worse...
Ukraine would be fighting alone, probably already crushed by the russians, who are incredibly incompetent, but have such vast numbers that they can afford to fuck up against anyone not supported by NATO...that means food prices would still be going up, and so would gas prices.
the supply chain would still be fucked up, because trump is an incompetent fool, Mexico wouldn't be doing any business with us at all, Canada would still have closed borders, the EU would be fucked, facing more invasions by putin, that would inevitably lead to war across all of europe...
try to look past your own wallet for once in your life...try to extrapolate...i know its a big word, but it just means make a chain...make the links fit...without needing a deep state, aliens, worldwide conspiracies....
sigh...nm, i know you're limited by your own prejudices and your embrace of tribalism...
keep on being a fucking moron, it's what you're comfortable with, and we wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable, karen.
Was it a Russian spy? Was it a Russian spy at Trump tower? Or was it a FBI Democrat dressed up as a Russian spy? We all know what happened. If the FBI will fabricate fake evidence to get a warrant, use agents to set people up like the Whitmer debacle there is not much they won't do. They or you have no credibility left. You used it all up lying and fabricating evidence
Yes Kilimnik is a Russian spy.you going to answer the question Or just run through the normal far right propaganda talking points?

lol “setting them up”.

The radicalized fuckers were fought guilty just like all the pedophiles who were “set up”.

The drunk guy was Cia setting up the narrative. You heard of the Steele dossier? It's the fake dossier paid for by clinton from a foreign Intel service then passed through Bruce and Nelli Orr as fact then used as a reason to get a fisa warrant ,this is called sedition. Look it up.
Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize you are mentally impaired.
Be best troll, be best.
Yes Kilimnik is a Russian spy.you going to answer the question Or just run through the normal far right propaganda talking points?

lol “setting them up”.

The radicalized fuckers were fought guilty just like all the pedophiles who were “set up”.

What was kilniks relationship to Trump?
right, i forget that magats only operate in the present... trump's economy was inflated and unsupportable. his cheap gas was at the cost of the environment, and huge tax cuts for the super rich, who already pay fuck all in taxes to support the country that made them rich.
if trump would have beaten Biden, not only would inflation and gas prices have gone up just the same, it would have been worse...Biden knew what to do to fix the situation, and did so, which is why things are improving now.
trump doesn't know how to do anything except steal shit, so things would have been incredibly worse under him, and it wouldn't be getting better now, it would just be getting worse...
Ukraine would be fighting alone, probably already crushed by the russians, who are incredibly incompetent, but have such vast numbers that they can afford to fuck up against anyone not supported by NATO...that means food prices would still be going up, and so would gas prices.
the supply chain would still be fucked up, because trump is an incompetent fool, Mexico wouldn't be doing any business with us at all, Canada would still have closed borders, the EU would be fucked, facing more invasions by putin, that would inevitably lead to war across all of europe...
try to look past your own wallet for once in your life...try to extrapolate...i know its a big word, but it just means make a chain...make the links fit...without needing a deep state, aliens, worldwide conspiracies....
sigh...nm, i know you're limited by your own prejudices and your embrace of tribalism...
keep on being a fucking moron, it's what you're comfortable with, and we wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable, karen.
Excuses are like ass holes. Everyone has one and they all smell like shit. Best econo.y I. 70 years and a dollar seventy gas. Along with a 40 percent emissions cut in co2. Now what's your excuse and who do you blame?
What was kilniks relationship to Trump?
Is this the next iteration of stupidity from the right wing propaganda echo chamber?

let’s see, Trump hires a campaign manager for free, who lives in Trump Tower, that gives Kilimnik data on us Americans, and then gets arrested, and found guilty (af) and Trump then pardons that traitorous criminal.


Need another link to a Russian spy to ignore so you can pretend like your spam makes sense?

Manaford. Who even said after he had been pardoned that he passed along information.

Oh, excuse me. I just caught up to where @hanimmal mentioned the same thing.
Let's talk about something we all can agree on, Putin is a piece of shit. The Russians have never been able to keep their jands to themselves and have killed and murdered their neighbors for centuries , how's that?