
i ignored him...it's a shame too. i had hopes that he would pull his head out of the fucking sand and open his eyes, but he just keeps embracing the stupidest of stupid conspiracy theories...
all media in the country is controlled by two people... :dunce:
Those sixteen turbofan engines sort of said it all.

I watched it unfold last night and resisted the impulse to engage. To a troll, negative attention is negative attention.
They are continuing to strike the river crossings at Kherson, trapping a huge Russian force of 20,000-25,000 on the wrong side of the river with little or no resupply. It's a classic case of Vlad's reach exceeding his grasp, too few forces for too much land and those forces could be reduced significantly soon. The betrayal at the beginning of the war in the south allowed the Russians to advance into what turned out to be a giant trap in the end. The Ukrainians sucked in even more of their best troops into the cauldron by announcing their offensive in the south and the Russians weakened the east to send them there.

Russia's Medvedev: New Regions Can Be Defended With Strategic Nuclear Weapons
Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that any weapons in Moscow's arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, could be used to defend territories incorporated in Russia from Ukraine.

Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said that referendums being organized by Russian-installed and separatist authorities in large swathes of Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory will take place, and that "there is no going back":

"The Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) republics and other territories will be accepted into Russia."

Medvedev said the protection of all the territories would be significantly strengthened by the Russian armed forces, adding:

"Russia has announced that not only mobilisation capabilities, but also any Russian weapons, including strategic nuclear weapons and weapons based on new principles, could be used for such protection."

The referendums due to take place in the Russian-held parts of Ukraine's Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia provinces, as well as part of Mykolaiv province, from Friday are widely expected to produce results overwhelmingly endorsing joining Russia.

The votes, being organized at a few days' notice under military occupation, have been labeled shams by Kyiv and its Western allies.

If formally admitted to the Russian Federation, the occupied territories, where Ukrainian counteroffensives have gathered pace in recent weeks, will under Moscow's nuclear doctrine be entitled to protection from Russian nuclear weapons.

Moscow does not fully control any of the four regions it is expected to try to annex, with only around 60% of Donetsk and 66% of Zaporizhzhia regions held by the Russian army.

Medvedev has regularly issued aggressive statements on the West and Ukraine in recent months, underlining his transformation from apparently Western-minded liberalizer as president from 2008-2012 to strident geopolitical hawk.
Why can't the CIA get to Putin?
because that's BAD...we DON'T do that...anymore.
seriously...that is the worst kind of empire building, empire killing, backstabbing political maneuvering done in dark alleys...
if you want to declare open war and bomb the kremlin, i can get behind that...if you want to assassinate putin in the dark of the night, just wait and let the russians take care of him. he's never been worth a fuck as a leader. any leader worthy of the name would have known what his generals were doing to his military years ago, and put a stop to it.
Matter of fact.. they are top share holders on everything we consume from your couch to your tv, laptop, food supply, commodities.. look up any US owned company from Pepsi, to Coke, Pizza Hut to Dominoes, Kraft foods, Nestle, Capital One, Halliburton, GM, Ford... they all have the same top share holders. BlackRock, and Vanguard....as well as the news media. Go ahead... pick a company and look under "Top Investors"...you're gonna find the these 2 companies own almost everything.

Those companies run large mutual funds. That's how they wind up the top holders of stuff. It isnt terribly nefarious. People put their money into an ira/401k/etc. from any of those companies as they mostly offer the type of index based products that are in those plans, then the company goes and buys the shares.

Edit: ETFs are another big area/way they wind up listed as the owner of those shares.
Let's say in a year or two the idea of ethnic cleansing gets around and the Russians keep drafting the other republics for their pointless war. They will not end up killing many of them in the end and they will piss off many times more. Those that return might have experience and those who were prisoners might have contacts and be agents for Ukraine or the CIA. So say the Russian army is decimated and the economy is crashing and burning while one of these republics wants to break free. They send in the internal security forces from Moscow who end up slaughtered and next goes a few BTGs of their weakened army, which is also filled with similar minorities. What happens if they are meet with Javelins, NLAWs and RPGs courtesy of Ukraine? With a force trained secretly by Ukraine. What happens when the rail bridges leading into their republics are blow up 100 km from their borders? Russia can't go much further than 25km from their railheads, they don't have the logistical support. Many Russians from the republics are serving in Ukraine now and gaining experience while making contacts with allied intelligence services. If I were a Ukrainian, I'd be planning and working towards the longer-term dismemberment of the Russian federation, whittle them down to geographic size and sow internal social division. They are still an empire of conquest, and they can't go liberal democratic without flying apart and this shit is an example of many that history can offer of why it must be so.
Russia's Medvedev: New Regions Can Be Defended With Strategic Nuclear Weapons
Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday that any weapons in Moscow's arsenal, including strategic nuclear weapons, could be used to defend territories incorporated in Russia from Ukraine.

Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said that referendums being organized by Russian-installed and separatist authorities in large swathes of Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory will take place, and that "there is no going back":

"The Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) republics and other territories will be accepted into Russia."

Medvedev said the protection of all the territories would be significantly strengthened by the Russian armed forces, adding:

"Russia has announced that not only mobilisation capabilities, but also any Russian weapons, including strategic nuclear weapons and weapons based on new principles, could be used for such protection."

The referendums due to take place in the Russian-held parts of Ukraine's Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia provinces, as well as part of Mykolaiv province, from Friday are widely expected to produce results overwhelmingly endorsing joining Russia.

The votes, being organized at a few days' notice under military occupation, have been labeled shams by Kyiv and its Western allies.

If formally admitted to the Russian Federation, the occupied territories, where Ukrainian counteroffensives have gathered pace in recent weeks, will under Moscow's nuclear doctrine be entitled to protection from Russian nuclear weapons.

Moscow does not fully control any of the four regions it is expected to try to annex, with only around 60% of Donetsk and 66% of Zaporizhzhia regions held by the Russian army.

Medvedev has regularly issued aggressive statements on the West and Ukraine in recent months, underlining his transformation from apparently Western-minded liberalizer as president from 2008-2012 to strident geopolitical hawk.
what is there to even say? illegal referendums to justify using nuclear weapons? why do they even bother trying to justify their murder spree? they have to know no one else in the entire world believes the horseshit vomiting out of their media...they have to know that if they drop so much as a tactical nuclear hand grenade it will blow back in their faces so fucking hard they'll be a pile of grinning skulls when it's over...so, why do they bother? putin makes them bother...when will one, just one fucking russian have the fucking guts to shoot the fucker in the head? maybe now, that they have to actually participate in the gladiatorial combat their poor country cousins have been forced to endure for 7 months, one of them will stand the fuck up like they have a spine and kill the evil piece of shit...if they aren't all busy running away like bitches
Don't worry folks all conflicts will be solved with the fake referendums coming soon.
All anyone needs is a Puppet Government, Annexation and occupation.

I know it will not be good for Ukraine but they really need to destroy the Crimean Bridge
There are two parts, the vehicle and train so it will be hard but it simply has to happen.

If nothing else damage it and keep damaging it so it is unusuable.
Let's say in a year or two the idea of ethnic cleansing gets around and the Russians keep drafting the other republics for their pointless war. They will not end up killing many of them in the end and they will piss off many times more. Those that return might have experience and those who were prisoners might have contacts and be agents for Ukraine or the CIA. So say the Russian army is decimated and the economy is crashing and burning while one of these republics wants to break free. They send in the internal security forces from Moscow who end up slaughtered and next goes a few BTGs of their weakened army, which is also filled with similar minorities. What happens if they are meet with Javelins, NLAWs and RPGs courtesy of Ukraine? With a force trained secretly by Ukraine. What happens when the rail bridges leading into their republics are blow up 100 km from their borders? Russia can't go much further than 25km from their railheads, they don't have the logistical support. Many Russians from the republics are serving in Ukraine now and gaining experience while making contacts with allied intelligence services. If I were a Ukrainian, I'd be planning and working towards the longer-term dismemberment of the Russian federation, whittle them down to geographic size and sow internal social division. They are still an empire of conquest, and they can't go liberal democratic without flying apart and this shit is an example of many that history can offer of why it must be so.
everyone killed so far on the russian side has been an ethnic russian...the only exception is most of the officers killed have been the slavic, "muscovite" type russians. 77% of russia is slavic russians...they've already used up just about the entire male portion of that 23% of russians that aren't the slavic, muscovite type...that's the ONLY reason they're now mobilizing in the bigger cities, they have no choice in the matter any longer, they've used up the available cannon fodder, and gotten a lot of ethnic cleansing done at the same time.
just about the only "ethnic" russians left to be upset about it are widows, mothers mourning the loss of their sons, and old men weeping for their sons and grand sons, dead for putin's glory.