
do you think putin is so fucking insane that he will feel justified using a nuclear weapon on the strength of these pretend referendums?
no one on the entire planet believes they were fair, and even if they were fair...you can't just march into your neighbors country and demand a vote so you can steal part of it...only a fool or an insane person would think so.
the consequences to russia have been what is stopping him, not any fake referendums...and the consequences to russia are the same or worse than they have ever been.
i hope he tries to escalate things...this has to come to a head, one way or another.
He's on the ropes, or soon will be by the time the Ukrainians are done with the fucker. What good would a nuke do? If he nuked a city, it would be game over for him and using one on the battlefield is useless. The first tactical nuke that goes off in Ukraine will be the end of Vlad, he won't get out of it alive, one way or another. America can shoot down missiles with patriots and other AA missiles and the reaction would be the extinction of Russia and most Russians. They can house Russian prisoners in the cities, but Putin will kill his own as quick as he would kill Ukrainians.

A plan for Vlad to survive might be retirement and a peaceful transition of power to an ally, but they would just blame him for the debacle and rightly so. He might stay out of jail or being tossed out of a window, if he cut a deal and went peacefully, if not, a way will be found to kill the bastard. Vlad will reach a point where his personal survival is a stake by spring, if they take a pounding in Ukraine and I think they will before the end of October. Perhaps a little present for Joe and the democrats and all the help he's been giving them, the timing looks about right.
He's on the ropes, or soon will be by the time the Ukrainians are done with the fucker. What good would a nuke do? If he nuked a city, it would be game over for him and using one on the battlefield is useless. The first tactical nuke that goes off in Ukraine will be the end of Vlad, he won't get out of it alive, one way or another. America can shoot down missiles with patriots and other AA missiles and the reaction would be the extinction of Russia and most Russians. They can house Russian prisoners in the cities, but Putin will kill his own as quick as he would kill Ukrainians.

A plan for Vlad to survive might be retirement and a peaceful transition of power to an ally, but they would just blame him for the debacle and rightly so. He might stay out of jail or being tossed out of a window, if he cut a deal and went peacefully, if not, a way will be found to kill the bastard. Vlad will reach a point where his personal survival is a stake by spring, if they take a pounding in Ukraine and I think they will before the end of October. Perhaps a little present for Joe and the democrats and all the help he's been giving them, the timing looks about right.
one way or the other, someone is going to have to come for putin. he's guilty of too many war crimes to remain free.
the sanctions should and probably will stay in full effect until he is surrendered, unless he's already dead at the end of hostilities...if there is an end to hostilities...
one way or the other, someone is going to have to come for putin. he's guilty of too many war crimes to remain free.
the sanctions should and probably will stay in full effect until he is surrendered, unless he's already dead at the end of hostilities...if there is an end to hostilities...
Like all tyrants he is riding the tiger and he dare not fall off lest the beast consume him. That's Vlad's main problem, it would be too useful to have him dead and might solve some problems, the blame can go with him into the grave. Vlad is in an existential struggle for existence now, his enemies abroad are emboldened, his army is pathetic, the economy is melting down and most of the men in the country are freaking out. The hard right is freaking out too and know they are getting their asses handed to them on the battlefield. They were all in on the war though, just as much as Putin.

Know yourself and know your enemy and you will win every time, know neither and you will lose every time. Vlad neither knew his army or his enemy, he seems disconnected and not a hands-on guy. War is serious business with unexpected conquests and risks, it should only be pursued as a last resort, but know what you are getting into. Vlad pursued war for no good reason and had no idea what he was getting into, or that it would cost him his life perhaps inside a year.
Putins bitch says he can fix everything.

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I can imagine what would happen to America and Ukraine if that asshole traitor were president, NATO would be finished. Vlad was gonna invade Ukraine even if Trump won, it would have been much easier with Trump blocking all arms shipments to Ukraine. He would have sold them and America down the river, no problem and created a Russian MAGA 5th column in America. If you were a Russian agent, MAGA republicans would be at the top of your list.

General Petraeus: Putin is desperate and in an irreversible situation | DW News
496,365 views Sep 28, 2022 Four Star General Petraeus told DW that Ukraine should become a NATO member after the war with Russia is over. "The success of some kind of Marshall Plan for Ukraine needs a security guarantee, otherwise it will not succeed." He doesn't see any changes after the midterms regarding support from the US: "The midterms will not change this. There will be enough support no matter who controls which house."

He said, "Putin is in a very desperate situation which is irreversible for him if the US and other NATO members continue to provide the support."

Asked about the possible use of nuclear weapons he said: "The use of tactical weapons would actually not reverse Russia's fortunes on the battlefield. It would be very destructive, very lethal in a specific area on that battlefield, but it would not reverse this reality that confronts Russia. And that is the new development."

Asked about when the war might be over, he said that one of the factors he is watching most closely has to do with "Russian morale and does individual soldiers, do small units, do large units surrender or meld away, collapse? This is going to be a tougher winter for Russian soldiers than it will be for the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are on their own soil with a very supportive citizenry around them. Doing whatever they can to support. The Russians are in areas where the citizens hate them. They're occupiers."
"Hey buddy, do you have a cigarette?"

Ammunition exploded in the Belgorod region
In the Belgorod region, due to the human factor, ammunition detonated, 14 people were injured, said the governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov.

"There was a detonation of ammunition in the Valuysky urban district, there are 14 people injured. Injuries of varying severity. All necessary medical care is being provided," he wrote on his Telegram channel. Emergency services are on site and are investigating the incident.

The IAEA said that the cause of three explosions at the ZNPP could be animals
The animals likely caused three landmine explosions near the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the press service of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Wednesday.

Earlier on Tuesday, agency experts who are at the ZNPP reported two explosions near a channel that supplies water to cool the reactor. The cause of the explosions was not named. The blast wave at the station knocked out several windows.

"Animals likely caused three landmine explosions near the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine , causing no serious damage, but once again highlighting the potential nuclear safety risks at the site," the IAEA said.

According to the agency, the third explosion occurred this morning 50 meters from the fence around the perimeter of the station. IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi expressed his deep concern over this development.

Last week, Grossi began negotiations with the Russian Federation and Ukraine on the creation of a nuclear safety and protection zone around the ZNPP. At the opening of the 66th session of the Agency's General Conference on Monday, the head of the IAEA said he was ready to continue these consultations.
3 batteries and a half ton truck to charge them and this thing could be in the air continuously and cover a considerable distance with 45minute flight time. New battery technology could see that increase by 4 or 5 times in a few years. With 56X zoom and 4K HD video it could also fly pretty high and read a newspaper on the ground, if required. I think they've developed a firmware patch to make DJI drones more useful and secure in Ukraine. It was an issue for a while, and they were appealing for a solution from the larger RC and drone community and there are a lot of smart people involved in those hobbies, many software people and engineers of all kinds. New products are popping up at a phenomenal rate and many are springing from this once hobby technology.
