
'Ukrainian forces can smell victory'
358,324 views Oct 2, 2022 After claiming back Lyman, Ukrainian troops can smell victory and are bursting to retake more territory. Lyman is their biggest win on the battlefield in weeks, and the first since President Vladimir Putin declared this Russian territory.
Jamming power like all isotropic radio emissions follow the inverse-square law and power drops off as distance increases. Also, jammers are easily radio located and can be destroyed by a variety of weapons systems and you need a lot of them to be effective. The allies use encrypted digital communications equipment that frequency shifts and is designed to defeat jamming. It takes a lot of power to jam on a broad radio or microwave spectrum, the broader the jamming spectrum the more power it takes.
Jamming power like all isotropic radio emissions follow the inverse-square law and power drops off as distance increases. Also, jammers are easily radio located and can be destroyed by a variety of weapons systems and you need a lot of them to be effective. The allies use encrypted digital communications equipment that frequency shifts and is designed to defeat jamming. It takes a lot of power to jam on a broad radio or microwave spectrum, the broader the jamming spectrum the more power it takes.
Listening to a shortwave set in ‘70s Vienna, there were a couple of spots on the dial that were dominated by a wide-frequency warble. My elders told me it was jamming in East Germany. I failed to ask if it was jamming in or out.
Jamming power like all isotropic radio emissions follow the inverse-square law and power drops off as distance increases. Also, jammers are easily radio located and can be destroyed by a variety of weapons systems and you need a lot of them to be effective. The allies use encrypted digital communications equipment that frequency shifts and is designed to defeat jamming. It takes a lot of power to jam on a broad radio or microwave spectrum, the broader the jamming spectrum the more power it takes.
They seem to have a pretty major personnel problem, There isn't a lot of retention in their military. They may have a major shortage of qualified operators for more advanced systems, which could be compounded by attrition as their pool of operators dwindles due to injury, death, capture, surrender...
I've been wonder the same thing about their airforce...Are they saving it for what they consider a bigger enemy, or are they just short of qualified pilots, qualified mechanics, out of parts...?
100,000's of Russian men fleeing their country due to mobilization. And Russia is conscripting 100'000's more indiscriminately into the army. Just imagine what the impact of this is on the Russian economy. On their ability to produce goods and services. On their shipping and transportation ability. It will take 6 months for new recruits to form any sort of effective fighting force, and by that time Russia's economy will be bankrupt.
100,000's of Russian men fleeing their country due to mobilization. And Russia is conscripting 100'000's more indiscriminately into the army. Just imagine what the impact of this is on the Russian economy. On their ability to produce goods and services. On their shipping and transportation ability. It will take 6 months for new recruits to form any sort of effective fighting force, and by that time Russia's economy will be bankrupt.
I don't think they're waiting 6 months, i think they will be lucky to get 6 weeks...Maybe 6 days... :o
I hope a lot of them surrender, the Ukrainians have better shit to do than clean up 300,000 dead russians.
I think the Russian army in Ukraine has reached the point of moral collapse, and it will soon become a military collapse. They are out weaponed, out fought and out lead, with nothing to fight for except survival. The enemy is kinder than their leaders, speaks close to the same language, are offering good surrender terms and cash rewards for equipment. Just think, surrender your tank, become a prisoner, get a cash reward and possible Ukrainian citizenship, bring your family over later when things cool down. They said they wouldn't return anybody against their will, and even younger Russians know Zelenskiy has integrity about this stuff as does the west. Only the war criminals need fear capture and there have been a lot of them, it could be the reason they haven't surrendered yet, since the officers bare the most guilt, another good reason to kill the bastards!
A man for all seasons... He wasn't just a comedian, he also founded two media companies, one in Russia and after that another in Ukraine. He speaks fluent Russian and knows how to speak very effectively in his own language, much is lost in translation. If he were on Russian TV uncensored Vlad would be truly fucked, the same ideas would work in Russia too, because the same problems exist in spades in Russia. This is from 2019 and will give you an idea of who Vlad is dealing with, a man who has not just grown into his job and role in society, he mastered it.

The comedian who could be president - BBC News
10,469,117 views Feb 7, 2019 Polls suggest Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a comedian with no previous political experience, has become one of the frontrunners in Ukraine's presidential election. His campaign is blurring the line between fact and fiction, as he stars in a hit TV series in which he plays a teacher who unexpectedly becomes president.

Some recent polls even put Mr Zelenskiy ahead of current President Petro Poroshenko, as well as opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, for the vote scheduled to begin with a first round on 31 March.

However, there are some important differences between Mr Zelenskiy and the TV character he plays, as BBC Ukraine Correspondent Jonah Fisher reports.
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100,000's of Russian men fleeing their country due to mobilization. And Russia is conscripting 100'000's more indiscriminately into the army. Just imagine what the impact of this is on the Russian economy. On their ability to produce goods and services. On their shipping and transportation ability. It will take 6 months for new recruits to form any sort of effective fighting force, and by that time Russia's economy will be bankrupt.
Maybe this was the deal between Putin and Xi.

Putin kills/drives off a huge percentage of his young males and helps Xi out of their stupid 'One Child' policy.