
Somebody in the Ukrainian military is impressed by bomb dropping commercial drones.

Ukraine Is Raising An "Army of Drones" As Iran Comes To Russia's Aid With Shahed-136 and Mohajer-6
8,116 views Oct 5, 2022 Ukraine’s government has purchased 986 drones in the last three months under its “Army of Drones project”. Kyiv appears to be creating a new air force made up of only drones and nearly 1,000 operators. According to Ukrainian Dy PM Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine has signed contracts worth $52 million for the new drones. Federov said that many of these drones are already helping the Ukrainian ground forces against Russia. For both sides, drones have been most effective when used to locate enemy targets and guide artillery fire toward them. Ukraine is also using non-military drones to spot enemy troops and to direct attacks.
Well equipped, US trained Ukrainian soldiers using US tactics, sophisticated US weapons, assisted by US contractors - vs - Antiquated Soviet era military reinforced with sheep herders and invalids from around the country.

What could go wrong for pootin?
Somebody in the Ukrainian military is impressed by bomb dropping commercial drones.

Ukraine Is Raising An "Army of Drones" As Iran Comes To Russia's Aid With Shahed-136 and Mohajer-6
8,116 views Oct 5, 2022 Ukraine’s government has purchased 986 drones in the last three months under its “Army of Drones project”. Kyiv appears to be creating a new air force made up of only drones and nearly 1,000 operators. According to Ukrainian Dy PM Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine has signed contracts worth $52 million for the new drones. Federov said that many of these drones are already helping the Ukrainian ground forces against Russia. For both sides, drones have been most effective when used to locate enemy targets and guide artillery fire toward them. Ukraine is also using non-military drones to spot enemy troops and to direct attacks.

The Russians are not competent to use drones effectively. Many of them are getting shot down before they engage any target.
Why haven't we sent a weird fuckin drone after putin, just be done with it.

He's a dude with nothing to lose, hes a war criminal. It's stupid to let someone run around being crazy like this. You don't fight crazy people, you just end that shit.
Why haven't we sent a weird fuckin drone after putin, just be done with it.

He's a dude with nothing to lose, hes a war criminal. It's stupid to let someone run around being crazy like this. You don't fight crazy people, you just end that shit.
Ending Vlad is up to the Russians, however, letting it be known that some personal sanctions would be dropped if Vlad ended up dead could help. Many of those around him have millions in Swiss and other tax haven haven't accounts abroad, money at risk of being seized. Just some government official with a couple of million bucks abroad and who is living like shit in Moscow would do. It would in effect put a contract on Vlad, because he is surrounded by corrupt people with money stashed in the west and they are personally under sanctions. Letting it be known that those personal sanctions could disappear along with Vlad might motivate someone who doesn't like Vlad anyway to arrange something.

Russia has one major problem right now, Vlad, if he died, the blame for everything would go with him into his grave as the scramble for power begins. Then the next guy can pull out of Ukraine while blaming the whole fiasco on Vlad's corpse.
The Russians are not competent to use drones effectively. Many of them are getting shot down before they engage any target.
They are a lethal combination when coupled with an M777 which is essentially a big fucking sniper rifle with a 25 km range. The smaller commercial drones don't have that extreme range, but that is changing with improved battery tech. Also, they had many issues with commercial drones earlier in the war, issues I believe they have largely overcome with modifications to the drones and tactics. The Ukrainians are also getting a lot more jammers and electronic anti drone "guns" point and shoot a powerful burst of microwaves at the fucker.
Clash with what Vlad? All ya got are nukes and of the 3500, most are tactical and about 750 are on missiles and at sea the rest are in storage. He could cause a lot of damage and death if just one got through, but it would literally be national suicide for Russia if they did something stupid. A demonstration nuke on the borders of Ukraine, what borders? There are old Soviet underground nuclear test sites in Ukraine I believe, though I don't know if they are under Russian control. His demonstration would be followed by a bigger NATO one. I think giving the Ukrainians ATACMs with an agreed-on target list that included all the rail bridges going into Ukraine from Russia would end this war very quickly with a Ukrainian victory. The Russians already there would be cut off and forced to surrender and new forces couldn't get there unless they walked or took a Lada from the railhead inside Russia. The Ukrainians would also probably inherit most of their tanks and equipment too, enough for another 50 BTGs at least. There are just 10 strategic rail bridges leading into Ukraine from Russia and Uncle Sam must have figured out a way to take them out at a distance. Since if you gotta fight the Russians, it's kinda obvious what their weakness is, the railways, they are utterly dependent on them.

Like Biden is gonna back down a month before an election, bad timing Vlad.

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Why haven't we sent a weird fuckin drone after putin, just be done with it.

He's a dude with nothing to lose, hes a war criminal. It's stupid to let someone run around being crazy like this. You don't fight crazy people, you just end that shit.
Because we don’t need to.
Also, we will have to come to a modus vivendi with his successor, once Vladolf’s doom catches up with him. Best to do that with cleaner hands.
They are a lethal combination when coupled with an M777 which is essentially a big fucking sniper rifle with a 25 km range. The smaller commercial drones don't have that extreme range, but that is changing with improved battery tech. Also, they had many issues with commercial drones earlier in the war, issues I believe they have largely overcome with modifications to the drones and tactics. The Ukrainians are also getting a lot more jammers and electronic anti drone "guns" point and shoot a powerful burst of microwaves at the fucker.
They have a longer range than that, by a large amount, it's dependent on the munitions and charges they are shooting.
Ending Vlad is up to the Russians, however, letting it be known that some personal sanctions would be dropped if Vlad ended up dead could help. Many of those around him have millions in Swiss and other tax haven haven't accounts abroad, money at risk of being seized. Just some government official with a couple of million bucks abroad and who is living like shit in Moscow would do. It would in effect put a contract on Vlad, because he is surrounded by corrupt people with money stashed in the west and they are personally under sanctions. Letting it be known that those personal sanctions could disappear along with Vlad might motivate someone who doesn't like Vlad anyway to arrange something.

Russia has one major problem right now, Vlad, if he died, the blame for everything would go with him into his grave as the scramble for power begins. Then the next guy can pull out of Ukraine while blaming the whole fiasco on Vlad's corpse.

It would certainly be ideal if Russians took him out. I think he is gonna do crazy things. He doesn't have an out anymore or reason to not just go wild.
Oh, I was just talking about regular rounds, with the battery commander watching the fall of his shots, it doesn't take many to take out a target.
It's 30 km with regular munitions.
Why a battery commander would be watching his shots if they weren't shooting direct fire or icm on the wire is beyond me though, that's not really how it's done. And you aren't doing either of those types of fire missions at 25 km.
It's 30 km with regular munitions.
Why a battery commander would be watching his shots if they weren't shooting direct fire or icm on the wire is beyond me though, that's not really how it's done. And you aren't doing either of those types of fire missions at 25 km.
Well having a God's eye view at 25 km has its advantages when things are moving around, but it's mostly used to call in GPS coordinates, it confirms kills too.
Well having a God's eye view at 25 km has its advantages when things are moving around, but it's mostly used to call in GPS coordinates, it confirms kills too.
Lol I am exceedingly familiar with the M777, it's variants, along with how artillery battery's operate.
Forward observers embedded with units, com guys, and drones typically send in most coordinates. No one is doing 25km direct fires with the battery commander calling in the missions.